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 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

What... the fuck?

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Rant Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: The Rant Thread

monkeychow wrote:

was seeing a girl...then she emails me...

"You're a terrific person - excellent company, good looking, unique, creative and intelligent. And you're an ideal "catch" what with all those qualifications"

and leaves me for a 55 year old.

 Rep: 287 

Re: The Rant Thread

Aussie wrote:


Fucken women and dating used to do my head in.

If she has gone for a 55 year old I'm guessing she's gold digging or has major issues and is looking for a father figure or something.

Nice way to tell you too via email. Gutless that is.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Maybe not gold digging, but definitely a girl looking to be "taken care of".

That's female language for "go out and make money so I can sit my ass at the house and do nothing or go shopping with your credit cards, while you support me".

One of the BIGGEST issues with female equality and feminism that has existed since it was adapted by the 80's, is that although women were empowered to go out and get jobs right beside men and not stay at home with kids, something Gen X & Y now feel entitled to, is that despite that role they were given.... they still typically expect men to foot their bill in life.

Doesn't work that way. If that makes me a fuckin' caveman asshole, than whatever, but I ain't backing down on it.

 Rep: 194 

Re: The Rant Thread

metallex78 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

was seeing a girl...then she emails me...

"You're a terrific person - excellent company, good looking, unique, creative and intelligent. And you're an ideal "catch" what with all those qualifications"

and leaves me for a 55 year old.

That is a very big WTF dude!

Kinda reminds me of the scene from Big Daddy where Adam Sandler's girl leaves him for a much older guy and Adam Sandler says something about, how can she prefer his old man's balls...??? 14

She sounds like she has 'daddy' issues if she wants a guy THAT much older than her. Either that or she wants a sugar daddy, OR she has a fucked up thing for older men...

 Rep: 194 

Re: The Rant Thread

metallex78 wrote:
metallex78 wrote:

I've recently fallen out of love with the girl that I was ranting about on here a few months ago, but I still work at the same office with her, and all I hear these days is her going on about her dickhead boyfriend. He even sent her flowers at work today and she showed no restraint in flaunting it in front of me.
Especially when she knows I'm not happy that she's with another guy and not me.

Women can be the most evil creatures on this planet when they want to be.

Just an update from me about this above too, on Thursday night she posted on facebook that she was out to dinner celebrating 3 months together with her boyfriend, and the next day, she's back to being single again. She said something about them being better off as friends.

It's strange, I should be really happy that she is single again, but I'm leaning more towards 'I couldn't give a fuck' at the moment.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

metallex sounds like shes too scared of commitment

monkey that sucks...a decision like that should be discussed face to face not htis chicken shit email / phone message / text message crap...anyway i'm sorry that happened to you

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Rant Thread

monkeychow wrote:

Thanks for the support everyone. smile

Was a pretty serious WTF..especially cos she's like 24 so you're looking at in excess of a 30 year age gap! Irony is I had started seeing her because she seemed more grounded and more of a 'keeper' than a lot of the girls I meet that are my age (34) and already onto marriage #3 or whatever. Those girls seem to have given up on love and just like to party now or they're just even more troubled than me! lol . Anyways...she wasn't like that and seemed really nice. So it shows that I just can't pick them!

As for your dilemma metalalex its a risk...cos like on one hand you could take a second shot...on the's sort of setting yourself up for her to fuck you over emotionally she she played the "friends" card's hard to really move back out of that mindset in her brain.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:


24 years old going out with a 55 year old?

Yep Metallex called it -- she's a total golddigger. You're better off Monkey, because girls like that are never satisfied. Everything about them is "money, finances, how much are you buying me, I hate we don't go on cruises, you don't earn enough TAKE A SECOND JOB!"

You don't need that.

Any 24 year old girl that will hop on a 55-year old cock is doing it for the money. Even with daddy issues, there's money issues at the core.

@Metallex: You're also better off. A girl like that is a girl who is psychologically scambled, even beyond commitment issues. She might even have mild BPD to go from those extremes in relationships. BPD's are always addicted to drama, and she did it to you before, now she's doing it to this guy.

I'm also with Neemo. Any girl (and they are the absolute worst about it today), that will spread relationship issues and issue breakups on fuckin' Facebook or Twitter or text message are fuckin' cowards. Plain and simple.

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