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 Rep: 386 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Bono wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

No I'm not "wrong". It's my opinion. If you can state Slash hasn't recorded anything near close to compareable since the Illusions as a matter of fact opinion I can do the same with Axl. Cause he hasn't according to my ears.

First off, i'm referring specifically to guitar work. Estranged in alot of ways of Slash's "sign off" to GN'R. There is no way anyone can convince me that Slash has produced guitar solos on a GN'R level since GN'R.

That doesn't mean he doesn't have good VR/solo songs. That doesn't mean he didn't have some nice stuff to show for.

For as much material as Slash has produced, he probably has a "Chinese Democracy" collectively from his work. Combining Snakepit, VR & solo work. I would say the same for Izzy & Duff.

To say that Axl hasn't produced anything on a GN'R level since the real band, is ludicrous.

So we're really gonna sit here and say how Slither & Fall To Pieces is somehow GN'R worthy, but Street of Dreams, There Was A Time, Sorry & This I Love AT LEAST weren't? I don't mention some of the others, just for the fact that the ones I mentioned have GN'R spirit all over them.

Whatever. I think Fall to Pieces is fucking shit.  Never said FTP was Gn'R worthy. Never said Slither was either. That's you getting defensive because I think Slash has come closer to Gn'R worthy stuff than Axl. Read what I originally said "Neither has Axl". Never said Slash's work is worthy of Gn'R past, simply said Axl's isn't either. And for the record you're the one who's flip flopped your opinion on FTP over the years. FACT.  At times saying how close it is to Gn'R worthy status and at other times saying it sucks. I've maintained since day one that it sucks so... Deal with it. And I don't for one second think TWAT or SOD(that song sucks) are Gn'R worthy. You can state your musically prefrences as fact all you want. My opinion is Slash has  come closer to capturing the Gn'R feel since the Illusions than Axl has. Just because Axl writes a piano ballad doesn't give it Gn'R spirit by default. roll

Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Prostitute had potential but it sounds so artificial  and Axl's voice is annoying. Honestly Ax's voice is very annoying on much of CD.  Also SOD is such a bad song and the TWAT solo is so  overrated. It stands out cause it's the only real extended solo on the album. It's like the big fish in a  small pond but it's just a  bunch of wanking off really.  It's just there.

Well that's YOUR problem.

If you don't like it, you don't like it, but you are very very alone. I can't tell you how many old Guns fans i've played TWAT for and they are literally stunned at how amazing a song it is BEFORE they even hit the solo.

It, along with This I Love, seem to be the main "universal" songs that appealed to the old band fanbase.

I have heard people prefer This I Love to TWAT, and feel TWAT is overrated, and typically they are those "I like November Rain more than Estranged" fans, and I can see that.

"It's just there, wanking off". Well you know, there's ALOT of casual GN'R fans that said the exact same thing to me over the years about Estranged. Saying it was too fat, too overproduced, too boring.

Obviously they're fucking retards.

Yeah no they're not fucking retards. It's their opinion. The TWAT solo is nothing special  to me. Neither is the song.  Guess I'm a  fucking retard. Also it amazes me how many people on Gn'R fan forums  have these people in their lives who are stunned and amazed by songs on CD when I myself have never met anyone who gives a shit let alone thinks the songs are good. Guess we run in different circles. But the FACT is I'm not very very alone in my feelings on CD. I live in reality and what a bunch of fans on the internet think doesn't make it the general consenses  across the board so...  My opinion is shared by more than the opinion you're expressing. It's just they aren't posting on  a Gn'R site.

Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Robin's solo on TIL is the best solo on the album and solos are not even writting or performed by Axl so....

Well that opinion right there explains why you don't like the TWAT solo.

You don't know "good" when you hear it. Robin Finck could cover Freebird and it wouldn't beat Bucket playing guitar with his dick.

Whatever.  Telling people they don't know good when they hear it is a prick move. Robin's solo on TIL is fucking good and you can eactually hear it without remixing the tarck to find the "amazing orchestration".  You sound like an absolute fanboy with that post.

Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Slither is  better than anything Axl has recorded since the Illusions I think..


14 14 14

Slither isn't even better than Better. I would even argue Shackler's Revenge and Oh My God is up there, even though people seem to hate those songs.

