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 Rep: 4 

Re: The Walking Dead

Love this show, but it just needs to sleep up a little!

It seems like the last god knows how many episodes have been spent piss farting around deciding what to do about the governor, having a big debate about it, going for a drive to pick up some gear, having a coffee and cake with the guy and still.. we are no where.

In saying that, I have never read the comic and I'm unsure how closely they are following it and what not.

Also, I was late catching onto the show, so I watched the first couple of seasons in a weekend which heaps make things seem at a decent pace. Waiting each week and the show not moving on so fast, makes it seem even slower!

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Walking Dead

Axlin16 wrote:
misterID wrote:

There's no way Andrea's dying. They won't swerve that much from the comic and she has a pretty significant role which she hasn't even tapped into yet ... Which is going to make Axlin's head friggin explode. 16

Some of the things they've changed for the TV show I don't get though. The fact they cut out the Governor raping Michone really takes away from her character and the story, imo.

I have a pretty good idea who's going to die next though.

I hope it's Glen at this point. He is such an epic pussy, yet he's fucking the best piece of ass on the show now that Lori's gone, which is utterly ridiculous.

First off, no white Southern Christian farmer would EVER let some slant eye fuck his best daughter. Never, ever, ever. Totally unrealistic.

Secondly, a girl like her is typically gonna be into douche bags. I'm suprised Shane didn't get to take a run on that before he got murdered.

Thirdly, that girl in reality would be ALL Daryl's in real life.

And fourth and final, tongue-in-cheek racism aside, does anybody else think Glen beyond being a totally FORCED character, has utterly NO chemistry with the actress on the show he has a relationship with? She has A TON of chemistry, and is a GREAT little actress, VERY understated on the show... and then there's Glen is fucking shit all over her charisma and dialogue.

And why is this guy getting laid? What the fuck has he EVER done other than PUSS OUT CONSTANTLY?

Then again...

Now that I think about it...

Totally realistic. Yep, completely realistic. Hot women always chose to fuck the guy that literally has NONE of his shit together fucking EVER, and then talk about how "he's misunderstood".

I wouldn't kill Glen, but if I was Merle, i'd beat the living shit out of him daily until he fought for hisself for a change.

 Rep: 77 

Re: The Walking Dead

smoke wrote:

Glen was a lot cooler early on when his sole duty was to lead covert supply missions. Of course, he seems to suck at that nowadays.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

I knew Andrea was gonna start stepping up. Episode so far is decent.

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

I knew Andrea was gonna start stepping up. Episode so far is decent.

Agreed. Finally...! 16 Pretty good episode. Glad to see Tyreese and his group back. Next episode is going to be intense.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

I predicted the fuck out of this episode!!!!!

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

I predicted the fuck out of this episode!!!!!

you aint the only one! 5

 Rep: 70 

Re: The Walking Dead

Woww..that was a great episode. Alot of improvements over the last few weeks.

Hidden Text:

Merle went out with a bang!

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

Fantastic. Loved it

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: The Walking Dead

Smoking Guns wrote:

Damn, powerful opening. Tune in now.

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