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 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

And I am smarter than everyone else. I can't help it. It is what it is. Somehow I end up being right about every time. I know that bothers people like you. Get over it. I can see it clear as day because I'm not as biased as you seem to think I am. I see it for what it is, not what I wish it was. If that's bitter, it's only because the situation makes it such.

Go back and reread what you wrote. You come across as everything you accuse me of being. THAT is why it bothers you.

Nope. Not at all. And I don't really care what you think.

Plus, I already nipped you. In the bud.


Yes, you're clearly showing that with your actions.  You hate that you can't get me.  You try, you try again, and you fail.  You never stop.  And I do love it.  Your bias comes through clear as day when you do things like this.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

his opinion is self absorbed, trollish, arrogant, butthurt, bitter and obnoxious, as it comes to the new band and certain members here, at least, and he seeks out to antagonize people who disagree with him, along with a few others around here. You like him, good for you. But don't tear down others for it. And I've never seen anyone play the victim card like Buzz does; about the same as jarmo, imo. With the pettiness and petty insults (see above) hypersensitivity (like when he cries when people give it back to him) and his passive aggressive bullshit (to quote Maynard). Which is why I ignore him. His opinion is worthless to me. Irrelevant.

Dude, this is totally you describing you right now.  Classic. 

Great job ignoring me btw.  You rock!

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:

Your question:

buzzsaw wrote:

Did people buy and/or listen to the album when it first came out?  Yes or no?

His answer:

Ali wrote:

One last time.  Since you aren't connecting the dots for whatever reason, here it is as plainly as I can state it - Yes, people bought the record and listened to it.  Certainly, there were people that legitimately didn't like the record on its own merits.  But, to say that there weren't those who were prejudiced towards the record is incredibly myopic.

Seems like he answered your question to me.

But unlike Clark Grizzwald, I can easily get out of that loop and not go around in circles. Have a nice day, Buzz.

Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament.

And yeah, I do kind of rock. 9


 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Your question:

buzzsaw wrote:

Did people buy and/or listen to the album when it first came out?  Yes or no?

His answer:

Ali wrote:

One last time.  Since you aren't connecting the dots for whatever reason, here it is as plainly as I can state it - Yes, people bought the record and listened to it. 

Certainly, there were people that legitimately didn't like the record on its own merits.  But, to say that there weren't those who were prejudiced towards the record is incredibly myopic.

Seems like he answered your question to me.

But unlike Clark Grizzwald, I can easily get out of that loop and not go around in circles. Have a nice day, Buzz.

Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament.

It's a yes or no question. Someone didn't like the answer, so they made up excuses. They were called on the excuses. I asked repeatedly for a simple yes or no answer. Never got it. You know why?  Because he loses all leverage the second he gives it.

What else you got?  I'm still waiting for the evil actions I took in the discussion mr bias.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

war wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Let me ask you this; If Better and IRS aren't single material then why were radio stations all over America putting them in regular rotation in 2006 (in leak form) well before the album was out?

because even as late as 2006 there was interest - more interest than there was a year later and less interest than there was a year prior, both progressively the farther you move forward or backward in time.

this is why many say the leaks killed cd's success. people made up their minds before they heard the final product and the best songs on the album and the target market wasn't downloading singles from itunes in large enough numbers at the time.

does promo help? yes
was cd promoted? yes
could it have benefited from being promoted better? yes
how much difference? who knows for sure but an album that become a punch line for some time, created by hired guns needed every advantage it could get and that did not happen.

 Rep: 41 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Ali wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
Ali wrote:

It sounds "like GN'R"?  In reference to what exactly?  What is the baseline "sound" there you're referring to and who exactly determines that is the definitive or baseline sound for GN'R?


It's as close to a UYI epic as you can get without actually having the UYI lineup.

She knows what it means.  It was a weak attempt to bait me into a discussion hoping she'd win one eventually.  16

Last time - HE.  Have at least the common courtesy and maturity to use the proper pronoun when referring to someone.

It was an honest question.  You don't want to answer it, fine.


 Rep: 41 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Ali wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

And also Ali, let's not start that "who defines GN'R sound" argument, because it's beyond stupid.

We all know what Guns founded themselves on blues-rooted hard rock. Done. The world looks at it that way, it's their legacy, and it's a big reason that almost everyone outside of a fuckin' fan forum's reaction to CD was "what the hell is this shit?". TWAT & TIL are probably the closest out of the whole album to sounding like real GN'R songs.

metallex78 wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Robins trying to capture pain and heartbreak, and he nails it perfectly, I think its stunning.

When I first heard Robin's solo, it was like nails on a chalkboard t my ears, but it slowly began to grow on me, and now I love it. And you're right, it fits the mood of the song completely.

No doubt Slash would have come up with something great too, but Robin did a very admirable job there too.