I like Slither better than any song off CD. Deal with it.

Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

And honestly Messages shits all over anything on CD too.

Yeah until Scott comes in and shits like bad Thai food all over the song.

Which I clearly alluded to. Saying if you add Axl's voice to it it'd be amazing. Musically nothing on CD is as cool sounding as Messages in my opinion. Messages has an organic feel to it. All of CD is souless and cold sounding in my opinion. A mess of production which I've expressed since day one.

Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Add Axl's voice to it and it's amazing.

Nope, can't do that man per your own "rules".

Song can't be better than anything on CD, then "it'd be amazing with Axl". We'll it suffers from a lack of Axl same with Fall To Pieces, just like This I Love suffers from a lack of Slash. I still have wet dreams thinking about what Slash would've done with that This I Love solo.

Instead TIL's orchestra is the shining achievement of the song. And once again, it's a stunner that Axl wrote it.

DJ's solo on the live version is far better than Robin's studio verson.

Actually Axlin you can  like songs better even without Axl on vocals. To suggest a song can't be better because it doesnt' have Axl on vocals is  asinine. All of CD suffers from a lack of Slash and Slash material suffers from a  lack of Axl. Doesn't mean you can't like certain songs better than others. What a stupid suggestion. And rave all you want about the orchestration on TIL.  It's burried under the guitar solo so who gives a fuck. I listen to music in my car and on my home stereo. I don't  remix everything and peel off the endless layers of production to decide if I like a song or not. You can that's great but play the song on a normal stereo and the guitar solo is what sticks out not the "amazing orchestration". It's burried in the production which is something you've complained about yourself so...  And for the recrod who cares if DJ's solo live is better than Robin's on the album. Robin's is still the best solo on the album in my opinion. And it's shared by others as well.

Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Slash suffers from not having Axl and Axl clearly suffers from not having Slash.  Neither of them have done anything as good as their past work.

I would agree that the world has suffered not having these two guys together, and they are both mutally blameable for that.

But Axl has done stuff as good as his past work. It just wasn't pushed.

16 yeah ok a lack of promotion and push from the  label has influenced my opinion. Ummmmm... I've heard the songs, Axl has not done stuff as good as his past work IN MY OPINION.  Neither has Slash. You aren't gonna convince me otherwise with  comments about charts and lack of promotion.

Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Most people on the planet would  agree.

So we're back to the "if it's not popular, than it's not good" argument.


No dude it's not about being popular. But your attitude is you feel I'm in the minority and you say that to prove your point that you're right and I'm wrong because my opinion isn't the "popular" opinion. Funny how when I point out that the majority of the people on this planet would likely agree with me you get offended and think it's all about popularity.  16 Talk about spinning a  situation to suit your needs. Pretty weak dude.

Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Although I persoanlly think Slash has come closer than Axl.

You're only saying that because Slash had more "hits". And based on that logic, I guess you're right.

Hits = quality


At this point you should probably go fuck yourself.  My opinion on music is not  influenecd by the charts.  If that were the case I'd love Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber but I don't. I could easily say you only like Lady Gaga cause she has a lot of hits but I've never said such an arrogant think so piss off.

Axlin12 wrote:
Bono wrote:

And this isn't directed at you but it may come as a shock to some to know you can actually have that opinion and still be a fan of the new band. Figured I should state that before someone comes in saying "Why the fuck do you even post on  site if you don't like the band"  cause you know that'd be coming

Boy you could've fooled me. Based on this post alone...

Some bullet points

-CD is not very good
-Axl has not come close to his old stuff
-Axl's voice is not very good on CD
-There's no guitar solos on CD as good as Slash
-TWAT is very weak
-SOD is very bad


Yet I guarantee you everything that you say in this 'past member' section, you run over to the main GN'R section and say the opposite.

Sometimes I think you just say stuff to piss people off and create some sort of argument.

You're entertaining.

