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 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

Sorry if I'm being stupid...

Your U2 comparison is a joke, because you're trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. The hypothetical is ridiculous, you'd have to completely reshape U2 as a band, not as a career, and still the personalities and personas and dynamics of U2 are not the same as GN'R to make the comparison.  And again, I answered your hypothetical. Maybe you're just trying to squeeze U2 into yet another argument. 16

Sorry, a seven year span is not quitting at the same time. No matter how you try to spin it to fit your argument. I never said Duff was an intregal part of CD. Am I wrong that Duff was in the band with Robin and tried to get Chris Vrenna from NIN as a replacement for Matt? That would signal he was with Axl in what direction they wanted to take the band, which would be CD. Am I making that up or did it happen?

Metallica didn't have just 2 distinct eras, they had about 4: The original Cliff Burton, thrash era. Jason/Bob Rock polished, pop metal. The Grungy Load/ReLoad era. The St. Anger no solo era. The Rob/Rick Rubin, return to their roots era. And yes, there are Metallica fans who see the Cliff Burton era as the "real" Metallica. And they're stupid tongue

I think the real problem comes down to some of you guys not wanting the new line up to have any recognition as GN'R at all. No one is talking about having Buckethead inducted, or Gary Sunshine or anything ridiculous like that. And it still comes down to the fact you can't get over the band carried on without the original members.

Well either you don't understand what hypothetical means or you just refuse to look at it that way. It doesnt' take a genius to take any other band and intercgange them with Guns N' Roses. It's not a hard concept to understand. Also despite what you say I'm getting the feeling you do want the new band to be inducted cause you sure do  your best to make a case for them. Especially when you ignore the fact that  the last time the public had seen them Gn'R had Slash, Duff, Matt & Gilby in the band. yet when they reapeared those guys had all been replaced. I don't need a lecture on the time frame of each members depature because the fact is they all left  the band during the down time. One band went into hiding and another band reemergeed  And then proceeded to do very little over the next 10 years.  There is no way you can twist that despite how hard you're  tying to.

As for Metallica you're just ignoring what I'm saying about two competely different eras. Metallica never dissapared for half a decade only to reemerge with just James as the only original member left.

And I have no problem with the new guys being recognized as Guns N' Roses but on their own merit and not in any way whatsoever to do with a RRHOF induction when clearly they have done absolutely nothing to warrent it. Thats' what I don't understand. How some people could be fine with them being inducted as Gn'R. Talk about taking credit for someone else's work. And this isn't about what the new guys think themselevs because I truely belive they'd all thik it would be a joke for them to be inducted as well. This is just  my confusion as to how any Gn'R fan would look at  what's transpired and think "yeah if the new guys were inducted into the hall I'd be cool with that"   roll

 Rep: 661 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

monkeychow wrote:
-D- wrote:

What pisses me off, is people who can sit there with a straight face and say they don't wanna see Original Appetite lineup perform a couple songs one last time.

I think anyone who says that is fucking nuts. No offense.

I dunno man....

To me it would be like finding the girl who broke your heart at 18 and fucking her at 49....

One of two things are going to happen.

1. It's not going to be good enough to validate the memory. Then you've done is highlight the loss and how old you've both become. And everytime you want to relive the sweet memories of that teenage love it's going to be tainted with the horrible memories of how much you'd changed in the 2011 fuck.


2. It is going to be just as good as possible. And it's going to recapture lightening in a bottle and prove to you that everything since has been unworthy and you've been kidding yourself that you're liking it. Try doing that then going back to your new wife 14

So you know part of me wants to see the reformed GNR. But part of me doesn't. If it's not up to scratch it fucks with my mind a lot. And if it is up to scratch - then it takes me another 15 years to again reconcile myself to slash returning to myles and Axl returning to DJ, when it's all over.

As I said in another thread too, as cool as live shows are, if Axl n Slash wanna be pals for a project, to me studio stuff would trump it so many bazzilion times in that enviroment there's not going to be any accidental fuck ups and what is done will be fresh and last forever, unlike the fleeting moment of a live gig just for the hell of it. At the end of the day the live set is going to be Jungle for the billionth time. Sure i'd wet my pants when i hear it with them - but just imagine if they made an EP instead...way better use of their remaining time IMO.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

Correct sir. Axl's tribute band is a group of employees working for him. Guns N' Roses was a band built on more democratic principles than Axl's current dictatorship.


