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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Smoking Guns wrote:

STP came out in 1992. DeLeo is good, but plays a lot in the Joe Perry style.

 Rep: 768 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Axlin16 wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

I think they both (all) did GN'R worthy songs, and had GN'R worthy ideas that weren't explored enough (or went in a wrong way). I could list a ton of Slash song, a lot from CD, and also a lot from Duff N' Izzy, which could have been GN'R classic or at least a strong GN'R track with the others.
As long as GN'R functioned as a band, or at least it had Axl to be Slash's supervivior and Slash to be Axl's, the shittiest ideas got nixed, and the musical perversions got limited (Axl with the synth stuff, Slash with the Aerosmith rock and roll stuff etc.). They had each other to complement them, be it adding more, or taking away unneeded things.
Now they're all captains (except VR, but that wasn't a good collaboration), and nobody's there to tell them that something's not good enough. This is why their solo stuff isn't GN'R - Slash said it right in 1995: Izzy did his part of GN'R, and so did Duff and Slash on their solo albums. If we shaked together their stuff, it would be Guns N' Roses, believe me.

(On the other hand, even as a classic band fan, I think some of their work is mystified. I personally think that as overproduced as it is, Street of Dreams is better than Yesterdays, and although nobody knows, Saint Is A Sinner is better than Don't Cry. I don't wanna start a comparasion war, just sayin' that even the old albums had songs that can be topped. Not in GN'R style, cause you can't get it without all the guys, but in quality.)

No way in hell is Street of Dreams better than Yesterdays. No way.

Never say i'm an Axl mark... 16

 Rep: 194 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

metallex78 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

yeah definately mikka and monkey, there is some amazing guitar work scattered through slash's post gnr career

huge fan of snakepit 1 and also like VR...(libertad more than contraband)

i think COntraband suffered from "minimalization" is because of Scott....i dont think scott ever got out of STP mode...and while Dean DeLeo is a great player in his own right he is not a guitar god like slash...STP came (mid-late 90's) from a more minimalized state of music than the previous era (80s & early 90s) but anyway i dont think that Slash was used to his fullest potential on Contraband...and he got a little more lee-way on Libertad...

I think FTP is a great tune musically (VERY reminsicent of DC) .... but lyrically i would agree its pretty weak..coulda been so much more if Scott would've taken his time on that one....maybe even put it off til Libertad if thats what it woulda taken

Slash KILLS on his solo disk...some awesome awesome stuff on there 21

I actually think a bit the opposite. At the time Contraband came out, the days of endless guitar solos wasn't really the in thing. And Slash's short and straight to the point attack on Contraband helped sell them as more of a modern rock band, and garner them some new rock fans.
I think coming out as an 80's throwback with endless soloing on every song, might've not done them any favours.

That said, Contraband still has plenty of great solos as it is - Suckertrain Blues, Fall To Pieces, Slither, You Got No Right, Spectacle, Dirty Little Thing, Loving The Alien, and there are some cool short lead parts in the other tracks too.

 Rep: 768 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah but if anything that makes Slash look like a sellout.

He's fucking Slash. Not some dickweed in Hinder. If modern rock radio dictates that "we don't want guitar solos", fuck them.

Yes I know, i'm the same guy who wants the next GN'R album to be "Sixx Guns", but at the same time I don't want to see these cool old rockers to sell out and give away what they do best (Slash = solos) for the sake of pushing a song to some fucking douchebag DJ and kids who have no fucking clue what rock is.

Something tells me that even if the next GN'R record is very DJ/Sixx-themed, Axl is not suddenly gonna forsake GN'R of guitar solos and piano-driven ballads.

You either like them or you don't, but GN'R ain't changing for you. Seems to have been Axl's attitude for years, even based on his more recent comments about how much he hates the state of rock radio today.

 Rep: 386 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Bono wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

I'm not a diehard fan of SOD. I've been pretty consistent in calling it a UYI B-side, and comparing it to So Fine, to which I took an ass reaming for "downplaying the greatness" of the song.

I also never understood GNR's game plan of wanting it to be the 3rd single off the album. Like huh?

As for Bono, most of that entire post was just him coming back and going "not unhh"

I swear the dude has conversations with himself. Back and forth, back and forth.

I'm a fanboy for arguing anything positive, and not jumping on his "fuck CD" cock, when he basically asked me to do that. Suddenly i'm a prick.

I'm a fanboy for remixing the album and making good alterations, but he's not a fanboy for searching for comments and quotes and taking time out of his life. Not obsessive at all, no.

And of course to lock it out in classic Bono style... "go fuck yourself", and "you're dumb".

And I just want to point out HE admitted to being a fucking retard. I never once called him that, so...


You're a joke. Read your original reply to me. If that's not a  guy being a  complete fucking asshole than I don't know what is. God you come off so butt hurt because I don't share your adoration of CD and when you try to paint me as in the huge minority it's laughable. You're always talking about what geeks people are on this site for thinking within the confines of the Gn'R online fan forum bubble yet here you are doing the exact same thing 16 My comment about you being  fanboy was your god aweful comment about Buckethead vs Robin and how BH could play anything better with his dick than Robin could ever play. Not about you remixing tracks. Reading comprehension pal try it out.  You telling me I only prefer Slash's work because he had more hits is idiotic. You telling me I don't know good when I hear it because I'm not jerking off to the TWAT solo is as arrogant as it gets.  Fall in line with Axlin's opinion or you're an idiot right?  Your whole post was a blatant attempt to start an arguement. The fact you said my opinion flips based on what section I'm posting in was dumb as fuck. Honestly dude your opinion on matters flips to the extreme more than anyone on this board and trust me more than myself have noticed this.

the fact your response here was some wack general reply to basically nothing I said says a lot. Pretty much pointed out what a fucking dick post yours was and now you'll gloss over it with this bullshit reply.  'gee I don't know what Bono's talking about this is just his style, I was only having a discussion" 16  Must be tough to make an "epic post" in response when you realize you were an asshole.

 Rep: 194 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

tejastech08 wrote:

I'm enjoying this little war. Keep it up guys. 16

 Rep: 191 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Gibbo wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Axlin16 wrote:

I'm not sure what Bono even said, i've had him on 'ignore' for quite sometime.

What's going down guys?

 Rep: 194 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

I'm not sure what Bono even said, i've had him on 'ignore' for quite sometime.

What's going down guys?


Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

nugdafied wrote:

Didn't Duff crowd surf?

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