Whatever buddy. I guarantee you my opinion on such things will not flip flop based on which section I'm posting in. To suggest that is fucking idiotic. Like I'm gonna go to the main section and start saying how much I love TWAT and SOD and how great CD is. What the fuck are you smoking?   I posted my opinions on CD and they have been the same opinions pretty much since day one and you think I post them to start an arguement? Get the fuck out!  That's the most arrogant thing I've ever read. Basically you're telling me and others that unless we  see things exactly the way you do we're trying to start an arguement.  You are actually showing that you lack the common sense to understand how a person can not be a fan of CD yet still be a fan of the band.  It's laughable that you think my opinion in the main section is opposite of my opinion in here. talk about being dellusional. Serioiusly where did you come up with that garbage? Literally one of the dumbest things I've ever read

 Rep: 194 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

tejastech08 wrote:

I actually enjoy Slash's riffing on a lot of the VR material, but have to agree with Bono that Fall To Pieces is garbage. Even if Axl sang on it, I'm not sure it would turn out well. Just a shitty tune all around. Also agree that SOD blows dogs for quarters. Can't believe Axlin12 is such a big fan of it. 16

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

AtariLegend wrote:

When I seen VR live several years ago with several thousand other people, 3 biggest Pops of the night where Slash putting on his Top Hat, Fall To Pieces and It's So Easy.

 Rep: 768 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Axlin16 wrote:

I'm not a diehard fan of SOD. I've been pretty consistent in calling it a UYI B-side, and comparing it to So Fine, to which I took an ass reaming for "downplaying the greatness" of the song.

I also never understood GNR's game plan of wanting it to be the 3rd single off the album. Like huh?

As for Bono, most of that entire post was just him coming back and going "not unhh"

I swear the dude has conversations with himself. Back and forth, back and forth.

I'm a fanboy for arguing anything positive, and not jumping on his "fuck CD" cock, when he basically asked me to do that. Suddenly i'm a prick.

I'm a fanboy for remixing the album and making good alterations, but he's not a fanboy for searching for comments and quotes and taking time out of his life. Not obsessive at all, no.

And of course to lock it out in classic Bono style... "go fuck yourself", and "you're dumb".

And I just want to point out HE admitted to being a fucking retard. I never once called him that, so...


Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Smoking Guns wrote:

If you listen close, Slash does rip it on a few VR Contraband tracks.  Headspace, Suckertrain, You Got No Right, Slither, FTP and that one that is a Cartoon video they co-wrote with Keith Nelson.  What is weird is a VERY tame solo on Set Me Free, Superhuman, Illegal Eye Song....  Loving the Alien is a very nice song, nice solo.  I kind of liked Spectacle for a while.  Very Raw and Punk.  That album to me suffers cause they went for a garage sound, low fi thing.  If it had the same production as Slash's solo album that would kick ass.  Contraband is actually underproduced.

 Rep: 768 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Axlin16 wrote:

And see that's my problem. You nailed it when you said "garage sound". It was like Slash was trying to do the Nirvana thing intentionally, so to be anti-Axl on the overproduced thing.

No one is denying that Slash is the fucking MAN, but I think he scaled it back in ALOT of places on the VR stuff, especially concerning solos.

Even Messages wasn't a full blown release, which was universally praised as "possibly the best VR song".

I think Slash had more amazing riffage on his SOLO album, than he did before. That's just fucking nuts to me, that it went from 1991 to 2010 to get there. But I hear his shit on like Ghost, Back From Cali, and ESPECIALLY Watch This & Nothing To Say, and go "fucking seriously? FUCKING SERIOUSLY?"

But I think he's the same story as Axl. It's always missing one key element to bring it full-circle. Scott shits on alot of his good stuff, then in other places it's not produced enough, and then in other places like Watch This it's so fucking aching for Axl.

Ghost is probably his best recording since GN'R, because it's the all-around package. Slash & Izzy back n' forthing, and a SOLID frontman at the front to really bring the melody some fucking balls.


Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Smoking Guns wrote:

Ghost really does rock.....  Solid rock song all the way around!