Sums up Axl's tribute band. lol

And your opinion of the new band! Yay


 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:

I will say this they are in a  real dilema here because Axl is sounding better than he has since the Illusion days and Slash is playing better than he ever has period.  You can't fake chemistry and you can't hide it. When it's there it's there so if you get the original lineup on stage for the world to see and they perform together holy shit is the new band ever in a pickle and I'm not kidding. In my opinion given how hot Axl and Slash are right now and given how cool Duff and Izzy have always been you get them on stage together to perform and you will catch lightening in a  bottle again and it's gonna be something that clearly isn't there with the new band as amazing as they are. neutral

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:
Bono wrote:

Well either you don't understand what hypothetical means or you just refuse to look at it that way. It doesnt' take a genius to take any other band and intercgange them with Guns N' Roses. It's not a hard concept to understand. Also despite what you say I'm getting the feeling you do want the new band to be inducted cause you sure do  your best to make a case for them. Especially when you ignore the fact that  the last time the public had seen them Gn'R had Slash, Duff, Matt & Gilby in the band. yet when they reapeared those guys had all been replaced. I don't need a lecture on the time frame of each members depature because the fact is they all left  the band during the down time. One band went into hiding and another band reemergeed  And then proceeded to do very little over the next 10 years.  There is no way you can twist that despite how hard you're  tying to.

As for Metallica you're just ignoring what I'm saying about two competely different eras. Metallica never dissapared for half a decade only to reemerge with just James as the only original member left.

And I have no problem with the new guys being recognized as Guns N' Roses but on their own merit and not in any way whatsoever to do with a RRHOF induction when clearly they have done absolutely nothing to warrent it. Thats' what I don't understand. How some people could be fine with them being inducted as Gn'R. Talk about taking credit for someone else's work. And this isn't about what the new guys think themselevs because I truely belive they'd all thik it would be a joke for them to be inducted as well. This is just  my confusion as to how any Gn'R fan would look at  what's transpired and think "yeah if the new guys were inducted into the hall I'd be cool with that"   roll

For the second time, I answered your hypothetical. If U2 put out two original albums, replaced 2 of the founding members after the first. Went on a 9 year hiatus, released a new album and toured with a new band around Bono for another 9 years, still sold over 2 million copies around the world with that new album, still had people lining up for concerts, then I don't think a whole lot of people would mind the new guys being inducted with the founding members. That's my opinion on it.

I'm restating the facts that the band did not collectively quit the band at the same time like you said. You said they quit and weren't replaced one at a time. I proved you to be wrong. On top of that, Duff was in the band with new members, along with Matt, brought in Robin to replace Slash. And from his actions, did have a vision for the new direction of the band that matched Axl's. And that there were several reasons why Duff quit. What happened during that down time was very important. And there was no protesting about going on without the founding members, because they all showed they were fine with carrying on with new guys since Steven was fired.

No, you're not getting what I'm saying about the new band being inducted. I don't have a problem with who's being inducted at all. But I can see why they should be inducted "IF" they were included. And what the real reason a lot of people would have with the new line up being included, which tej admitted to. The RHCP are being inducted in the current line up form with the new guitarist who had nothing to do with making them the band they are today. Same with Metallica. That's all I'm saying, not that they should be inducted. Again, I am absolutely fine with the original five, plus Matt and Dizzy being inducted. All I said was I hope they invite the new line up to watch the ceremony.

Again, if inducting the new line up got Axl and Slash on stage together again, then yes I would be all friggin for it! Absolutely. No problem whatsoever. If you still have a problem with that you desperately need some kind of psychological therapy. There's something wrong with you.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:
Bono wrote:

I will say this they are in a  real dilema here because Axl is sounding better than he has since the Illusion days and Slash is playing better than he ever has period.  You can't fake chemistry and you can't hide it. When it's there it's there so if you get the original lineup on stage for the world to see and they perform together holy shit is the new band ever in a pickle and I'm not kidding. In my opinion given how hot Axl and Slash are right now and given how cool Duff and Izzy have always been you get them on stage together to perform and you will catch lightening in a  bottle again and it's gonna be something that clearly isn't there with the new band as amazing as they are. neutral

I agree. And it kind of even freaks me out to talk about it, and why I haven't mentioned it, because I'm afraid Axl might read it and it could freak him out and ruin any chance of performing with the original guys, even for just one night. So don't say anything about it. 16