I don't HATE Robin's solo either. I don't really hate anything he did, other than butchering the old songs live. His work in SOD & Better & TWAT is quite decent.

I just think GN'R could've done alot better. ALOT BETTER, in terms of recruitment. Let's be honest, the only reason Robin got the call was because Axl had such a hard on for NIN.

I don't care what Axl thinks, a "Pride & Glory"-era Zakk Wylde would've been alot better fit for GN'R in the late 90's.

Is it?  To some people, the AFD sound is the definitive GN'R sound.  To me, there is no one definitive GN'R sound, just like there is no one definitive U2 sound.  Axl and GN'R have evolved other the years and changed their sound, like U2, Queensryche and other bands.

IMO, there is no one definitive GN'R sound when taking a step back and looking at the broad spectrum of their entire catalog.

Hell, there's already one person who thinks TWAT doesn't necessarily sound like old school GN'R, and while I think it has some UYI qualities to it, it doesn't sound like old GN'R.  I actually think "I.R.S." is the closest sounding song to old school GN'R.


 Rep: 41 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Ali wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Your question:

buzzsaw wrote:

Did people buy and/or listen to the album when it first came out?  Yes or no?

His answer:

Ali wrote:

One last time.  Since you aren't connecting the dots for whatever reason, here it is as plainly as I can state it - Yes, people bought the record and listened to it. 

Certainly, there were people that legitimately didn't like the record on its own merits.  But, to say that there weren't those who were prejudiced towards the record is incredibly myopic.

Seems like he answered your question to me.

But unlike Clark Grizzwald, I can easily get out of that loop and not go around in circles. Have a nice day, Buzz.

Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament.

It's a yes or no question. Someone didn't like the answer, so they made up excuses. They were called on the excuses. I asked repeatedly for a simple yes or no answer. Never got it. You know why?  Because he loses all leverage the second he gives it.

What else you got?  I'm still waiting for the evil actions I took in the discussion mr bias.

It was a yes or no question and as was pointed out, I did answer it.  I simply disagree that it is as simple as a yes or no question.  I think there are many factors as to why the album didn't sell as much as it could have, and I don't think it's simply because the songs weren't good.


 Rep: 41 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Ali wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Bullshit. You know arguments are instigated here and Ali is just an excuse to do it.

No, Ali attempted to instigate one.  And there are several examples of Ali intentionally doing exactly what you accuse him of, so don't play the "ali is an innocent victim" card.  It ain't happening.


misterID wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I do agree that The Blues has that UYI feel as well, but TWAT is epic and like I've said before, that killer Bucket outro feels like a tribute to those old epics and wouldn't be surprised if those songs inspired that specific solo.

Wouldn't you say that Bucket outro was more Bucket than anything else? The original demo, without Bucket, was totally nuGNR, I think we can agree on that, but when Bucket laid down his solo it was something that was all Bucket, not a tribute to old GNR, so to speak. I do understand the epicness though. But wasn't that always more an Axl thing?

There's seriously nothing about the song that reminds me of old GNR.

And Axlin:

I just went back through this thread and I can't find anything Ali said that was so awful. If you have horrible things he's said, please post them, because I'd like to see them and I'll admit I'm wrong. But Ali did a good job of explaining himself here and his posts were basically misread, or intentionally misquoted.

It's not so much awful, as it is walking in and dragging on and on and fucking on trying to bait Buzz into an argument, that Ali lost threads and threads ago.

I actually think Ali's posts are very intelligent, thought out, and constructed. Problem is - that's the problem. They come across as rehearsed HTGTH recycled dribble.

Buzz has a free thought, and suddenly we're gonna bait him into the 'hater card'.

I fucking HATE THAT SHIT on HTGTH, and I actually haven't said really anything about it until now, but that one post above irked the hell out of me, and obviously Buzz picked up on it too.

I haven't instigated anything here, I was simply picking up the ball and playing a little defense for Buzz's sake when it was obvious Ali was gonna go for another "let's dance" moment.

They're perfectly able to do that, but i'm gonna start getting involved a bit more if I keep seeing it. Just call it out on the fucking lameness of it.


As for the actual discussion at hand, dude I don't know what you're missing. TWAT & TIL sound totally in the same vein as Breakdown, Loco, Rain, Estranged, etc.

SOD to me sounds like a cousin to So Fine

I just disagreed with Buzz and challenged his opinion.  I enjoy a spirited discussion and debate.  You may call that an "argument", that's your prerogative.

Simply put, if you don't want your statements and opinions challenged, debated, discussed and possibly disagreed with, then what is the sense in putting them on a "discussion board"?


 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:

Nothing wrong with discussing it if you're really interested in discussing it. You seemed more interested in not answering the question directly. If I misinterpreted that, I'm sorry.

I will try to remember you're a guy. I promise that isn't done on purpose.  Every ali I know is female short of the boxer. Its a natural presumption.

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