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 Rep: 194 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

metallex78 wrote:

Well, here's my Soundwave report... 9

As there were two main arenas where the big bands were playing (and this meant quite a few of the playing times clashed), it was either go watch the "metal" bands in one arena, or watch the "rock" bands in another arena.

I opted for the "metal" bands, and ended up pretty much seeing every band I wanted to see except for Duff's Loaded. But only because there were way too many people there, and to go out of the arena where all the big bands were playing (Metallica etc), was too much hard work.
And Duff was playing on a smaller stage way, way too far to get to, to risk losing my spot up close to see Metallica. Shame, because I really wanted to see Loaded... ah well!

Anyway, the day kicked off with Anthrax, and I wasn't as pumped to see them, because they have a fill-in lead guitarist, and the almighty Charlie Benante wasn't playing drums with them either... How wrong I was!
The lead guitarist did a solid enough job, and the guy filling in on drums (who I later found out was Jon Dette) was an absolute monster on the kit!
Scott, Joey and Frank were all over the stage too, with so much energy, it was hard to wipe the big stupid grin off my face while watching them.
They played a great mix of old and new songs, and even finished their set with a cover of AC/DC's T.N.T. which went over great with the Aussie crowd.


Next up was Tomahawk, and with Mike Patton fronting them, I thought they sounded a bit like Faith No More in parts.
And Mike is a funny front man, making jokes about them being "the only band on this bill with no tattoos, and the only band playing with their original drummer" 14

Bullet for my Valentine were up next, and I'm only familiar with their newer material from Scream Aim Fire onwards.
They played Scream Aim Fire, some older stuff, and quite a few new songs from their not very well received new album Temper Temper. But I thought those songs sounded much better live, and a bit more metal than the poppy studio versions.
They also had a real confidence about them too. So much so, I could almost see them getting to a Metallica level, maybe somewhere down the track... maybe...

Kyuss Lives is former members of Kyuss playing old Kyuss songs. There's only one Kyuss song I know, and they played it (Green Machine).
But I found the rest of their set kinda bland, and all the songs sounded the same. And they were too high up on the bill in my opinion.
They definitely killed the great vibe that Anthrax & Bullet had built up already.

Luckily, Stone Sour were up next, and they were excellent!
This was my second time seeing them live, and Corey still does the who macho, alpha-male, chest-beating stuff, but he seemed much more confident this time around.
Great mix of old and new SS tracks, and quite a few from their latest House of Gold & Bones that I love. Best band of the day so far... 9

Slayer, also fell to the same lineup mix ups like Anthrax had, with a fill-in lead guitarist, and fill-in drummer... who just so happened to be the same Anthrax fill in drummer - Jon Dette!
Again, what a beast he was behind that kit! The rest of the band were good, but his drumming was the highlight, even if he was only a fill in!
And what's more impressive, is that he had already ripped it up with Anthrax earlier in the day too. Much respect to Jon Dette! 9

Perfect Circle were unfortunately LAME! 10
And I'm a fan of theirs too. But the songs they played were shit and boring (didn't even play their biggest hit - Judith! 17)
AND, I don't think it was Josh Freese on drums either, which sucks.
In fact, I think the whole band is different, aside from the main guitarist and Maynard... and Maynard stood their in one spot the whole time, holding the mic stand... odd fellow! 14

Next were Linkin Park, and they fucking ROCKED, way way more than I expected.
Played a greatest hits set, and I was surprised at how many songs I actually knew that they played. Great energy.
Chester yells his fucking lungs out with so much pain and conviction, that even though I thought some of their "woe is me" songs were kinda lame, you can tell he sings with his heart on his sleeve. Great stuff! 

And of course, the MIGHTY Metallica fucking kicked all sorts of ASS!!! 9 9 9
After standing for nearly 10 hours with no piss break, or food, when they hit the stage I suddenly forgot about all the pain I was in... 14 9
James' voice has weakened over the years, but he sounded awesome. Lots of grit and growl.
I was impressed by Lars too, lots of double bass. I think he stepped up his game with so many other great metal drummers there.


Their set list was awesome too, opened with Hit the Lights, straight into Puppets, and then followed by the big tracks from the 80s, mixed with their big hits from the Black album.
Also threw in Orion (dedicated to Cliff, and Rob Trujillo 10 yr anniversary of being in the band), and busted out Fight Fire With Fire in their encore.

I loved every minute of their over 2 hour set. But afterwards, I was completely fucked.

