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 Rep: 108 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

war wrote:

correct: had

it ended before they broke up.

the chemistry that made them great is also what tore them apart.

dont assume anything with this band in any form

everybody seems happy right now doing their own thing.

if anything, the safest assumption would be that they will go back to what that is that makes them happy after an alleged hof reunion

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:
Bono wrote:

I have no problem with the new guys being their and to be honest I'd also have no problem with the new guys doing then induction. Having Tommy and DJ up their to induct the band would be kinda cool and I'd be down with that.

That would actually be pretty cool.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

Kool Aid 16

Okay. I answered your bad hypothetical, you didn't like it.

It was your point about the old members quitting the band at the same time. If that's not what you meant, then you stated it wrong.

"The thing is the band didn't replace memebers gradually over a  period of albums. They all left at the same time."

That was wrong. It started after the LIES album with Steven, then Izzy. They did carry on and were replaced over a period of albums.

And if your principles are that high about who's inducted at the HOF, and if that is what in fact gets them on stage together, then stand by your principles and don't watch Axl and Slash on stage together.

Holy fuck dude are you  serious? Did they all gradually leave over a period of Albums? Did they? No they sure as fuck didn't. They all left during  the down period after Sympathy for the Devil and  the next tour. Thats' the "same time"  Everybody knwos they all didn't walk out the door on the same date and tiem stop with your bullshit.

the world knew Guns N' Roses as Axl, Slash, Duff, Matt, Gilby & Dizzy. That band ceased to exist and the next time the world saw them like 5 years later or more even it was an entirely new band. Figure it out and drop the lecture on Gn'R member timelines. We all know it, we get it, stop with the technicalities and aknowledge what is actually being said or is that too difficult for you. Unbelievable.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:
war wrote:

correct: had

it ended before they broke up.

the chemistry that made them great is also what tore them apart.

dont assume anything with this band in any form

everybody seems happy right now doing their own thing.

if anything, the safest assumption would be that they will go back to what that is that makes them happy after an alleged hof reunion

Sorry but your'e flat out wrong. the last time we saw them on stage together they had incredible chemistry and like I said you can't fake chemistry nor can you hide it when it exists. they didn't have much chemistry in the studio for Illusions either but look what resulted. their chemsitry on stage was pretty damn evident the last time they ever performed together so unless you  saw some secret gig where they didn't have that magic anymore  then I'll just stick with my baseless assumption that Axl singinga s well as he is now and Slash playing as well as he is now would have amazing stage chemistry.

war wrote:

dont assume anything with this band in any form

Might as well shut down the forum then nothing to discuss anymore.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

war wrote:
Bono wrote:
war wrote:

they wouldnt accept being inducted next to original greatness but they'll accept watching from their seats?


Ummmm yeah! And that's exactly how it should be.  The new band members aren't as dellusional as some fans.  I'm sure they fully understand  how lame it would be for the RRHOF to induct them as members of Guns N' Roses. They know as well as anyone their efforts have not played a part in this induction whatsoever. Just cause a few fans think so doesn't make it so.

I have no problem with the new guys being their and to be honest I'd also have no problem with the new guys doing then induction. Having Tommy and DJ up their to induct the band would be kinda cool and I'd be down with that.

Anyways more and more peole are gonna want a  reunion between now and then and even more so will want one after the ceremony. The new band if they have any hope of carrying on need to release a new album of thier own merrit in 2012. That's my opinion.

you're saying that because you think they shouldn't be inducted and that they agree, assuming you're right, they wouldnt accept the induction if offered?

perhaps but i dont know these people personally. most souls would accept i think.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:
Bono wrote:

I have no problem with the new guys being their and to be honest I'd also have no problem with the new guys doing then induction. Having Tommy and DJ up their to induct the band would be kinda cool and I'd be down with that.

That would actually be pretty cool.

It would be. It would be a nice bridge from past to present and into the future.  Would be a good gesture towards fans who are hung up on the odl band and haven't accepted the new band as well. Kinda like an aknowldegement to the public that they understand they are not the reason this band is being inducted and yet they apprecaite the opportunity to carry it forward while respecting the past.

