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 Rep: 287 

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

Aussie wrote:
mindsmack51883 wrote:

You and me both. Indy's supposed to be my first GNR show ever. Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to be a diehard fan of a normal band.

Hope the gig goes ahead and you get to see it, I'm sure it will be worth it.

Funny I have had similar thoughts though, what would it be like to be fanatical about a NORMAL band.

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

Thanks. I hope so.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

Neemo wrote:


 Rep: 21 

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

Gagarin wrote:

^Weekend times are fewer, more heavily booked, and more expensive to rent.
If you only did weekend shows, you'd be touring 2 or 3 times as long to do the same amount of shows.

If you can sell 3000 more tickets for a weekend show, those costs can be more than offset.

Tours feed off word of mouth. 5000-6000 in the crowd for a band like this is not good pub.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

Neemo wrote:

i dont think its gonna matter what day of the week the show is on...this is just what the popularity level of the band is now

the sooner people realize it the happier everyone will be

its time to stop hoping for sold out stadiums and taking over the USA and bringing rock back into relevance for the american music scene

its not gonna happen

Abroad GnR is a big draw...domesitcally the numbers are more modest, doesnt mean that we cant enjoy what we got, its just a reality that the music pendulem is currently stuck on Pop and R&B, and mainstream modern rock

classic and nostalgia acts are just not big draws right now and due to many underlying factors the media and consequently the average fan is leary to go spend a hefty fee to see a band that may play terrible (cuz RIR is the only show they played this year) or cuz there will be a Riot, or cuz they will not hit the stage until 2am

you and i know as massive fans of the band, but average joe knows next to nothing about what will happen when the lights go turns people off

maybe if they can put togehter a new album with a couple radio hits then things wil be different but on the back of CD most people dont like it or dont care to give it a chance

 Rep: 217 

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

Mikkamakka wrote:

Neemo said it all.

I'd only add (and it's not negativity) that some people here, some die-hard fans, place this band much higher than the rest of the world. That's cool. But face it, CD was far from a success, especially in the US, so the tour numbers aren't very good either. Yes, they are bad for a band called Guns N' Roses, but not that bad for this band that calls itself Guns N' Roses.
I don't really care about the attendance though, there are more important factors. In Axl Rose's case, it's a success that no riot took place, there's been no prima-donna on stage hysteria so far, I haven't read that much complaint about late starts and the reviews are pretty positive about the band. It's going to be the best US tour of the post-classic band.:thumbup:

 Rep: 386 

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

Bono wrote:
Bono wrote:

Curious to know if this show was listed on the tour shirts and posters? The Albany show was not and it was cancelled.

Aagin anyone know if this show was listed on the tour merchandise?

 Rep: 212 

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

BLS-Pride wrote:

It's listed on the back of the tour shirt I bought, the one with the chinese dude on the front.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

faldor wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Neemo said it all.

I'd only add (and it's not negativity) that some people here, some die-hard fans, place this band much higher than the rest of the world. That's cool. But face it, CD was far from a success, especially in the US, so the tour numbers aren't very good either. Yes, they are bad for a band called Guns N' Roses, but not that bad for this band that calls itself Guns N' Roses.
I don't really care about the attendance though, there are more important factors. In Axl Rose's case, it's a success that no riot took place, there's been no prima-donna on stage hysteria so far, I haven't read that much complaint about late starts and the reviews are pretty positive about the band. It's going to be the best US tour of the post-classic band.:thumbup:

That is true, and like Neemo said, that's just the popularity (or lack thereof) of the band in its present state.  I talked to a friend of mine last night (one of 8 that went to the Hartford show with me).  He was a bit skeptical heading into the show.  I had been giving updates since the tour started.  Unfortunately it got off to a rocky start in Rio and I didn't sugarcoat anything.  That seemed to scare some people a bit and even though I sent raving reviews from the following shows, people only took notice of the one less than stellar review.  Anyway, my buddy said he told a bunch of people about the concert prior to and after.  He got a similar response every time.  "Who duped you into buying a ticket for that?"  "How awful was it?"  He had to assure these people that the show was awesome and Axl sounded great. 

That's just the way it is unfortunately.  People think the band/Axl suck these days and they don't want to take the time to find out if that's actually true or not.  They're missing out on a hell of a show.  That's all I can say about that.  I don't know what can be done to change the mindset, but I'm starting to believe more and more that nothing can be done.  It's going to be that way regardless of what the band does or doesn't do.  Aside from maybe a reunion.  But people, at least in the US, just won't give this band a fair shake.  So take it for what it is.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Desoto Civic Center 5th December - CANCELLED

Bono wrote:
faldor wrote:

That's just the way it is unfortunately.  People think the band/Axl suck these days and they don't want to take the time to find out if that's actually true or not.  They're missing out on a hell of a show.  That's all I can say about that.  I don't know what can be done to change the mindset, but I'm starting to believe more and more that nothing can be done.  It's going to be that way regardless of what the band does or doesn't do.  Aside from maybe a reunion.  But people, at least in the US, just won't give this band a fair shake.  So take it for what it is.

This band really hasnt' done anything though to establish themselves.  CD came and went with little to no promo save for a handful of tv adds right before the release. the two singles they released weren't all that well recived and Axl's done nothing really to promote the new guys as Guns so....   Maybe there isn't much that can change the public's perception but a new album with a hit single, plus a few late night performanecs and interveiw on one of or all of the big four(Kimmel, Fallon, Leno, Letterman) as well as a full length interview with Axl and Tommy/DJ with a BAND photo(doesnt' need to be the full band but Axl, Tommy, DJ would be enough) on the cover would do WONDERS!

Then of course beg for that ever elusive Super Bowl half time slot  14

But seriously it's not rocket science. It's just they have done pretty much nothing to change the publics perception. Live shwos are great but if you've done nothing outside of them to convince people to come see you then they won't

BLS-Pride wrote:

It's listed on the back of the tour shirt I bought, the one with the chinese dude on the front.

Would be cool if they could be specific about the production issues that are causeing these cancellations.  Or if it is a ticket sales issue just own it.

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