 Rep: 217 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Mikkamakka wrote:

I think they both (all) did GN'R worthy songs, and had GN'R worthy ideas that weren't explored enough (or went in a wrong way). I could list a ton of Slash song, a lot from CD, and also a lot from Duff N' Izzy, which could have been GN'R classic or at least a strong GN'R track with the others.
As long as GN'R functioned as a band, or at least it had Axl to be Slash's supervivior and Slash to be Axl's, the shittiest ideas got nixed, and the musical perversions got limited (Axl with the synth stuff, Slash with the Aerosmith rock and roll stuff etc.). They had each other to complement them, be it adding more, or taking away unneeded things.
Now they're all captains (except VR, but that wasn't a good collaboration), and nobody's there to tell them that something's not good enough. This is why their solo stuff isn't GN'R - Slash said it right in 1995: Izzy did his part of GN'R, and so did Duff and Slash on their solo albums. If we shaked together their stuff, it would be Guns N' Roses, believe me.

(On the other hand, even as a classic band fan, I think some of their work is mystified. I personally think that as overproduced as it is, Street of Dreams is better than Yesterdays, and although nobody knows, Saint Is A Sinner is better than Don't Cry. I don't wanna start a comparasion war, just sayin' that even the old albums had songs that can be topped. Not in GN'R style, cause you can't get it without all the guys, but in quality.)

 Rep: 661 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

monkeychow wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

What is weird is a VERY tame solo on Set Me Free, Superhuman,

Yeah that's always been the bizarre thing. Slash is minimised to hell on that album. That said - it's got some songs I love - especially "SuckerTrain Blues" - that's grown on me. But I was thinking the other day - superhuman is a fun song - the riff is very slash - and the chorus is really memorable and sing-a-longish...but I was thinking about it as a piece of music and I can't help but think if it was written now - like as part of the solo album - it would have some fucking killer shredding over those riffs at some stage in the song and it just doesn't happen.

Mikkamakka wrote:

On the other hand, even as a classic band fan, I think some of their work is mystified.

Great call. I've been thinking this myself recently. And it sounds like utter heresyas GNR is my all time favourite band bar none. They are also the only band where I love every song.

That said, I think the best GNR songs are all time classics that can't be toped or even compared to really, as they're just fundamental to the history of rock now. How do you weigh something up against jungle? It's a bit like weighing up against 'Star Wars" or "Raiders of the Lost Ark" - they're classics - a work of genius - and even in the areas where now they could use a clean up by modern standards you have to give them a pass for being so far ahead of what else happened at the time - and generally for the lifetime of impact on popular culture they have.

But with that in mind, not every GNR song is one of those to me. For the record I do love all GNR songs (yes, even my world etc) - but some of them are obviously more fundamental than others.

So i was thinking about it and i've decided that to me. What it is - is that the best GNR songs can NOT be topped - but that the BEST of the solo/new stuff is on par or slightly superior to the less amazing old tracks.

Vocally there's stuff on CD that I think is cooler than what Axl did back in the day. The IRS Scream, the "I would do anything" parts of TWAT, the backing sounds on Catcher. The rest of the album misses the old guys - but Axl's parts have it. Same with slash's work. On 5'o'clock and the solo album there's some fucking amazing guitar work in places - it gets lost because people dont like the song arrangements and the singer..but the bottom line to me is if you just look at the guitar parts - some of them are better and more complex than the lesser GNR songs.

So yeah i've grown to love the new stuff for what it is. Nothing is better than old GNR at it's best. But if one is prepared to except the absence of the others in find that Axl and Slash have both grown and developed their styles and are actually improving as musicians IMO - sadly it's just not in the same songs anymore.

 Rep: 485 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Neemo wrote:

yeah definately mikka and monkey, there is some amazing guitar work scattered through slash's post gnr career

huge fan of snakepit 1 and also like VR...(libertad more than contraband)

i think COntraband suffered from "minimalization" is because of Scott....i dont think scott ever got out of STP mode...and while Dean DeLeo is a great player in his own right he is not a guitar god like slash...STP came (mid-late 90's) from a more minimalized state of music than the previous era (80s & early 90s) but anyway i dont think that Slash was used to his fullest potential on Contraband...and he got a little more lee-way on Libertad...

I think FTP is a great tune musically (VERY reminsicent of DC) .... but lyrically i would agree its pretty weak..coulda been so much more if Scott would've taken his time on that one....maybe even put it off til Libertad if thats what it woulda taken

Slash KILLS on his solo disk...some awesome awesome stuff on there 21

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