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Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

If HHH breaks the streak I will stop watching.

There is ZERO point to it. It only makes sense to give that kind of rub to create a new star BUT the problem is it's very difficult to find someone who is reliable, worthy enough and guaranteed to stick around. Therefore no one should break the streak and if they decided one year that they must break it then they better use it to create a new star because otherwise that's just throwing away a great opportunity and padding out the resume of a legend who doesn't need that at this stage in his career.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

It's getting better and better.

If they added Austin as a "Special Enforcer" to make sure HBK doesn't turn on Taker, that might be the best card they've had since the heyday of the Attitude Era.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

It's getting better and better.

If they added Austin as a "Special Enforcer" to make sure HBK doesn't turn on Taker, that might be the best card they've had since the heyday of the Attitude Era.

Or what would be awesome is if Austin tried to interfere in some way as the "special enforcer" and have HBK go to deliver sweet chin music to Austin, Austin ducks, HBK drills Taker and Triple H pins Taker. Holy shit storm!!! Who's the heel?  HBK is pissed that Triple H did what he coudln't and he sweet chins Triple H and knocks him out. Taker comes to as Austin is trying to Stun HBK, HBK pushes Austin into Taker who delivers a choke slam to the Rattlesnake and Then it's HBK and Taker left. HBK tries Sweet chin music, Taker blocks it anddelivers the last ride and then picks HBK up for one last choke slam. Now that is a  way the streak could be broken and it would be awesome!  Streak ends, Undertaker reigns supreme still.


 Rep: 53 

Re: The Wrestling thread

slashsfro wrote:

You guys write better scenarios/angles than the shit the WWE puts out.  Anyone not suprised that the Taker-HHH match/angle is probably being planned extensively by both wrestlers and not by WWE "creative"?

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Bono wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

It's getting better and better.

If they added Austin as a "Special Enforcer" to make sure HBK doesn't turn on Taker, that might be the best card they've had since the heyday of the Attitude Era.

Or what would be awesome is if Austin tried to interfere in some way as the "special enforcer" and have HBK go to deliver sweet chin music to Austin, Austin ducks, HBK drills Taker and Triple H pins Taker. Holy shit storm!!! Who's the heel?  HBK is pissed that Triple H did what he coudln't and he sweet chins Triple H and knocks him out. Taker comes to as Austin is trying to Stun HBK, HBK pushes Austin into Taker who delivers a choke slam to the Rattlesnake and Then it's HBK and Taker left. HBK tries Sweet chin music, Taker blocks it anddelivers the last ride and then picks HBK up for one last choke slam. Now that is a  way the streak could be broken and it would be awesome!  Streak ends, Undertaker reigns supreme still.


That's a great scenario. It also sets up a potential HBK/Taker rematch next year with Austin as special referee.

It also could be used to work Austin back into a potential match. With Austin's supreme physical shape maintained (other than the neck), they've already teased Austin/HHH, or Austin/HBK rematches in the past recently.

It would perfectly set it up. It also would carry Taker over until next year, if Austin is his mouth piece each week, while Taker sits waiting for next WM.

I highly doubt McMahon extinguishes "the streak" tho, although at this point for your scenario to work, Taker needs some sort of heat to go into next WM, and being defeated under that scenario is the only way it'd work. Alternating Taker/HHH, Taker/HBK, Taker/Cena, forever is only gonna go so far. Eventually McMahon is gonna have to call on Rock or Austin to continue that whole thing.

You cannot sell Taker versus "anyone in the locker room" each year, when Taker is sitting at home not pushing anything or building any kind of heat with anyone each week.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

You guys write better scenarios/angles than the shit the WWE puts out.  Anyone not suprised that the Taker-HHH match/angle is probably being planned extensively by both wrestlers and not by WWE "creative"?

Alot of times WWE "creative" are the wrestlers.

Or as Stone Cold said once,  "the WWE creative people aren't that creative. It's a crap shoot at best, believe me".

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

That's a great scenario. It also sets up a potential HBK/Taker rematch next year with Austin as special referee.

It also could be used to work Austin back into a potential match. With Austin's supreme physical shape maintained (other than the neck), they've already teased Austin/HHH, or Austin/HBK rematches in the past recently.

It would perfectly set it up. It also would carry Taker over until next year, if Austin is his mouth piece each week, while Taker sits waiting for next WM.