 Rep: 194 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:
Bono wrote:

I will say this they are in a  real dilema here because Axl is sounding better than he has since the Illusion days and Slash is playing better than he ever has period.  You can't fake chemistry and you can't hide it. When it's there it's there so if you get the original lineup on stage for the world to see and they perform together holy shit is the new band ever in a pickle and I'm not kidding. In my opinion given how hot Axl and Slash are right now and given how cool Duff and Izzy have always been you get them on stage together to perform and you will catch lightening in a  bottle again and it's gonna be something that clearly isn't there with the new band as amazing as they are. neutral

I agree. And it kind of even freaks me out to talk about it, and why I haven't mentioned it, because I'm afraid Axl might read it and it could freak him out and ruin any chance of performing with the original guys, even for just one night. So don't say anything about it. 16

Honestly, that might be the biggest thing that scares Axl away. He damn well knows the classic lineup was magical. He also probably doesn't even remember why his grudge with Slash started in the first place. But it's too late for him to cave in. He has too much pride to admit he was wrong, that he actually does need the other guys to be the best rock n' fucking roll band on the planet.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:

What my biggest, biggest hope is, is that DJ and Tommy really encourage him to do it. And that somehow, maybe through Duff or Izzy, or both, there is some kind of communication with Slash. Or the HOF somehow recognizes the new line up to make him comfortable and take away any (initial) pressure or expectation to reform the old band. Anything to make his mind at ease. What happens after the show.....

But tbh I don't care what it takes to get him onstage with Slash. I'm down for it. Including the new line up being inducted, having a big new/old line up PC jam at the end, or they agree not to talk to each other and stay on seperate sides of the stage. Hell, my offer to carry Gilby to Cleveland piggy back is still open. 16

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Sky Dog wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:
Bono wrote:

I will say this they are in a  real dilema here because Axl is sounding better than he has since the Illusion days and Slash is playing better than he ever has period.  You can't fake chemistry and you can't hide it. When it's there it's there so if you get the original lineup on stage for the world to see and they perform together holy shit is the new band ever in a pickle and I'm not kidding. In my opinion given how hot Axl and Slash are right now and given how cool Duff and Izzy have always been you get them on stage together to perform and you will catch lightening in a  bottle again and it's gonna be something that clearly isn't there with the new band as amazing as they are. neutral

I agree. And it kind of even freaks me out to talk about it, and why I haven't mentioned it, because I'm afraid Axl might read it and it could freak him out and ruin any chance of performing with the original guys, even for just one night. So don't say anything about it. 16

Honestly, that might be the biggest thing that scares Axl away. He damn well knows the classic lineup was magical. He also probably doesn't even remember why his grudge with Slash started in the first place. But it's too late for him to cave in. He has too much pride to admit he was wrong, that he actually does need the other guys to be the best rock n' fucking roll band on the planet.

You go a bit far in the blame game....ain't all Axl's fault. He certainly played a huge role, but come on...he is wrong about some and right about others. That's life...

 Rep: 194 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

tejastech08 wrote:
madagas wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

I agree. And it kind of even freaks me out to talk about it, and why I haven't mentioned it, because I'm afraid Axl might read it and it could freak him out and ruin any chance of performing with the original guys, even for just one night. So don't say anything about it. 16

Honestly, that might be the biggest thing that scares Axl away. He damn well knows the classic lineup was magical. He also probably doesn't even remember why his grudge with Slash started in the first place. But it's too late for him to cave in. He has too much pride to admit he was wrong, that he actually does need the other guys to be the best rock n' fucking roll band on the planet.

You go a bit far in the blame game....ain't all Axl's fault. He certainly played a huge roll, but come on...

I know it isn't all his fault. It's not his fault that Adler ruined his own life with drugs, it's not Axl's fault that Izzy got sober and wanted to get the hell out of the drug situation in the band, and it's not Axl's fault that there was a difference in musical direction going on within the band. It's also not Axl's fault that Duff and Slash were drunk/high enough to sign over their partnership rights to one of the most popular brands in the music business. But it was Axl's arrogance, pride, and delusion that led him to believe he could surround himself with a circus of tribute performers, call it "Guns N' Roses," and it would somehow still fly with the public. Wrong Axl. Dead fucking wrong.

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