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 Rep: 231 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

-D- wrote:

Aerosmith and this record are the main reason I hope GNR never get back together. U can tell the band "hate" each other and are doing it for the cash grab. needed a new album cause those Greatest Hits tours were growing old.

Ive never been a huge Joe Perry fan either. He writes some good riffs but for the most part, his guitar solos are a snooze fest.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:
faldor wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

I'm kinda getting to that opinion myself. It's so rare to hear new music anymore. And it doesn't help Aerosmith that the album debuted at #5 with only a pathetic 63,000 copies (if i'm right about the numbers) here in the states. Doesn't bode well for future new music, especially for these older artists that can live off the back catalog for years.

They need all the support they can get with new music. I'll download the album this weekend and let you know what I think, even though i'm not as familiar with Aerosmith's deep cuts as some of the rest of you.

Man is that right?  So much for American Idol revitalizing their career and winning them new fans.  A #5 debut doesn't seem to indicate that really happened.

I think it shows the lack of interest being there. Steven dropped a single when he was actually still on Idol and I don't think it did super well. Not what he was looking for.

They really are the first band of their generation that I can honestly say they've flatlined in terms of interest. Floyd still has that appeal, Stones still do, even a reunited GN'R would have some.

Aerosmith's fans have been barking for years for a return to their 70's edgier roots, and although i'm doubting they'll ever record again after this one, it might be a direction they'd take. Appealing to their hardcore fanbase for a change, rather than trying to figure out how to record a hot new single.

See here's the thing, in the late 90's, Aerosmith could still record a sappy melodic rock ballad and make it be a radio hit, because rock was still not so far removed from the 80's, that 80's Aerosmith still had some light appeal on Top 40 radio with that sound.

But in 2012 they sound like fossils, yet they are only 25 years removed from that period. Right now there is more appeal for Aerosmith in returning to that 70's sound (look at The Stones recent singles and their positive reception).

But like D said, they hate each other. They want it EASY. When it requires them to dig deep, they'll just retire.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

monkeychow wrote:

Hmm..maybe it's cos I'm only a casual fan but I'm digging this record. It still sounds like Aerosmith to me.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

I started listening to it last night, got three songs in. None of it grabbed me at all.

I'm gonna try again here soon.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

monkeychow wrote:

^ Listen to the jam ending of "Out go the lights" and up real loud on a nice stereo smile

 Rep: 231 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

-D- wrote:

Out go The Lights is a legit bad ass song.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

metallex78 wrote:

Shame to hear that after not releasing an album in so long, a new Aerosmith album is being called very average by listeners...

I still wanna check this out though!

 Rep: 59 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

jorge76 wrote:
metallex78 wrote:

Shame to hear that after not releasing an album in so long, a new Aerosmith album is being called very average by listeners...

I still wanna check this out though!

I could see that feeling, but when you think about it, how many bands put out an album most people would consider even average 39 years after they started? 

I love the Stones, but I would say they have many more turds in their discography than Aerosmith does.  It's something that most always comes with longevity. 

Really, I think some of these songs could have been hits when they were having hits 20-ish years ago...  but it's not 20 years ago anymore.  There's not really any people clamoring for a throwback to that time for them, most Aerosmith fans want a throwback to 35 years ago.  Even those of us who were too young to witness it at the time.

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

Lomax wrote:


The best riff on the album has joe perry straining his voice all over it. Pure ego. You can't sing man, shut the fuck up and let your singer (one of the all time greats) sing!

I wanted an album of dirty blues like the original number they had on "honkin":
There's good moments on this album no doubt. But my god they are few and far between.
Not half enough bluesy grime on this album. Not half enough bluesy grime by half.

I'm gonna delete all the love songs like somebody proposed. Just fucking delete them and hold onto the good shit, pretend that I live in an alternative reality where that's the album.

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