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 Rep: 207 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

DCK wrote:

TWAT solo is the ruler of the GNR universe

 Rep: 194 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

metallex78 wrote:

People forget, November Rain has several GREAT Slash solos, throughout the song, as well as the huge epic finale, while TWAT has a so-so Robin solo, then one long drawn out Bucket solo at the end.

I really like TWAT (and the song, sorry had to say it!), but to say it's better that November Rain, really....?

 Rep: 207 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

DCK wrote:

Yes, really. It's mine and other peoples taste and opinion. I never cared much for those November Rain solos. Don't know what the fuzz is about. Slashs SCOM solo on the other hand...

And it's like being suspected of turning your back on some kind of religion not to think highly of Slashs November Rain solo. It's weird, it's just solos you like more than others. But "away from me demon" if you don't like "the bible"

 Rep: 661 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

monkeychow wrote:

I wrote a long reply to this earlier but my phone ate it!

I just want to say that the outro solo to November Rain is one of those solos to me that's kind of spiritual. It goes beyond a simple guitar solo in a song and into like the perfect thing to go with that other thing musically.

I will spare DCK and Axlin from trial by water or fire, despite the heresy I'm reading in this thread, as TWAT is my favourite song on CD so I enjoy that too. But even terms of a solo fitting a song perfectly, i'm not sure there's a better example than NR.

 Rep: 231 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

-D- wrote:
DCK wrote:

Yes, really. It's mine and other peoples taste and opinion. I never cared much for those November Rain solos. Don't know what the fuzz is about. Slashs SCOM solo on the other hand...

And it's like being suspected of turning your back on some kind of religion not to think highly of Slashs November Rain solo. It's weird, it's just solos you like more than others. But "away from me demon" if you don't like "the bible"

HAHA def agree with that. is like denouncing God saying something is better than those solos.

U guys are still wrong though 13


 Rep: 217 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Mikkamakka wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I wrote a long reply to this earlier but my phone ate it!

I just want to say that the outro solo to November Rain is one of those solos to me that's kind of spiritual. It goes beyond a simple guitar solo in a song and into like the perfect thing to go with that other thing musically.

I will spare DCK and Axlin from trial by water or fire, despite the heresy I'm reading in this thread, as TWAT is my favourite song on CD so I enjoy that too. But even terms of a solo fitting a song perfectly, i'm not sure there's a better example than NR.

TWAT's solo is amazing. Musically the only memorable thing in that song. It comes from nowhere, but builds up perfectly itself. Robin and Bucket did a great comob there (although years apart).

November Rain is both great itself, and suits the song perfectly. All the NR solos. The outro is the biggest of the monsters, it's among those solos that cannot be topped.

I enjoy the solo guitar work on both NR and TWAT. I could rank, but why? Both Slash's and BH's stuff is among the finest works rock guitarists have ever done.

 Rep: 207 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

DCK wrote:

Yep, why rank them at all. I also think my distaste for NR also comes from the overproduced feeling it gives me, the amount of cheese that drips from Slash's guitar when he plays the solos, and the even bigger amount of cheese from the video itself (even if it is one of the most superb music vids ever produced). I never listen to NR, not even live. Fincks guitar solo is far below par, like most of his solos (not This I Love though), but it is Bucket who shines. Like he always done and thats why I still mourn that lost relationship between Axl and Bucket but I have to admit that most people would not dig any Bucket Axl deal. They are far too GNR rock n roll conservative for it

 Rep: 768 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Axlin16 wrote:

I wouldn't say I don't like NR. I think it's one of the Top-10 songs GN'R ever made. I think it's overproducer, overly sappy thing is everything the song needs to be. And Slash's guitar work in it is AMAZING. LOVE IT.

I just like the TWAT solo better that's all.

But Slash's SCOM & Estranged solos are probably some of the greatest moments on guitar in GN'R history. I actually would rank Slash's Nightrain solo ABOVE TWAT & NR. I'd hold Slash's Nightrain solo right up there with SCOM & Estranged. His Paradise City solo is amazing as well and right in line with TWAT.

I'm gonna give some more detailed responses to some of the other posts in this thread, because they are very good and very intriguing.

I just don't have the time right this second. Holidays n' stuff. I'll try later.

 Rep: 768 

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

Axlin16 wrote:
Bono wrote:

No I'm not "wrong". It's my opinion. If you can state Slash hasn't recorded anything near close to compareable since the Illusions as a matter of fact opinion I can do the same with Axl. Cause he hasn't according to my ears.