Overall, a REALLY great day. I just I'm think I'm getting too old for this festival shit... 14


^ And this is me on the day... 9

 Rep: 194 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

metallex78 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

awesome have a blast monkey!

metallex hop you had a good time! that setlist is killer

Thanks dude, it really was a GREAT day! 9

 Rep: 50 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

Rex wrote:

Wow, I'm fuckin jealous. We don't get many of those kickass festivals here in the states. I really wanted to go to Orion Music + More last year, but I'm a broke ass. 16 Glad you had a good time, man. That's a great block of music.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

buzzsaw wrote:

Awesome - glad you had a good time.  Outside of Metallica, which band did you enjoy most?

 Rep: 287 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

Aussie wrote:

Sounds good Metallex, I'm going to Soundwavw this Monday (it's a long weekend here). I can't wait!

Its a big week, saw Kiss and Mötley Crüe Thursday night, Soundwave this Monday then GNR next Saturday.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

Axlin16 wrote:

So how do festivals work? 'Cause i've never been to one, and I don't know the difference between a big festival and a small festival. There's a small festival i've been thinking of going to, and it's supposed to start at 8:30 on a Friday.

Now does it last all through the night, or the weekend? Or is it different bands on different days? I have no clue how this shit works.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

metallex78 wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Sounds good Metallex, I'm going to Soundwavw this Monday (it's a long weekend here). I can't wait!

Its a big week, saw Kiss and Mötley Crüe Thursday night, Soundwave this Monday then GNR next Saturday.

Awesome, a big week of ROCK! 9

How were Mötley and KISS?
I've seen both bands before, and I would've liked to see them again, but I'm still a bit tight on cash at the moment.

And, Aerosmith and Van Halen have announced tours as well...!

 Rep: 194 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

metallex78 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Awesome - glad you had a good time.  Outside of Metallica, which band did you enjoy most?

Tough call, but probably a tie between Anthrax and Stone Sour. I love old school thrash, and Anthrax delivered on that front! 9

And I LOVE Stone Sour's new album, so to hear Gone Sovereign and Absolute Zero played back to back was great! 5

I forgot to mention that I saw another band called Red Fang, earlier in the day, and they were pretty cool too.
Their singer/bassist looked like Seth Rogen as well... 16 

Also caught some of Dragonforce's set, and I recognised them from Guitar Hero! 3

 Rep: 194 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

metallex78 wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

So how do festivals work? 'Cause i've never been to one, and I don't know the difference between a big festival and a small festival. There's a small festival i've been thinking of going to, and it's supposed to start at 8:30 on a Friday.

Now does it last all through the night, or the weekend? Or is it different bands on different days? I have no clue how this shit works.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Soundwave was a one day festival.

I arrived in the morning about 11am, and they had two arenas set up for the main stages, with two stages side by side. So while one band plays, the other stage is being set up, leaving no break between performances.
And then, there were a bunch of smaller stages in various size, set up outside the main arenas, for lesser known bands to play.
And there was a program given out with a timetable, so you could plan who you wanted to see throughout the day.

Metallica were the last band to play, and they started after 8pm and finished around 10.30pm, so it was almost 12 hours of music, which was way more than enough for me.
Usually I'm buggered from just seeing one 2 hour set, letalone standing for close to 12 hours... 16

Oh, and one thing that ain't so great, is the queues for food, toilets and the bar... 10

But overall, music festivals are really great fun though.
The whole vibe of being outdoors with the sun shining down on you, and rocking out to your fav band, is awesome! 9

 Rep: 59 

Re: Soundwave Australia 2013

jorge76 wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

So how do festivals work? 'Cause i've never been to one, and I don't know the difference between a big festival and a small festival. There's a small festival i've been thinking of going to, and it's supposed to start at 8:30 on a Friday.

Now does it last all through the night, or the weekend? Or is it different bands on different days? I have no clue how this shit works.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

The short answer is that it really all varies based on the festival.  Just research the specific one you're going to and see how they work it.

I'm going to a small alt-country festival in a couple months and this one is set up different than most in a few ways.  This one has two stages, but they're not having music on both stages at the same time.  Most of the time multiple sets are going on at the same time so you have to pick and choose who you want to see.

Unlike what Metallex mentioned about Metallica, be prepared for the bands you want to see most to not play the full set that you'd see them play if they're playing on their own. 

You mentioned overnight, I went to Woodstock 94, and after the bands ended they had a weird rave thing that went on all night if you wanted to stay up and check it out.  But that fest involved everyone camping too, some small multiple day ones will kick you out at night and make you buy tickets for each day.

8:30 AM or PM start?  Really either one seems odd to me. What's the festival you're thinking of going to?

metallex78 wrote:

Oh, and one thing that ain't so great, is the queues for food, toilets and the bar... 10

But overall, music festivals are really great fun though.
The whole vibe of being outdoors with the sun shining down on you, and rocking out to your fav band, is awesome! 9

And that^
Lollapalooza 96, it was around 100 degrees and humid and 12 ounce bottles of water were $3.00.  Both brutal and ridiculous, but my memories of the day are mostly great.

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