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Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Sky Dog wrote:
Bono wrote:

Well I guess it depends on your definition of career.  In my mind doing somthing you enjoy, having sucess doing it, and being able to continue doing it 25+ years later is pretty damn successful and a much better acreer than soem band who hit the jackpot with ONE album and then ended a year years later.  Nirvana who struggled for a few years hit it big with one album and then ended. Nirvana did not have a better career than Bon Jovi. they may have made a bigger impact in a  short time but their career is not better.

I'm talking career not legacy. Would be like saying if Sydney Crosby's career ended today while Ovechkin went on to play for the next 15 years but doesn't wina  Stanely Cup that Crosby had the better career.  I don't think so.

Gnr's 4 year run from 87-91 has left a much bigger impact on the music industry than Bon Jovi's entire 30 year run. Gnr with a third of the catalog has sold just as many or more records worldwide than Jovi. Gnr is more critically acclaimed, is just as popular if you look at record sales, and, in the end, was just a flat out better rock band. Nirvana is in the same boat as Gnr. They are simply better.

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Sky Dog wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I wouldn't have a problem with the Appetite line up and Sorum...  I only say that about Sorum because he played drums more for GNR than Steven...   Steven has 20 songs with GNR (Appetite, 7 off Lies, 1 of UYI)...  Sorum with just UYI (not counting Spaghetti Incident) is at 28 songs...  He didn't play on My World or Civil War...

fuck stated before "contract musician" with NO writing credits.

oh, and fuck Steven too...right place at the right time. So, I change my mind. Only Axl, Izzy, Duff, and Slash go to the podium.

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Sky Dog wrote:
Bono wrote:
-D- wrote:

Buckethead,Robin,Pitman and Tommy deserve to go in over Gilby... Gilby was a "Touring" guitarist and only recording he was on was a covers album.

HOF usually goes to the members most thought to contribute to the bands fame/success/popularity.

So I'd imagine Original AFD lineup and MAYBE Sorum although he has zero writing credits.

Dizzy simply played parts written by Axl for the most part.. So not sure bout that one either.

I don't agree. Gilby was part of the Gn'R that people remember and cared about. Nobody gives a fuck about this Gn'R and CD plays no factor in their nomination whatsoever. Post 1994 Gn'R has NOTHING to do with them being nominated and the members from that point on should have no inclusion in this.  I'd hear the argument that Gilby should  not go in but I think it's laughable to suggest Tommy, Bucket and Robin deserve to be in before Gilby.

Honestly what  fuck has Robin, Tommy or Bucket done to deserve to be in the RRHOF other than ride the coatails of the name and Axl?  Having those gusy go in is as ridiculous as having Turjilo(sp?) going in with metallica.  You could say the same for Gilby but at least Gilby toured with them on the biggest tour ever(at the time maybe still is) and did in fact record on an album back in their heyday(argueably) So.....  hell Gilby is in the making of videos and on the only official live dvd's of the band,.

If the arguement  which many are making is Gn'R is getting in based on AFD then no fucking way guys who recorded on CD should  go in. that album isn't puting anyone in the RRHOF ever.

-D- wrote:

HOF usually goes to the members most thought to contribute to the bands fame/success/popularity.

This says it all right here. If this is the case it's the original lineup and that's it. Nobody involved with the CD era Guns should even get a  sniff of the RRHOF with the association to Guns N' Roses. Fuck that.  Buckethead, Robin and Tommy sorry to say have not contributed to the popularity of Guns N' Roses.

Your Gilby argument was BRUTAL......and the uyi tour wasn't close to the biggest tour ever....don't overplay your hand.:peace:

 Rep: 194 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

tejastech08 wrote:
madagas wrote:
Bono wrote:

Well I guess it depends on your definition of career.  In my mind doing somthing you enjoy, having sucess doing it, and being able to continue doing it 25+ years later is pretty damn successful and a much better acreer than soem band who hit the jackpot with ONE album and then ended a year years later.  Nirvana who struggled for a few years hit it big with one album and then ended. Nirvana did not have a better career than Bon Jovi. they may have made a bigger impact in a  short time but their career is not better.

I'm talking career not legacy. Would be like saying if Sydney Crosby's career ended today while Ovechkin went on to play for the next 15 years but doesn't wina  Stanely Cup that Crosby had the better career.  I don't think so.

Gnr's 4 year run from 87-91 has left a much bigger impact on the music industry than Bon Jovi's entire 30 year run. Gnr with a third of the catalog has sold just as many or more records worldwide than Jovi. Gnr is more critically acclaimed, is just as popular if you look at record sales, and, in the end, was just a flat out better rock band. Nirvana is in the same boat as Gnr. They are simply better.

QFT. Based on Bono's logic, Hendrix had a worse career than the likes of Bon Jovi.

 Rep: 386 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:

Bon Jovi has had a wicked career whether you guys like it or not.  You are basing your arguement on influence, I'm basing mine on longevity and sustained success in terms of album sales, touring and fanbase. Aside from album sales Bon Jovi owns Gn'R in those categories. Not to mention they continue to put out succesful albums.  Not once did I deny the fact Gn'R had a better five year run BUT Bon Jovi has had a WAY better 30 year run. 