First off, i'm referring specifically to guitar work. Estranged in alot of ways of Slash's "sign off" to GN'R. There is no way anyone can convince me that Slash has produced guitar solos on a GN'R level since GN'R.

That doesn't mean he doesn't have good VR/solo songs. That doesn't mean he didn't have some nice stuff to show for.

For as much material as Slash has produced, he probably has a "Chinese Democracy" collectively from his work. Combining Snakepit, VR & solo work. I would say the same for Izzy & Duff.

To say that Axl hasn't produced anything on a GN'R level since the real band, is ludicrous.

So we're really gonna sit here and say how Slither & Fall To Pieces is somehow GN'R worthy, but Street of Dreams, There Was A Time, Sorry & This I Love AT LEAST weren't? I don't mention some of the others, just for the fact that the ones I mentioned have GN'R spirit all over them.

Bono wrote:

Prostitute had potential but it sounds so artificial  and Axl's voice is annoying. Honestly Ax's voice is very annoying on much of CD.  Also SOD is such a bad song and the TWAT solo is so  overrated. It stands out cause it's the only real extended solo on the album. It's like the big fish in a  small pond but it's just a  bunch of wanking off really.  It's just there.

Well that's YOUR problem.

If you don't like it, you don't like it, but you are very very alone. I can't tell you how many old Guns fans i've played TWAT for and they are literally stunned at how amazing a song it is BEFORE they even hit the solo.

It, along with This I Love, seem to be the main "universal" songs that appealed to the old band fanbase.

I have heard people prefer This I Love to TWAT, and feel TWAT is overrated, and typically they are those "I like November Rain more than Estranged" fans, and I can see that.

"It's just there, wanking off". Well you know, there's ALOT of casual GN'R fans that said the exact same thing to me over the years about Estranged. Saying it was too fat, too overproduced, too boring.

Obviously they're fucking retards.

Bono wrote:

Robin's solo on TIL is the best solo on the album and solos are not even writting or performed by Axl so....

Well that opinion right there explains why you don't like the TWAT solo.

You don't know "good" when you hear it. Robin Finck could cover Freebird and it wouldn't beat Bucket playing guitar with his dick.

Bono wrote:

Slither is  better than anything Axl has recorded since the Illusions I think..


14 14 14

Slither isn't even better than Better. I would even argue Shackler's Revenge and Oh My God is up there, even though people seem to hate those songs.

Bono wrote:

And honestly Messages shits all over anything on CD too.

Yeah until Scott comes in and shits like bad Thai food all over the song.

Bono wrote:

Add Axl's voice to it and it's amazing.

Nope, can't do that man per your own "rules".

Song can't be better than anything on CD, then "it'd be amazing with Axl". We'll it suffers from a lack of Axl same with Fall To Pieces, just like This I Love suffers from a lack of Slash. I still have wet dreams thinking about what Slash would've done with that This I Love solo.

Instead TIL's orchestra is the shining achievement of the song. And once again, it's a stunner that Axl wrote it.

DJ's solo on the live version is far better than Robin's studio verson.

Bono wrote:

Slash suffers from not having Axl and Axl clearly suffers from not having Slash.  Neither of them have done anything as good as their past work.

I would agree that the world has suffered not having these two guys together, and they are both mutally blameable for that.

But Axl has done stuff as good as his past work. It just wasn't pushed.

Bono wrote:

Most people on the planet would  agree.

So we're back to the "if it's not popular, than it's not good" argument.


Bono wrote:

Although I persoanlly think Slash has come closer than Axl.

You're only saying that because Slash had more "hits". And based on that logic, I guess you're right.

Hits = quality


Bono wrote:

And this isn't directed at you but it may come as a shock to some to know you can actually have that opinion and still be a fan of the new band. Figured I should state that before someone comes in saying "Why the fuck do you even post on  site if you don't like the band"  cause you know that'd be coming

Boy you could've fooled me. Based on this post alone...

Some bullet points

-CD is not very good
-Axl has not come close to his old stuff
-Axl's voice is not very good on CD
-There's no guitar solos on CD as good as Slash
-TWAT is very weak
-SOD is very bad


Yet I guarantee you everything that you say in this 'past member' section, you run over to the main GN'R section and say the opposite.

Sometimes I think you just say stuff to piss people off and create some sort of argument.

You're entertaining.

Re: DUFF says he 'Was Reluctant At First' To Open For GN'R

AtariLegend wrote:

I love Novemer Rain too, deffintely Top 5 at least for me with "Guns N' Roses".

There Was A Time and Estranged for me, however are Top 5 for anything in music.

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