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Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

johndivney wrote:

watched that Captivity last night.

one of the worst films i've ever seen. prob the worst 'torture p0rn' i've ever seen. just weak & dull. not even elisha cuthbert could save it.
apparently it was directed by the guy who did the mission. weird. but i think he did the crap super mario bros film too.......

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

In Roland Joffe's defense, he was one of the numerous directors brought in to salvage the already clusternut that was the Mario Bros. film.

Most of the trainwreck was credited to the husband & wife directing team Rocky Morton & Annabel Jankel. The film got so over-budget they were eventually Joffe and several others uncredited were brought in to clean up the mess, do editing, try to somehow fix it.

They failed 16

 Rep: 231 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

-D- wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

If you've seen Dances With Wolves with Kevin Costner... you've seen Avatar.

It's the same thing, except dumbed down with aliens, special effects, and Stephen Lang playing Michael Biehn's character from The Abyss.

I just don't get the film's popularity. The whole thing is recycled from old parts of previous Cameron movies. The plot is basically Wolves retold, with Aliens & LOTTSSS of The Abyss thrown in. Every character in the movie you've seen before, starting with Stephen Lang playing Michael Biehn's character from The Abyss. Sigourney Weaver plays the Mary-Elizabeth Mastrontonio character from The Abyss. The lead Sam Worthington plays the Ed Harris character from The Abyss. And for a change of pace, Michelle Rodriguez plays the hispanic Marine grunt from Aliens.

Even the equipment used throughout the film is recycled from Aliens, and despite Stephen Lang playing the attitude and persona of Biehn in The Abyss, Lang's gesturisms and execution is identical to that of Biehn in Aliens.

Maybe Cameron just wanted to stick to "what his fans loved". I dunno.

Was Avatar supposed to be in the same world as Aliens & The Abyss? Maybe. A loose sequel? Maybe.

Either way the whole thing, although good, was horribly cliche and very much "been there, done that". You got the overwhelming feeling the whole time while watching this of familiarity. Like you'd been there before, and seen those characters.

My mom thinks it's the greatest film ever made. I guess it could be worse... i'd much rather her be an Avatar-fanatic than a Twilight fanatic, like every other female I know.

Im still proud to say I am one of a few that have never seen this movie. never intend to.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

In Roland Joffe's defense, he was one of the numerous directors brought in to salvage the already clusternut that was the Mario Bros. film.

Most of the trainwreck was credited to the husband & wife directing team Rocky Morton & Annabel Jankel. The film got so over-budget they were eventually Joffe and several others uncredited were brought in to clean up the mess, do editing, try to somehow fix it.

They failed 16

Dead serious here. That movie raped my childhood. Even as a kid I knew it was terrible. I had plenty of experience with the games on Nintendo and Super Nintendo. Hollywood just completely fucked up with it.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

That's pretty much how I initially felt about Schumacher's Batman films.

The problem to me is that Super Mario Bros. had a game premise that COULD NEVER be properly transported to a live action film imo. It was always destined to be Animated.

You also never take a project like that and basically hand it over to "your buddies" who's biggest claim to fame was co-creating Max Headroom. A duo with absolutely no experience at handling a project of that magnitude.

Would've been interesting had Pixar rolled it out as a CGI-film before or around Toy Story. That's what should've happened.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

faldor wrote:

Just saw the first five minutes of "Haywire", looks like it could be pretty interesting.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Is it just me, or does anyone else find that bad ass chick hot?

Oh and another, is it just me... that Channing Tatum dude always looks high as a kite. Does he play a meathead in everything he's in?

 Rep: 281 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

faldor wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Is it just me, or does anyone else find that bad ass chick hot?

Oh and another, is it just me... that Channing Tatum dude always looks high as a kite. Does he play a meathead in everything he's in?

Absolutely that chick is hot, especially considering she's an MMA fighter.  She's gotta knock that shit off and take care of that pretty little face of hers.


Funny your comments about Channing Tatum were similar to the site I saw the trailer on. … f-haywire/

Steven Soderbergh is an Academy Award winning director, so it was a little surprising to see that his new movie ‘Haywire’ is a pure, unrepentant action film. Even more surprising was that, while big stars like Michael Douglas, Ewan McGregor, Antonio Banderas, and Michael Fassbender fill out the cast, the star is Gina Carano.

If you don’t know, Gina Carano is not an actor. She’s an MMA fighter, ranked 3rd in the world at one point, with a background in Muay Thai, and who trains with the great Greg Jackson.

Anyway, last night they put the first five minutes of ‘Haywire’ online.

As you can see it was very wise of Soderbergh to have Ginas first scene be with Channing Tatum, because compared to him she looks like Meryl Streep. He’s so dumb looking and wooden, half the time I see him on screen I end up thinking someone paused the movie.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

faldor wrote:

Just watched, "The Town".  People have been telling me to check it out for awhile and I finally got around to it.  I enjoyed it.  I know people always make fun of Ben Affleck, but I've never really been disappointed with any of his work.  Of course I skipped the truly bad stuff he did in the J-Lo years, but from the movies of his that I've seen, I'm a fan.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
faldor wrote:

As you can see it was very wise of Soderbergh to have Ginas first scene be with Channing Tatum, because compared to him she looks like Meryl Streep. He’s so dumb looking and wooden, half the time I see him on screen I end up thinking someone paused the movie.

I remembered watching him in The Dilemma and here you had all these talented actors such as Vince Vaughn, Kevin James & Winona Ryder... and here's these Oxycontin popping musclehead played by Channing Tatum.

Well that was "his character". So I assumed he looked like a high jock for the role.

Then I saw him in other stuff. And I saw him in the 21 Jump Street trailer. And i've seen him in this Haywire... the dude always looks fuckin' loaded, and Brian Bosworth's his way through the show.

The kind of high caliber work he's getting perplexes me. The guy probably would have a home doing things like Expendables 2, and Kickboxer 6, but the roles he's getting are WAY beyond his reach.

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