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 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

Yeah, once I read that I thought he was WWE bound. I don't know his financial situation, but if he's set, I wonder if the grind of a wrestlers life is something he wants to deal with.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Brock Lesnar was the WORST wrestler in the history of WWE wrestlers.

Makes Cena look like HBK.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

I think Lesnar was pretty good, he was hardly Goldberg or Khali.

The start was a little rocky, since he was only booked as a monster. After that Rock match in SummerSlam 2002 till 2004 only HBK and Angle had more 4/5 star matches than him during his run.

His series with Angle was the best series of matchs of the last decade. The IWC would vastly disagree with the worst ever. He came from an ameatur wrestling background and had a frecking move set. Didn't excatly just punch and kick other wrestlers.

Didn't see the fight last night, wish I did.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Brock Lesnar was the WORST wrestler in the history of WWE wrestlers.

Makes Cena look like HBK.

A guy 6'3" - 275lbs doing a  moonsault off the top rope = NOT the worst wrestler ever.

Oh and on a  side note Alistair Overeem had this to say about Brock after the fight

Alistair Overeem wrote:

"I think he shouldn't walk away. Love him or hate him, there's always something with Brock fighting, I think he has achieved a lot in a short span. It would be a shame if he stopped now. I think there's more to gain."

the sad part is Brock never really allowed himself to train with top guys. He simply trained with his guys in isolation. He never trained with top level boxers or Muay Tai guys the way others in the sport would do and he never trained with any other top MMA athletes. Sure maybe the guys Brock trained with are talented dudes but in the grand scheme of things they weren't world class the way others are in other camps. The other fighters train with guys who are all better than them at their respective field of expertise. That allows them to improve and get better. I don't think Brock ever allowed that to happen for himself based on his hermit like approach to it.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Brock Lesnar was the WORST wrestler in the history of WWE wrestlers.

Makes Cena look like HBK.

Lesnar was pretty good, and Cena's not that bad

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Cena's not a poor executor, it's just that he's Hogan II. All of his opponents have to oversell him in order for him to be "the hero" for the 12-year olds in the audience.

AtariLegend wrote:

I think Lesnar was pretty good, he was hardly Goldberg or Khali.

The start was a little rocky, since he was only booked as a monster. After that Rock match in SummerSlam 2002 till 2004 only HBK and Angle had more 4/5 star matches than him during his run.

His series with Angle was the best series of matchs of the last decade. The IWC would vastly disagree with the worst ever. He came from an ameatur wrestling background and had a frecking move set. Didn't excatly just punch and kick other wrestlers.

Didn't see the fight last night, wish I did.

I must apparently need to see more of Lesnar's matches, and you're right it could've very well been McMahon trying to sell him as muscle early on.

Lesnar was also the Tim Tebow of wrestling for awhile. Oversold, overloved by the dumber wrasslin' fans, so I checked out with the guy.

I just remembered early on him botching moves... ALOT.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Why is Jericho suddenly a face upon his return and what the hell where those videos about? He looks like a prat, this is going on too long. I seriously hope he's about to turn heel or this is embarrasing.

..And Miz selling a water bottle like a sledgehammer shot is an early contender for stupidest moment of 2012.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Edit I just got the joke tongue.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Wrestling thread

misterID wrote:

The Jericho thing was weird. From start (the videos) to awkward finish. He has to be aiming to be a heel. He has to. He was getting booed as he walked out. And he kept smiling.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

the Jericho thing was clearly an "ego" thing story line. At least that's how I took it. He came out, thought he was so great, wasted everyone's time with just his presence and then just left. At first people were cheering but yeah once it started dragging on and on people started to boo and then of course they were gonna boo when he just left without saying anything. The videos were weird in the context of Jericho. Had it been for something else or someone new it would've been  cool. I liked when he came out and all you could see where the lights on his jacket that was cool. Reminded me of Bono's laser jacket on the 360 tour.

All in all though it's kinda lame to have some big "epic" entrance with videos leading up to your arrival and then just be lame when he came out.

Also the whole Kane thing at the end was fucking terrible.  They've fucked up the whole return of Kane already in my opinion.  Also that Woo Woo Woo guy is lame and Jack Swagger is a joke.

The Divas blow so bad. Everytime they wrestle it's such a  waste of time. Ziggler blows and CM Punk I think needs to go away for a while. His character is getting ruined completely.

Tonight was the first time in a LONG time that I watched almost all of RAW and I'm sorry to say but it's fucking terrible.  Basically tonight just confirmed my own opinion to myself that there is a  serious lack of interesting talent in the WWE

I tried watching TNA the other night and wow. I don't know either I'm way past pro wrestling or the product that's out there in 2012 in both companies fucking sucks. One or the other.

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