I highly doubt McMahon extinguishes "the streak" tho, although at this point for your scenario to work, Taker needs some sort of heat to go into next WM, and being defeated under that scenario is the only way it'd work. Alternating Taker/HHH, Taker/HBK, Taker/Cena, forever is only gonna go so far. Eventually McMahon is gonna have to call on Rock or Austin to continue that whole thing.

You cannot sell Taker versus "anyone in the locker room" each year, when Taker is sitting at home not pushing anything or building any kind of heat with anyone each week.

What would be really fucking awesome would be to have the exact scenario I described play out. The shock of Taker losing his streak would be huge and it would create buzz/heat for next years Mania. Also the fact nobody would be really sure who the heel is would be incredible. HHH would be hated for breaking the streak. Austin would be hated for being the guy who started interfering in the match and HBK would be hated for delivering the KO on Taker.  Then you'd still have the angry Taker standing over all of them at the end.

Now imagine this. Kane being Undertaker's brother can be written in easily. Over the course of the next year you somehow also build The Rock into it and come Survivor series they start the all time greatest build up to a wrestlemania by creating a  scenario that includes

The Rock
Triple H

And it all boils to a head at Wrestlemania with either an Elimination Chamber match or a 6 man elimination Hell in the Cell

Of course the Undertaker destroys them all gaining a  pinfall or submission over all 5 guys.

I'd even eliminate each guy in this fashion in this order

1. Austin:  by submission in the Hells Gate(I think that's what it's called) although he doesn't tap. Just passes out

2. The Rock: by pinfall after taker hits him with a chair or something

3. HBK: by pinfall after HBK misses with SCM Undertaker drills him with the Last Ride twice.

4. Triple H: By subbmisson. Taker somehow counters the pedigree and catches Tripe H in the Hells Gate. Triple H eventually taps out.

5. Kane: Kane has the upper hand. He does his little move with his arms to get the flames to blow up durring the match and as they do the lights go out about 15 seconds go by  and then Undertaker's bell tolls. The lights come back on and Taker has Kane in a choke slam and drills it. As Kane hits the canvas the lights start to flicker and then that dark purple light fills the arena as the match si still taking place. The Bell continues to toll as the dark purple light fills the arena and Taker hits Kane again with a choke slam. Finally as the bell is still tolling Taker hits Kane one more time with the choke slam and gets the pinfall.

Not only would it put a stamp on the attitude era it would be the most epic way for Undertaker to go out.

It would be FUCKING AWESOME!  I should write for WWE


Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

Whilst that match would be badass the one problem is it ends the streak. It kills so much of Taker's mystique.

Also unfortunately I don't know if Austin would want to wrestle or HBK for that matter. And if Austin did come out I get the feeling he'd want to wrestle one of the younger guys and give them the rub. This 6-way dance thing could have worked a few years ago but not now. As much as I know you guys don't like the new guys the WWE needs forward planning and that means creating a new Austin, Rock, HBK, HHH, Kane and Taker. And with all these guys on the way out they need to get the most they can out of them now and the best they can do there is with a match putting over younger talent and making that talent look like a a million bucks.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

Taker's mystique would not be tarnished at all because his streak would be ended in an unlegit way. Plus it creates the possibility of having an incredibly angry and pissed off Undertaker.  Then to follow it up the year later with his all out destruction of all the main guys from the Attitude era would only increase his mystique. He'd be 20-1 and that one loss woud be the motivation to his destruction of the attitude era roster. In my opinion its perfect.

And no offence but we just disgaree on this part about new gusy needinga  push from the older guys. I don't want any of the old guys jobbing to the fucks on the roster now. There isn't anyone on the roster that is worthy of tarnishing the legacy of any of the names mentioned. I sure as shit don't want to see Dolph Ziggler get over on The Rock. I would puke is CM Punk got over on Austin. I definitly don't want to see the Miz get over on HBK. The new generation needs to build their own legacy. I don't want them buidling it off the Attitude era at all.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

The problem Axl S, is short of CM Punk, they don't have another Attitude generation. They just don't. Even McMahon knows it.

They will milk these guys until they are in walkers. There just isn't anyone in that locker room, nor over at Impact that's gonna be the torch to follow up "Austin 3:16".

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