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 Rep: 633 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 59 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

jorge76 wrote:
RussTCB wrote:
-D- wrote:

yeah it has some good songs just nothing amazing and a lot of crap.

Still haven't gotten around to listening to this. Is it worth at least putting in the car for a couple of days of driving?

Picked it up off itunes the other day.  It's worth checking out, but don't go in with high expectations.

A buddy of mine said he got bored before it was over, that didn't happen to me, but I listened to it in 3 different installments.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

-D- wrote:

yeah its worth a few listens. It has some decent songs first half of album, then it goes to shit IMO.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

DCK wrote:

It's all over the place, perhaps interesting in itself. Too much love and softness if u ask me. Doesn't have the rawness of Nine Lives and Get a Grip at all. Doesn't sound like Rocks either. Some songs reminds me of their first album.

Very little cool guitars. Steven carries the shit with his singing. Wonder where Joe was when they recorded this. He wasn't inventing new riffs thats for sure.

But, still so refreshing to get something new to listen to from Aero. People who say they shouldn't tarnish the Aero name with shit albums and so on can go fuck themselves with a stick. Thank God people still want to make music and make me listen to something else than Too Bad (SOS) for the umpteenth time.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

I'm kinda getting to that opinion myself. It's so rare to hear new music anymore. And it doesn't help Aerosmith that the album debuted at #5 with only a pathetic 63,000 copies (if i'm right about the numbers) here in the states. Doesn't bode well for future new music, especially for these older artists that can live off the back catalog for years.

They need all the support they can get with new music. I'll download the album this weekend and let you know what I think, even though i'm not as familiar with Aerosmith's deep cuts as some of the rest of you.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

-D- wrote:

My favorite song on the album is "out Go the Lights"  nice tasty riff and is pretty fun and upbeat.

is it just me, or does Steven sound like he needs to clear his throat really bad before singing on this album.... his voice at times is really fucking scratchy and not in a good way.

Fuck can't remember how to post vids here. LOL

 Rep: 661 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

monkeychow wrote:
RussTCB wrote:
-D- wrote:

yeah it has some good songs just nothing amazing and a lot of crap.

Still haven't gotten around to listening to this. Is it worth at least putting in the car for a couple of days of driving?

It's been a bit of a grower for me.

* "out go the lights" has those cheeky steven tyler lyrics going on: "When you're giving up women and wiskey you aint got nothing at all, then a sign on the wall - held up with a tac, it said 'Liquor in the Front' and 'Poker in the Back'" big_smile

* "Out Go the Lights" also has a really fun band jam outro - bit of noodling from Joe and fun stuff with harmonica and backup girls singing and stuff....goes nicely into "Legendary Child" which curiously opens with a riff from the previous song - and which Joe hinted is at least 20 years old in an interview....

* Luv XXX and
* Beautiful

Both have real solid aerosmith rhythm grooves to them.

Ballad wise
*Another Last goodbye - a desmond child ballad - I'm a sucker for this guys old school epic romance songs - like his work with Jovi, Baz and this...but if you don't like desmond child you won't like this track - but it shows off Steven's screachy range nicely.

while "Can't stop loving you" is a more 90s aerosmith ballad to me - along the lines of stuff like "I don't want to miss a thing".

As i said I don't think there's a "Walk this Way" moment, and cos i'm a casual fan maybe the nuances are lost on me - maybe people more familiar with deep aerosmith cuts might find this offensive in some way - but to me it's a fun listen - not earth changing but nice to have on in the background...and Out Go the Lights is a bit of a good time.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

-D- wrote:

Out go The Lights is my favorite, I like Beautiful, What Could Have Been Love is decent but not compared to What It Takes, Hole In My Soul, Crazy etc.

Luv xxx is good, I like Lover Alot but the music doesnt grab me, Steven saves it the best he can.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

faldor wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

I'm kinda getting to that opinion myself. It's so rare to hear new music anymore. And it doesn't help Aerosmith that the album debuted at #5 with only a pathetic 63,000 copies (if i'm right about the numbers) here in the states. Doesn't bode well for future new music, especially for these older artists that can live off the back catalog for years.

They need all the support they can get with new music. I'll download the album this weekend and let you know what I think, even though i'm not as familiar with Aerosmith's deep cuts as some of the rest of you.

Man is that right?  So much for American Idol revitalizing their career and winning them new fans.  A #5 debut doesn't seem to indicate that really happened.

Re: Aerosmith Discussion

Lomax wrote:

Just turned it on now for the first time. Fucking Aerosmith. a whole 1:28 seconds into LuvXXX so far so good.

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