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 Rep: 9 

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

Manets wrote:

BBA … s-setlist/

Hey, gunheads. It's been a while. You can go ahead and file this under "I'll believe it when I see it", but I was recently provided with, what is purportedly, the setlist that Axl's boys were recently rehearsing while in LA.

Don't think that the last couple months of silence have been in vain. There's more to follow ...

P.S. - Hey, Axl. I'll see ya in Florida!


 Rep: 386 

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

Bono wrote:

Three songs nobody has ever heard before? It would be cool if they did Think About You though. That's a hugely underrated AFD song in my opinion.  Ihe idea of Estranged into PC for the encore is kinda cool

But yes this definitely gets filed under "I'll believe it when I see it"

 Rep: 217 

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

Mikkamakka wrote:


 Rep: 212 

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

BLS-Pride wrote:

Bring Back Adler.

I never believe these things. In a what If world I would say that would be sick but no hopes.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

DCK wrote:

True or not, I love fake or real set lists.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

Olorin wrote:

Yawn, another "scoop" from the biggest troll on the internet, why post his shite here?

 Rep: 661 

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

monkeychow wrote:

Not sure I buy that they would plan pyro for Think About You.

I love the song and all...but it doesn't have any obvious explosion moments unlike YCBM etc.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

Aussie wrote:

BBA lol.

Looks fake - there's not enough solos and moving piano jams etc etc  16

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

johndivney wrote:
DCK wrote:

True or not, I love fake or real set lists.


funny cause it's true

always love it when these morons say even stupider shit than usual when they tag their BS w/the likes of "Don't think that the last couple months of silence have been in vain. There's more to follow ..."

it's like the codeword/calling card for GnR trolls to identify. the worst bad in-joke of the whole fucking joke.

 Rep: 207 

Re: Possible Tour Setlist! The General, Estranged, Civil War, Atlas+

DCK wrote:

"Don't think that the last couple months of silence have been in vain. There's more to follow ..."

Ohh..the masterplan. I love the masterplan too. And I love it because there are none so we can pretend it's so advanced we can't figure it out. I mean, I don't think there is a masterplan...or is it????

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