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 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Axlin16 wrote:

I completely agree with that. It's 2011, at this point Axl needs to just have a hug, and maybe some dinner and be cool about the whole thing.

There were people in my life that I was estranged from for a decade, and it was pretty nasty. Even 2 years before I reconciled with them, I would've NEVER thought it'd ever happen. It was still nasty and a sore subject.

BUT, today is a different day. Not only did we reconcile, but are on good terms, brought closure to the past and come full circle. Is it what it was in it's prime? No. But I would go so far to say we're on better terms TODAY than we were then when all the tension existed. Then again, i'm not forced to see them everyday, week or month for that matter either, which goes a long way in keeping everything on good terms too.

If only Axl could grasp that concept, but i'm sure he'd say "you don't know all the details" or something like that... hey man, its your legacy... if you wanna fuck it up, that's your perogative.

 Rep: 287 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Aussie wrote:

At the risk of sounding too philosophical...You forgive someone for your own benefit not theirs.  Forgiving Slash et al for whatever the fuck Axl has an issue about does not mean he is letting Slash off the hook too easily for whatever he is supposed to have done.  It's as much about freeing Axl up of the burden of this shit and animosity that he is clearly still carring around with him.

That shit is bad, it eats you up.  I mean seriously who can be bothered keeping track this far down the line of who said what, did what.  Fuck it, just give it up and let it go, you'll be more at peace with yourself if you can do that.  You might then be able to replace the pettiness you hold in your life with something more positve.

 Rep: 212 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Intercourse wrote:

That shit is bad, it eats you up.  I mean seriously who can be bothered keeping track this far down the line of who said what, did what.

I think the Mailbau Mafia help keep Axl locked into this holding pattern. Slash said that for a reunion that the hangers on have to go and the band function properly, that means Fernando and his Mom loosing their jobs so they cannot let this happen.

 Rep: 287 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Aussie wrote:

Maybe Axl just needs a good root to loosen himself up a bit. I know when I still lived at home with my mum it was harder to pick up chicks compared to when I moved out into my own pad. 16

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Sky Dog wrote:

from a reputable poster at the Velvet Rope...

"Anthony deCurtis (from Rolling Stone) and a guy from Maxim (?) were on Good Morning America (is that the one on CBS); both proclaimed G&R a lock, and their (Axl and Slash) not speaking was mentioned. All signs point to "Yes." Then Axl will do something stupid and get a lot of publicity. "

 Rep: 43 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

gnfnraxl wrote:

I'm a huge fn of GNR but seriously if GNR gets in on 1st ballot while bands like Rush, Iron Maiden and Kiss amongst others are NOT in.  Then something is VERY wrong with the Hall.

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

Sky Dog wrote:

the Hall of Fame is a joke but none of the bands you named have an album nearly as popular or critically acclaimed as AFD. Plus, Gnr had a much bigger impact on the music scene for their 4 years than the other guys.

I agree all 3 should be in but Gnr deserves to be in least at some point.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

NY Giants82 wrote:

GN'R is certainly first ballot worthy. BUT, not having bands like KISS and Deep Purple not in is a complete joke. They will never be taken seriously by many until the few that has a say in this put their egos aside.

 Rep: 475 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:

Tommy should get in. Don't care what you punks say 16

The funniest thing about this is that over at HTGTH, jarmo's got this discussion in the Dead Horse section.


 Rep: 207 

Re: GN'R Nominated for Hall of Fame

DCK wrote:

Some dumb woman is Facebooking me saying GNR will be included

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