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 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

I think if this is the last Wrestlemania we see Undertaker (20-0), it's the true end of the post Attidude Era and realisation of WWE the next generation.

Pretty much the entire basis of HHH's speech when talking to HBK tonight. I thought the HBK/HHH/Undertaker promo was pretty cool tonight.  Will make for an interesting storyline leading up to Wrestlemania.... at least for me it will.

Cena/Kane thing sucked as usual although laughed my ass off when the fans started chanting "FRUITY PEBBLE" at Cena.

The Elimination Chamber debate was lame as fuck.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

That main event was bullshit. That was a terrible payoff to this feud because we're right where we were beforehand. Glad to see Bryan retain, and him 1 Vs 1 with Santino at the end of that Chamber match was actually really good. Makes me think Santino could possibly work, if he was made a tiny bit more serious (but still kept as a comedic character), as a main event talent for a brief few months with a title reign. Him and Bryan could be a good feud IF done right.

That main event was just so borrrrriiiiinnggggggg though. Especially considering we got the first signs of Cena possibly turning into something somewhat resembling a heel this past Monday, for him to just go out be regular Cena and at the end be all happy-clappy smiles and no-sell a beatdown all match by Kane. Bullshit.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

Mania is shaping up to be a good card

The Rock Vs John Cena

WWE Championship
CM Punk(c) Vs Chris Jericho

World Heavyweight Championship
Daniel Bryan(c) Vs Sheamus

Hell In A Cell
The Undertaker Vs Triple H

Plus Money In The Bank is rumoured to be returning to Mania because it's off this year's PPV schedule.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Wrestling thread

jorge76 wrote:

Apparently Shaq let slip a day or two ago that he's booked to wrestle at Wrestlemania.  The story I saw assumed that it would be the Big Show he was against.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

The whole Triple H vs Undertaler + HBK storyline is fucking great! I have no idea how this is gonna play out. There's a lot of scenarios that could play out here. 

the only way I see them tarnishing Taker's record is with a total screw job thanks to HBK. Anyways this is the best lead up they've had in YEARS. Totally overshadowing the Rock vs Cena thing in my opinion.

Undertaker Challenges Triple H again and HHH accepts

HBK tells HHH he'll be the special guest referee. This is an awesome promo.  HBK rules.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

oooh, I was wondering if he'd get involved.

Even though he's been lame ever since he found Jesus, but he's still HBK.

Initial thought: HBK screws HHH.

 Rep: 53 

Re: The Wrestling thread

slashsfro wrote:
Bono wrote:

The whole Triple H vs Undertaler + HBK storyline is fucking great! I have no idea how this is gonna play out. There's a lot of scenarios that could play out here. 

the only way I see them tarnishing Taker's record is with a total screw job thanks to HBK. Anyways this is the best lead up they've had in YEARS. Totally overshadowing the Rock vs Cena thing in my opinion.

I've read somewhere where Undertaker had surgery and feels like he can do a once a year Wrestlemania match for the next few years.

If that is the case, there is no way he loses this match to HHH.  I could see the streak broken by Cena though.

Oh yeah, since this is going to be Hell in a Cell there had better be some juice flowing in that matchup.  None of this PG bs.

Sting should just sign with the WWE and face Undertaker next year.  He isn't getting any younger at all and he's wasting away his last few matches for a shitty TNA organization.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

oooh, I was wondering if he'd get involved.

Even though he's been lame ever since he found Jesus, but he's still HBK.

Initial thought: HBK screws HHH.

That's kinda what I'm thinking too. Has HBK ever been a special guest ref and not screwed over someone? I dont think so. Triple H is the only guy left that is worthy of breaking the streak(maybe Kane but he sucks) and if they weren't gonna let HBK do it on back to back tries I don't think they'll fuck it up now when it's so close to 2-0.

HBK will screw over Triple H and then we can cue up HBK vs Triple H for Wrestlemania 29???

Or Maybe HBK tries to screw the Undertaker and then Kane comes down to save the day?

I could also see HBK delivering sweet chin music to both guys actually.  Maybe he kicks Taker first and as Triple H goes to finish HBK kicks Triple H too.

Whatever happens for me this is the most interesting storyline in YEARS You know what would be pretty edgy is if they did have HBK screw Taker, HHH breaks the streak and then Kevin Nash comes back and they start and nWo/DX kind of faction again.  I know it's all been done before but they need something and that would be huge to screw over Taker and have the streak broken. Nobody would see it coming. It would create TONS of heat on Triple H and HBK instantly. Awesome.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

Seriously, seeing how epically the fucked up the Punk angle, they'd kind of need HBK. No one has the promo ability he does. And he's the only one HHH can't push around *cough Punk*

But I could see him screwing Taker and restarting the clique in some way. That way he still doesn't have to wrestle save every blue moon.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

Sting should just sign with the WWE and face Undertaker next year.  He isn't getting any younger at all and he's wasting away his last few matches for a shitty TNA organization

That would be cool although it would really suck for Sting 14 There's no way they can bring him in and have him beat the Taker's streak so it'd be an automatic no brainer win for Taker. That would piss everyone off if they brought a guy in who has zero history with WWE really and have him break the record. If Cena ever breaks it I'll never watch wrestling again 16

The promo between him and The Rock for Wrestlemania was aweful.

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