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 Rep: 485 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Neemo wrote:

just watched Salt....pretty bad

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Cars 2... critics were right - it sucks.

Not even close to the quality of the original, story was incoherent almost constantly, and TOO MUCH MATER.

I like Larry and even I was at times like "SHUT THE FUCK UP DUDE". Mater would NOT shut up the whole movie.

 Rep: 23 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bro-mero wrote:

Cars 2 was definitely the worst movie Pixar has made so far, when you raise the bar as high as high as they have, it's very difficult to reach that bar with every movie they make. I hope to see more succes from Pixar in upcoming movies

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

metallex78 wrote:

Saw Mission Impossible 4 tonight, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Quite the opposite, it was actually pretty good.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
Bro-mero wrote:

Cars 2 was definitely the worst movie Pixar has made so far, when you raise the bar as high as high as they have, it's very difficult to reach that bar with every movie they make. I hope to see more succes from Pixar in upcoming movies

Yeah I know what you mean. I don't watch alot of kids movies (it depresses me for some weird reason), but Pixar movies are pretty good almost all the time.

The thing is they are a business franchise that mine anything they can, and commit to sequels for anything that can be made into a sequel.

Horror franchises have done it for years. It's instant money and it's a good business model.

But like horror sequels, which are typically rushed too quickly into theaters within 1-2 years of the last one, movies like Cars 2 are an example of "pot boilers" that just spend too long being worked and waiting and worked and waiting, and get overcooked. Sometimes, like with Toy Story, it works and is pulled off. But not in the case of Cars 2.

I think there was just WAY WAY WAY too much going on in the film, and the film lost sight of what kind of film it was.

Can you really imagine some 7-year old kid being able to keep track of what the heck is going on in Cars 2? I'm a full grown man, and sharp with movies & TV, and even I got totally lost. I was also totally bored after the first act.

Cars 2 should've just focused on the Lighting McQueen/Francesco showdown, and the breakup of McQueen & Mater as friends, and that's it. That's all the film needed. Mater's "lost in the big city" story was enough. All of this foreign intrigue and this spy story, and Mater constantly making jokes was way more than the story needed.

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

johndivney wrote:

rewatched Leon The Professional again for first time in like 5-6yrs

jerked off to natalie portman

didn't even feel bad about it

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

The Adventures of Tin Tin: The Secret of the Unicorn was an amazing movie. Saw it New Years Eve with some of my family. The voice acting was great. Andy Serkis is so underrated as an actor even though most of his roles are in motion capture/CGI. He brings so much life and humor into his character. Jamie Bell and Daniel Craig were fantastic as well. The environments were beautiful. Shout out to my man, John Williams for coming out with another brilliant score. Simon Pegg & Nick Frost are just wonderful!!! Nuff said! The Ultimate bromance!

 Rep: 70 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

Just saw Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. It was pretty good. I think it's the best one yet. Far fetched as usual but good entertainment. Tom Cruise like him or not is a pretty sweet action star.  Nobody rusnns like Tom Cruise.  14

Everyone is saying it's better than the last one. Due it's simplicity in the story line and the action. big_smile Yeah..Tom Cruise is a great actor. Also Simon Pegg is another reason I want to see the film. The guy is just freaking hilarious. Hoping to see it one of these days as well as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Re-watched Avatar over the holidays

First time I watched it in full HD (Blu Ray)

Beautiful film to look at... but I still don't get the fan fare it has. It's a "good" movie, not a great movie, and certaintly doesn't deserve the title of "most successful film ever".

Cameron has several other films that are better.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

If you've seen Dances With Wolves with Kevin Costner... you've seen Avatar.

It's the same thing, except dumbed down with aliens, special effects, and Stephen Lang playing Michael Biehn's character from The Abyss.

I just don't get the film's popularity. The whole thing is recycled from old parts of previous Cameron movies. The plot is basically Wolves retold, with Aliens & LOTTSSS of The Abyss thrown in. Every character in the movie you've seen before, starting with Stephen Lang playing Michael Biehn's character from The Abyss. Sigourney Weaver plays the Mary-Elizabeth Mastrontonio character from The Abyss. The lead Sam Worthington plays the Ed Harris character from The Abyss. And for a change of pace, Michelle Rodriguez plays the hispanic Marine grunt from Aliens.

Even the equipment used throughout the film is recycled from Aliens, and despite Stephen Lang playing the attitude and persona of Biehn in The Abyss, Lang's gesturisms and execution is identical to that of Biehn in Aliens.

Maybe Cameron just wanted to stick to "what his fans loved". I dunno.

Was Avatar supposed to be in the same world as Aliens & The Abyss? Maybe. A loose sequel? Maybe.

Either way the whole thing, although good, was horribly cliche and very much "been there, done that". You got the overwhelming feeling the whole time while watching this of familiarity. Like you'd been there before, and seen those characters.

My mom thinks it's the greatest film ever made. I guess it could be worse... i'd much rather her be an Avatar-fanatic than a Twilight fanatic, like every other female I know.

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