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 Rep: 423 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

buzzsaw wrote:

I'm glad I wasn't there for that.  I'm sure they had fun with it, but I didn't pay to see them having fun at Beta's expense (as much as I support actually making fun of Beta).

 Rep: 194 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

metallex78 wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

Beta is credited for bass and triangle on CD 2.

I heard she also shares lead vocals on the studio version of The Seeker, which will be the first single.

FIRST DAY BUYER!!!! 14 14 14 14 14

 Rep: 41 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

Ali wrote:
RussTCB wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

That Better vid is pretty good in fairness but it's a shame that at the last show of the residency the most interesting thing that seemingly happened was Beta may or may not have played the bass during a jam.

Apparently there were balloons instead of confetti. Counts as a surprise, no? 16

There were indeed.  It was a little distracting having those being popped in random succession while I was trying to listen to and watch PC.


 Rep: 0 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

highvoltage wrote:

Glad you guys enjoyed the vids and Beta pic... wink check out Catcher from the 23rd if it hasn't been posted yet!

For what it's worth, I don't think anyone that was there read into the Beta thing being anything more than a little last-show fun. She was laughing, the guys were laughing and it wasn't for very long. I'm surprised people are going on about it so much! It just brought the human element to the gig... Wasn't weird or disrespectful, just a little spontaneous fun.


 Rep: 633 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 41 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

Ali wrote:
RussTCB wrote:
highvoltage wrote:

Glad you guys enjoyed the vids and Beta pic... wink check out Catcher from the 23rd if it hasn't been posted yet!

For what it's worth, I don't think anyone that was there read into the Beta thing being anything more than a little last-show fun. She was laughing, the guys were laughing and it wasn't for very long. I'm surprised people are going on about it so much! It just brought the human element to the gig... Wasn't weird or disrespectful, just a little spontaneous fun.


That's what Ali has been saying the whole time. I think it would'v been taken differently by people actually at the show, which seems to be the case with most things in GN'R world 16 axl

Ain't that the damn truth.


 Rep: 149 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

slcpunk wrote:

What's next? Jarmo on the third set of keyboards?

 Rep: 287 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

Aussie wrote:

It just looks like a bit of light hearted fun to me.

That said that family is still annoying.  My preference would be that they let the band be the band and keep their fucken tweets and ugly mugs to themelves.  Just go about their business discretely.

I feel a similar way with Perla, I don't care you what she has to say.  Slash is the star not her, she can go take a long walk off a short pier.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

metallex78 wrote:
Cramer wrote:

What's next? Jarmo on the third set of keyboards?

We can only hope... 14

 Rep: 633 

Re: 11-24-12 The Joint Las Vegas, NV

RussTCB wrote:


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