Oh and madagas my arguement about Gilby is not fucking Brutal in comparison to the joke fucking arguement people make for Tommy, Bucket and Robin. I mean seriously guys from the CD era getting into the hall as members of Gn'R before a guy who was with them during the height of their popularity? No fucking way.  And the Use Your Illusion Tour was the biggest(longest) tour ever at that point.  They toured for two fucking years and it was in FACT Gn'R's most succesful tour to date and always will be.

Also I'll go to my gave saying Bon Jovi is a  way better band than  Nirvana ever was. Just because Rolling Stone put Cobain on the cover and called him the voice of a generation doesn't mean shit. yeah they helped changed the musical landscape and yes they deserve to be in the hall of fame but if anyone says they'd take Nirvana's career over Bon Jovi's I'll just assume you're high as a kite.  Why would you? So you can have a legacy to thump your chest about?

 Rep: 194 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Not once did I deny the fact Gn'R had a better five year run BUT Bon Jovi has had a WAY better 30 year run.

No they didn't. Their music doesn't hold up worth a damn, whereas GN'R put out timeless classics that still kick ass even today. Bon Jovi has made a lot of money. So does Britney Spears.

Bono wrote:

Also I'll go to my gave saying Bon Jovi is a  way better band than  Nirvana ever was. Just because Rolling Stone put Cobain on the cover and called him the voice of a generation doesn't mean shit. yeah they helped changed the musical landscape and yes they deserve to be in the hall of fame but if anyone says they'd take Nirvana's career over Bon Jovi's I'll just assume you're high as a kite.  Why would you? So you can have a legacy to thump your chest about?

Nirvana is certainly overrated but still a hell of a lot better than Bon Jovi. 100 years from now, people won't give a shit about Bon Jovi selling a lot of records or making a lot of money on tour. The music is the thing that will be judged over time.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Smoking Guns wrote:
madagas wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I wouldn't have a problem with the Appetite line up and Sorum...  I only say that about Sorum because he played drums more for GNR than Steven...   Steven has 20 songs with GNR (Appetite, 7 off Lies, 1 of UYI)...  Sorum with just UYI (not counting Spaghetti Incident) is at 28 songs...  He didn't play on My World or Civil War...

fuck stated before "contract musician" with NO writing credits.

oh, and fuck Steven too...right place at the right time. So, I change my mind. Only Axl, Izzy, Duff, and Slash go to the podium.

I am fine with that... But would that lead to suicide for Steven?  I do agree those 4 are the main 4, but Adler's drumming on AFD was soo groovy..

 Rep: 194 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

tejastech08 wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
madagas wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I wouldn't have a problem with the Appetite line up and Sorum...  I only say that about Sorum because he played drums more for GNR than Steven...   Steven has 20 songs with GNR (Appetite, 7 off Lies, 1 of UYI)...  Sorum with just UYI (not counting Spaghetti Incident) is at 28 songs...  He didn't play on My World or Civil War...

fuck stated before "contract musician" with NO writing credits.

oh, and fuck Steven too...right place at the right time. So, I change my mind. Only Axl, Izzy, Duff, and Slash go to the podium.

I am fine with that... But would that lead to suicide for Steven?  I do agree those 4 are the main 4, but Adler's drumming on AFD was soo groovy..

Adler's drumming was perfect for the band. He definitely deserves to get in with the other 4. But Sorum doesn't.

 Rep: 386 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Not once did I deny the fact Gn'R had a better five year run BUT Bon Jovi has had a WAY better 30 year run.

No they didn't. Their music doesn't hold up worth a damn, whereas GN'R put out timeless classics that still kick ass even today. Bon Jovi has made a lot of money. So does Britney Spears.

Actually yes they have and as a dj who's dj'd everything from cabarets, weddings, highschool dances to clubs that Bon Jovi's music has held up incredibly well. FACT.  In fact two weeks ago I dj'd in a  club that is 90% techno and the best fucking song of the night was Livin' On a Prayer when I did a mini rock set. Bon Jovi has with stood the test of time and there's a real good reason why they weren't killed off by the "grunge" scene of the 90's Why? Cause their music is good and to compare them to Britney Spears is pathetic. Only on a  Gn'R board roll

tejastech08 wrote:

Nirvana is certainly overrated but still a hell of a lot better than Bon Jovi. 100 years from now, people won't give a shit about Bon Jovi selling a lot of records or making a lot of money on tour. The music is the thing that will be judged over time.

Again as a dj I can honestly say Nirvana has never been requested at any event I've done. Bon Jovi is ALWAYS requested. I don't give a shit what music critics wanna write about Bon Jovi has had a long career based on their music and their ability to perform live and that's  a fact.  Bon Jovi is also the inspiration behind MTV's unplugged and that is also a FACT. If it wasn't about their music they'd have died off long ago but  millions of people still love them because of their great songs. Bon Jovi were THE hair band of the 80's and 100 years from now when tallking about the music scene of the 80's they are the ones that will be mentioned along with Guns N' Roses and Motley Crue. Their music is different than those two but they were a big player and they still are.  Macho Gn'R fans can deny it all they want but to say their songs don't hold up is pretty f-ing hilarious.

 Rep: 386 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

Adler's drumming was perfect for the band. He definitely deserves to get in with the other 4. But Sorum doesn't.

Agreed with the first part. I'm still undecided about Sorum. he's like Gilby to me but more eligiable since he recorded on UYI

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