Would be cool in my opinion. Especially since Tommy is so cool with Axl and Duff. Kinda like a middle man.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

war wrote:
Bono wrote:
war wrote:

correct: had

it ended before they broke up.

the chemistry that made them great is also what tore them apart.

dont assume anything with this band in any form

everybody seems happy right now doing their own thing.

if anything, the safest assumption would be that they will go back to what that is that makes them happy after an alleged hof reunion

Sorry but your'e flat out wrong. the last time we saw them on stage together they had incredible chemistry and like I said you can't fake chemistry nor can you hide it when it exists. they didn't have much chemistry in the studio for Illusions either but look what resulted. their chemsitry on stage was pretty damn evident the last time they ever performed together so unless you  saw some secret gig where they didn't have that magic anymore  then I'll just stick with my baseless assumption that Axl singinga s well as he is now and Slash playing as well as he is now would have amazing stage chemistry.

war wrote:

dont assume anything with this band in any form

Might as well shut down the forum then nothing to discuss anymore.

im wrong? coulda swore they broke up and almost two decades later one is calling the other a cancer. hmmm maybe that was biology that did that.

again singing well and playing well apart doesnt equate to chemistry when added together - "FACT" LMAO

yes, shut her down. boards are based purely on assumptions neutral

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:

My bullshit? 16

This all has to do with the fact you didn't want the new line up inducted into the HOF, and I wasn't even disagreeing with you.

But you were basically trying to discount anything after TSI? My answer was that the band carried on past TSI?. Time didn't stop and skip to 2002, or 2008, or which ever period of GN'R you're counting... You're talking about perception, not what really happened.

You can't ignore what happened during 93-97. That's my point. That period is very significant to the band. You're side stepping a lot of info. And the band carried on even after Slash left. The only thing I argued about was that CD was very important to GN'R's legacy.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Aussie wrote:

If we are being technical wasn't it actually Axl that left.  He left the original partnership agreement then set up a new one, called it Guns N' Roses and offered Slash and Duff to join it as paid employees?

Seems to me that the RNHOF is recognising everything that those involved in the original partnership agreement (plus Dizzy and Sorum) achieved and contributed to the landscape of rock n roll.

Seems a pretty clear cut delineation between two eras to me.  Yes the new entity Axl set up he decided to call Guns N' Roses.  Yes the current version is kicking ass and has very talented musicians, but this new entity called Guns N' Roses has done nothing  to leave an impact on the Rock N Roll landscape compared to the original entity.  I hope they can, because as fans thats a win for us. 

Yes they are still touring and people are attending, whilst we can debate how many, I can also suggest that the majority of those people attending wouldn't be going if they weren't playing the hits from the AFD and UYI era as part of the show.

I think that's where the induction lies, on the strength of those albums and what was achieved during the time those albums were released.  Sure the entity lived on in some capacity, but not to the same impact on the rock landscape.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Neemo wrote:

bono, MrID might as well drp the debate cuz you guys are goign in circles and its hurting my head 16

yeah orig band had chemistry bigtime but alot of it was worked on...they toured constantly for more than 2 years

this new band has pretty saweeome chemistry too, they interact well up there, now thats not saying that i think they should all get in and yes i think that most if not all of the new guys would be kind of embarrased to accept a nomination into the hall under the guns moniker, but tbh i dont the band personally and their opinion on the matter and i dont know how the hall works for this kind of thing, i still say it could swing either way

i tell you one thing though, IMO if Dizzy and Matt get in then Gilby should too

IMO there is a crystal clear deliniation of 2 eras in guns and i agree with Bono that basically one era ceased to exist and the other began to guys are arguing semantics, you and i (the gnr nerds) know that they desolved over a period of years....average jo not so much, nothign happpened from sympathy up til OMG so for all intensive purposes Slash, Duff, Matt and Gilby all left at once. helll i didnt even know myself that gilby wanst on sympathy until like last year or the year before

Adler 1990
Stradlin 1991
Clarke 1994
Slash 1995-6
Matt 1996
Duff 1997

4 guys left under difference circumstances in a 4 year span of down time

new lineup does well worldwide, but let not kid ourselves, the popularity of GnR in 2011 doesnt hold a candle to the level of stardom they had in 1990-3

and that comes from the cake eating kool-aid drinking me

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