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 Rep: 77 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

TheMole wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Every state has a "militia" least every state that I'm aware of.  That's not even including the crazies with their own militia.

What do you mean by this, Buzzsaw? Are you referring to the state defense forces? If so, slightly over half of US states do indeed have one in one form or the other, but in all cases they report to the governor. So I would assume you're not counting those, as they also represent government. Unless you're only worry is the federal government? Just to be sure, my definition of a militia, and the definition which applies to this discussion I believe is "a military force composed of and run by ordinary citizens". Your state defense forces help defend your country from other countries and could defend your state government from your federal government. An actual militia would defend your citizens from your state and federal governments, and I don't think that "every state" has one if you exclude the "crazies"... And I believe the kind of militia the "crazies" organize, you can do without.

buzzsaw wrote:

Change may be coming, but at nowhere near the level you seem to think it is.  Guns aren't going away.  They will never go away.  Even if by some miracle they pass a law banning them and it manages to get by the Supreme Court, people aren't giving up their guns.

Listen, you're a smart guy, there's no way that you don't understand that it requires a certain amount of hyperbole to make a point in discussions like these. Of course no one will take away your guns (I know, you don't own one...) or your right to own a gun, but you need to overstate your goals in order to land where you want to end up. And I believe you'll end up having some restriction and safety measures that are not designed to limit gun ownership but to limit gun abuse. I don't care if you own a gun, a fluorescent green buttplug or DVDs of every Rosie O'Donnell show ever made. Your vices are your own business. Just don't flaunt them in public, don't leave them were your kids can get to them and make sure you know how to use them safely...

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:

People know how to use them.  Some people know how to use them too well.  "Limiting" guns does nothing to prevent what you're looking to prevent.  Not in the US at least.  So, what are you really trying to accomplish?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Axlin16 wrote:

I believe outside of America, the world is having a completely different discussion than most Americans are.

I'm honestly not making this up. All of this media and Washington discussion of gun control, is simply circle jerking to ass cover.

I believe literally NO restriction will happen. Nothing is gonna change, and I don't even think the assault rifle ban will be re-instated, even though I support it being re-instated.

Nothing is gonna change imo. This is simply certain media individuals with a "if it bleeds it leads" mentality trying to grab readers and create this uproar when there is none.

Sure there are tons of people in this country who support tougher gun laws (typically they don't own them or understand them or understand criminal behavior, but that's beside the point). Point is, we've always had people who support tougher gun laws.

But in this country, I truely believe there are far FAR more that support the 2nd Amendment, and if anything allowing even more of a laid back approach to it. It's typical American mentality.

This stuff will pass, and I doubt much will change, if anything.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Smoking Guns wrote:

. This shit is nuts. Basically says a bunch of actors were brought in to act like families.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Axlin16 wrote:

1) People will find conspiracies IN ANYTHING; so take with a grain of salt


2) The media and banks and governments will manipulate ANYTHING to suit their own needs at the same time; so don't be too skeptical

The government has guns. The banks have private armies with guns.

If the citizens lose there's? That's it man. The whole point of the constitution is flushed.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Smoking Guns wrote:

If you watch that video, it will definitely make one think. The funds on Facebook that started before the massacre are the craziest parts.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:

The music was the best part of that video...the rest of it is crap.  I stopped watching about 3-4 minutes into it.  They are trying to use the misinformation that ALWAYS comes out because everyone is try to get the scoop first as proof that something happened.

This reminds me a lot of those trumped up 9/11 videos where the supposed evidence that it didn't really happen was actually the altered images...

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

If you watch that video, it will definitely make one think. The funds on Facebook that started before the massacre are the craziest parts.

I didn't get that far in the video, but it's possible to change te title of a page on facebook you know.  It could have been established for something else, then changed after the event. 

The only people that believe this shit are the people that want to believe it.  You can make ANYTHING into a conspiracy if you really want to.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Axlin16 wrote:

I completely agree. I don't like to completely discredit conspiracies anymore (know too much; my innocence was lost too) but at the same time, even still -- 99.9% of all of them are garbage.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

misterID wrote: … 33813.html

I really hope theses conspiracy nuts will off themselves.

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