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 Rep: 661 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

monkeychow wrote:

I noticed something the other day.

If you watch this jungle intro from 2006 - you see Axl do the scream - then motion to tommy a gesture that implies he is satisfied with his throat - or at least it looks somewhat smug and happy (as he should be - fucking killer opening). Check out the gesture at 0:17 or so

Then have a look at the gigs from last week:

1:07 into this video Axl seems to make the reverse gesture...shaking his head and looking unhappy with the intro scream (even though it sounded ok to me)

I know that's a little thing. But then add in how at Rio4 we heard tommy reassure Axl that he was sounding ok. Then add in that for some reason HTGTH does it's best to hide any kind of negative comment. As if they;re shielding him from them so as not to set him off. Then add in how beta and co thought it was best to surprise Axl with an interview rather than let it worry him before a show. Add in Axl's comments to trunk likening the pressure of doing shows to professional sports. Add in his old remarks about needing to be late sometimes. Add in the wait for chinese...his comments about slash that he doesnt understand why his own muse comes and goes....

Then Axl's comments to people who said positive stuff that "It means more to him than we could know" or something like that....

For anyone wondering why things go like they go - I suspect maybe Axl struggles at times to believe in his own ability. Which is a sad thing because the guy is truly kick-ass - but I think maybe that's the big mystery of GNR - that the times when we listen to something and bag it out - Axl's already bagging it out 3 times as harshly in his own head.

 Rep: 281 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

faldor wrote:

I absolutely think Axl is critical of himself.  I hesitate to say he's a perfectionist, because that's been debated back and forth.  I think he feels a great deal of pressure and weight on his shoulders being the only original member of Guns N' Roses remaining.  Some will say he's gotten what he deserved because he pushed the others out.  Whatever the case may be, I'm sure he didn't intend for things to unfold exactly the way they did or for the public perception of him to be quite what it is.  I know his (negative) actions have a lot to do with the way he is perceived, but in a way it's probably become overwhelming to him, and to the point where it seems almost insurmountable to win public favor back.

I know he makes a lot of excuses and never seems to take the blame for anything that goes wrong.  But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he's not the sole reason for everything that does go wrong.  Yet some people will cast blame his way regardless.  It has to be a burden on him.  Add in the fact that a great majority (fans and music biz types) want a reunion and could care less about the current lineup, when that's ALL he cares about (in terms of his career).  He's trying to make this work, but it's been an uphill battle since Slash and company exited stage left.  I don't think even Axl would've thought it would be this difficult at that point. 

He SEEMS to be in a better place right now, but I thought he was in pretty good spirits in 2002 and again in 2006, until we later found out that wasn't really the case.  But I think the fact that they actually completed the US tour this time around is a definite step in the right direction and the change in management to those close to him could be good for him.  Who knows if it'll be good for us, that remains to be seen.

 Rep: 633 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 23 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

Bro-mero wrote:

It's human nature to be more critical of your own work than how other see it, then add in everything has he to go through. A course he's way more critical of his own creation

 Rep: 200 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

apex-twin wrote:

Judging by his general behavior, Axl has a relatively low frustration tolerance.

He knows what he wants out of the things he does, and if something goes a miss, he oft makes a big deal out of it, despite the relative significance of the blunder.

This applies to how he responds to other people as well as to himself.

 Rep: 23 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

Bro-mero wrote:

Also Axl has had perfect visions of what he wants to accomplish, but has never had a solid supporting cast to keep the vision the way it was originally thought up. That has got to be frustrating for the musical genius that he is

 Rep: 217 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

Mikkamakka wrote:
apex-twin wrote:

Judging by his general behavior, Axl has a relatively low frustration tolerance.

He knows what he wants out of the things he does, and if something goes a miss, he oft makes a big deal out of it, despite the relative significance of the blunder.

This applies to how he responds to other people as well as to himself.

I agree.

When he's doing something, he wants it to be perfect. Problem is he doesn't do enough before, to make it perfect, especially the live shows. He's too self-confident and lazy in the build up phrase, but he's having cold feet and h's a maximalist during the actual performance. Not a good combination.

 Rep: 287 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

Aussie wrote:

Maybe he's critical because he is a perfectionist or maybe his is simply insecure and lacks faith in his own ability, hence his procrastination and constant tinkering with shit etc etc etc.

Probably it's a bit of both, not a good combination because it seems to result at times in him being being paralysed and unable to move forward on things.

But who knows, if he wasn't like that maybe we would never have got what we already have from him.

 Rep: 207 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

DCK wrote:

Regarding the clips. I think he cant hear himself well on the second one. The thread is right though

 Rep: 3 

Re: I wonder if Axl is more critical than us.

Faster wrote:
DCK wrote:

Regarding the clips. I think he cant hear himself well on the second one.

I agree. When I saw that gesture on the broadcast I assumed it was a sound issue.

I can not really see why Axl would feel the need to signal how he felt he sounded to somebody else, unless he was struggling with his throat and needed something for it. I have always found it mind-blowing how someone can be as hard on himself as Axl is but also have such a confident bravado to his stage demeanour.

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