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 Rep: 20 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

Games thing, I don't have one and have never played on one.  TV I could happily live without and my mobile but I don't like to not have it if I'm driving any distance.

I have had no internet connection for the past 2 weeks and I've not missed it half as much as I thought I would but I can't say I'm not glad to have it back!

 Rep: 1 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

Game system. I dont actually own one. They dont appeal that much to me.

I could do without all of them really. I didnt have internet for a year and coped (thought I would struggle but all I missed out on was some band updates that I kept up with through friends anyway)

The only electronic/modern things I need are my mp3 player, record and cd player. big_smile

 Rep: 0 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

Mandy wrote:

I could easily live without a TV. I hardly watch it, plus some other stuff I'd rather not start a discussion about.

Whenever I wanna watch a DVD, I watch it on my computer. So, yeah, TV is useless for me.

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