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 Rep: 475 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

misterID wrote:

I think answers lie in big gun and bullet taxes, like how we tax cigarettes. Make a basic gun license come with a background check and a huge price tage. Make a collector's permit that's even more stringent of a BG check and even more expensive so you can still own those AR-15's,but only very few people can afford them. Make it where you can't purchase guns at gun shows without BG checks. Make a law that if your gun is used in a crime, even if it's stolen, you'll be hit with a huge fine. Also, more detailed program for the mentally ill, investing in poor, high-crime neighborhoods in education, lowering teenage pregnancy and boost the economies in those areas. Also, keep the gun buy back programs going.

That shoud make everyone happy and anrgy all at the same time. And you don't have to ban guns wink

 Rep: 768 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Axlin16 wrote:

I completely agree with that idea. There are plenty of guys that if they had to pass more stringent tests and got hit with bigger taxes on having guns... they wouldn't have them.

I'm not gonna lie, EVERY SINGLE GUY that I know that owns an assault rifle is a small dicked, idiotic, borderline crazy, douche bag. Usually they have them because they're trying to compensate for their extra 50 pounds and 2 inch dick. Think football jocks back in high school. Those types own assault rifles.

Those cats surely need more rules, if not their assault rifles taken away.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:

I'm a little concerned that you know their dick size, but I can't disagree with the stereotype...

 Rep: 386 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Bono wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
RussTCB wrote:

For the record, I haven't been able to keep up with this thread due to time issues. Back at the beginning, I posted that anyone was welcome to PM me if they had any issues with insults flying that I hadn't seen. So if Bono and/or buzz or anyone else had a problem with the way the thread is or isn't being moderated, they could have PM'd me at any point.

Either way, Neemo has been keeping an eye on it and saw no reason to ban anyone. He's been at the moderating game a lot longer than me and he's great at it. It appears to me that his laying low is being mistaken for being "afraid".

Don't get me wrong...I don't care.  Bono can say whatever idiotic things he wants to say and it won't bother me personally.  It's been years since I reported anybody and if I remember correctly that was for a completely uncalled for personal attack.  I don't really care what people say. 

But anyone that has been reading this thread can't say there haven't been insults flung out there, and most of them aimed at the US and anyone supporting the idea that we should have the right to decide our own rules and/or things that work other places don't work here.  This thread has basically been the world slinging insults at the US, and bono just took it to the point that I was sick of his shit and gave him exactly what he deserved.  At least most of the other posters were trying to have a discussion; bono was just being an asshole, so I called him on it. 

He then went into is typical poor me, everybody's picking on me shit instead of accepting any responsibility for his words.  Then he went to give negative karma (like he always does when anyone dares to disagree with him) and I expect him to give me more negative karma when he sees I responded to's always the same cycle with bono.  Then a little more poor me followed by a rant against society in general for shitting on him.

16 Blah Blah Blah Buzz.  first time back in this thread and it will be my last. I feel sorry for you Buzz. Only an idiot would think the negative karma was based on  difference of  opinion. Click your karma man and you'll see exactly what post you got it for. Pretty clear why you got it.  The fact you tried to pass it off as me giving it to you for a difference of opinion is so pathetic and  weak.

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Only certain states have background checks. In Florida you have to wait a few days or a week for them to do a background check and you can be arrested if you're a felon and attempt to buy one. Here in TN you can walk into a gun store and walk out with as many guns as you want. Same with gun shows.

Good to know.  There's a place I would support starting then...

Holy shit would you look at that! Both of you! Gee maybe the non Americans actually do know what they are talking about and are making valid points. Your culture isn't set in stone kids. You can take steps to begin to change it. But then again I'm not American so I'm not smart enough to comment. Carry on.

 Rep: 83 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

otto wrote:

I stayed off this topic for a while (well, since it started basically). It's not a post against US laws, it's just reiterating what TheMole posted a few pages back about laws needing to be updated. … nt-married

Just food for thought.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:
Bono wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
RussTCB wrote:

For the record, I haven't been able to keep up with this thread due to time issues. Back at the beginning, I posted that anyone was welcome to PM me if they had any issues with insults flying that I hadn't seen. So if Bono and/or buzz or anyone else had a problem with the way the thread is or isn't being moderated, they could have PM'd me at any point.

Either way, Neemo has been keeping an eye on it and saw no reason to ban anyone. He's been at the moderating game a lot longer than me and he's great at it. It appears to me that his laying low is being mistaken for being "afraid".

Don't get me wrong...I don't care.  Bono can say whatever idiotic things he wants to say and it won't bother me personally.  It's been years since I reported anybody and if I remember correctly that was for a completely uncalled for personal attack.  I don't really care what people say. 

But anyone that has been reading this thread can't say there haven't been insults flung out there, and most of them aimed at the US and anyone supporting the idea that we should have the right to decide our own rules and/or things that work other places don't work here.  This thread has basically been the world slinging insults at the US, and bono just took it to the point that I was sick of his shit and gave him exactly what he deserved.  At least most of the other posters were trying to have a discussion; bono was just being an asshole, so I called him on it. 

He then went into is typical poor me, everybody's picking on me shit instead of accepting any responsibility for his words.  Then he went to give negative karma (like he always does when anyone dares to disagree with him) and I expect him to give me more negative karma when he sees I responded to's always the same cycle with bono.  Then a little more poor me followed by a rant against society in general for shitting on him.

16 Blah Blah Blah Buzz.  first time back in this thread and it will be my last. I feel sorry for you Buzz. Only an idiot would think the negative karma was based on  difference of  opinion. Click your karma man and you'll see exactly what post you got it for. Pretty clear why you got it.  The fact you tried to pass it off as me giving it to you for a difference of opinion is so pathetic and  weak.

Yes, because "Fuck you prick" makes it quite clear it has nothing to do with a difference of opinion.  Thank God it will be your last, though knowing you it won't be.  I'm pretty sure you weren't ever coming back here after being banned too, but trolls have a tough time staying away.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

metallex78 wrote:

No offense intended towards anyone here in this thread, but seeing this hilarious interview kinda reminded me of the stupid arguments going on here. Oh, and this Alex guy gives Americans a really bad name the way he's carrying on, as well as guys named Alex like me... 14 … rview-ever

When he puts on a British accent in the second part, I was rolling on the floor with laughter! 14 14 14

 Rep: 221 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

polluxlm wrote:

My name is Alex too 14

The joke is of course that he's right about a lot of things he says, but his behavior make him look like a nut. Me and my friends were laughing hard, but also crying a bit on the inside when this is the image created of a pro gun advocate. A loud, rambling lunatic who thinks there's going to be a war with the government.

But of course, he wouldn't be allowed on Piers if he didn't fit the script.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:

Does anyone in Europe think that there's no reason to worry about a war with a government?  I know it's happened several times in this country.  It's happened more than several times in Europe.  I'm not sure why you guys think that isn't even a possibility...

 Rep: 221 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

polluxlm wrote:

Because government say they love you and people believe it. Apart from certain segments in the USA it's the same I'd say. Government are very good at making people forget their long sheet of misdeeds.

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