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 Rep: 661 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

monkeychow wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

So are a lot of songs.  You're stating that every piano driven love song is similar becasue they are piano driven love songs?

Not EVERY paino driven love song ever....but these songs share the similarity that they're both paino driven love sonds, AND the lyrics and melodies are both written by the same composer AND the singer has a unique voice that's evident on all the tracks.....which when combined makes them companion pieces so to speak...not the same..but similar works.

Remmeber my point was't that they sound identical or anything, only that because of the similarity it surprises me when people love one and hate the other.

I feel the same about Slash for the record....I always find it surprising when people hate snakepit or his solo record but loved UYI and AFD. I can understand prefering one more than the other - but when people totally reject one I find it strange.

Another example to me is how a lot of people that were early metallica fans don't like megadeth. While those bands later works diverged a bit - it's both thrash guitar, both agressive...mustaine even wrote some early metallica riffs....yet set up these divisions.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

monkeychow wrote:
Naltav wrote:

Are you a musician yourself, Monkey?

Yes, although non-professionally, it's more of a side hobby for me.

 Rep: 41 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Ali wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Ok, you don't have to just answer the question.  Your refusal to answer the question is all the confirmation I need. 

You're right - eerybody hated the album because of their bias.  Only those that love it are objective.  Good day, move along.

Well, I can see this whole dialog was unequivocally an exercise in futility as A) yes, I did answer your question.  Very clearly in fact.  B)  I very clearly did not say "everybody" hated the album because of some bias.  If you had actually read what I said, you would see I wrote, "Certainly, there were people that legitimately didn't like the record on its own merits.  But, to say that there weren't those who were prejudiced towards the record is incredibly myopic."  roll

I would ask you if you can see the difference between what you claim I wrote/said and what I actually wrote, but that would obviously be futile - you either can't or choose not to read and/or correctly interpret/comprehend what I write on this topic.


 Rep: 41 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Ali wrote:
misterID wrote:

I think CD is the best album GNR has made next to AFD. I'd rather have the 2002 band over a original band reunion. Slash couldn't carry Bucket's guitar strap.

Since we're all stating opinions for zillionth time, and no one is going to change it, just some childish "I'm right, you're wrong", thought I'd add mine. 22

Agreed.  I'd take CD over the UYIs any day of the week.  Now, it would be interesting if the UYIs were condensed into a single record.


 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

So are a lot of songs.  You're stating that every piano driven love song is similar becasue they are piano driven love songs?

Not EVERY paino driven love song ever....but these songs share the similarity that they're both paino driven love sonds, AND the lyrics and melodies are both written by the same composer AND the singer has a unique voice that's evident on all the tracks.....which when combined makes them companion pieces so to speak...not the same..but similar works.

Remmeber my point was't that they sound identical or anything, only that because of the similarity it surprises me when people love one and hate the other.

I feel the same about Slash for the record....I always find it surprising when people hate snakepit or his solo record but loved UYI and AFD. I can understand prefering one more than the other - but when people totally reject one I find it strange.

Another example to me is how a lot of people that were early metallica fans don't like megadeth. While those bands later works diverged a bit - it's both thrash guitar, both agressive...mustaine even wrote some early metallica riffs....yet set up these divisions.

You must really hate me then - I'm not all that impressed with Snakepit either.  At least I love TWAT.  I can't say I even like any Snakepit songs.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
Ali wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Ok, you don't have to just answer the question.  Your refusal to answer the question is all the confirmation I need. 

You're right - eerybody hated the album because of their bias.  Only those that love it are objective.  Good day, move along.

Well, I can see this whole dialog was unequivocally an exercise in futility as A) yes, I did answer your question.  Very clearly in fact.  B)  I very clearly did not say "everybody" hated the album because of some bias.  If you had actually read what I said, you would see I wrote, "Certainly, there were people that legitimately didn't like the record on its own merits.  But, to say that there weren't those who were prejudiced towards the record is incredibly myopic."  roll

I would ask you if you can see the difference between what you claim I wrote/said and what I actually wrote, but that would obviously be futile - you either can't or choose not to read and/or correctly interpret/comprehend what I write on this topic.


I would think you would be able to do the same with what I wrote.  Sucks when the tables are turned on you, doesn't it?

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:
Ali wrote:
misterID wrote:

I think CD is the best album GNR has made next to AFD. I'd rather have the 2002 band over a original band reunion. Slash couldn't carry Bucket's guitar strap.

Since we're all stating opinions for zillionth time, and no one is going to change it, just some childish "I'm right, you're wrong", thought I'd add mine. 22

Agreed.  I'd take CD over the UYIs any day of the week.  Now, it would be interesting if the UYIs were condensed into a single record.


You know, the UYI as a single record argument is something that never gets old for me. One album with the best songs would have been better than AFD with another co-producer brought in to tighten it up. Getting the best songs to actually fit on a single album would be tough, though, without some serious editting.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:

I used to say CD was a better album than the UYI albums, but after remixing it, i'm just not totally sure on that.

CD is a far more cohesive album as a whole, because the UYI albums are just all over the place. Slash said it, UYI I & II is GNR's "White Album".

I would say CD is on the same level as UYI I & UYI II by themselves, and certaintly not worse/lesser at all. CD is a very strong album.

But I think UYI as one condensed album, not only buries CD, but crushes AFD also, even if the best Lies tracks were thrown on AFD. Maybe it's just my personal opinion, but for years i've had an 11-track "Use Your Illusion" in my truck that goes like this...

Civil War
Don't Cry [original]
Bad Obessesion
November Rain
The Garden
You Could Be Mine

It's an absolute epic that destroys AFD, let alone CD. And despite that, I still think it's missing some obvious songs, like Dust N' Bones, Perfect Crime, Double Talkin' Jive, Dead Horse, 14 Years, Pretty Tied Up, So Fine, and even the alternate lyrics version of Don't Cry, which i've always thought was underrated.

UYI I & II might have holes, but so does CD. NEVER underestimate the power of the UYI albums when they combine their forces.

Because when they do... they can take down any rock album ever made, including AFD.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:

UYI has enough masterpieces (Estranged, Coma, Locomotive, ect.) to overpower it's mediocrity, but I just can't overlook the flaws.

To me there's not a song on CD I don't like, and, imo, TWAT, Prostitute and Better are masterpieces. CD, IRS, ITW, The Blues, Sorry, Madagascar and Catcher are great. TIL, SR, Scraped, Rn'B are solid, with TIL being the only one I could say is the weak link, but Robin's guitar work saves it for me.

CD, Maddy and Catcher feel cluttered production-wise, but I still dig them, where it's glaring... But I've heard the demos, so I have a different perspective about it.

The only songs that really don't fit the vibe of the album, to me, are Sorry and TIL. A little darker than the rest and feel, at least for Sorry, a little Bluesier.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Slash said it, UYI I & II is GNR's "White Album".

UYI I & II might have holes, but so does CD. NEVER underestimate the power of the UYI albums when they combine their forces.

Because when they do... they can take down any rock album ever made, including AFD.

I thought Ron called "Chinese Democracy" GNR's "White Album.

Maybe that comparison just gets thrown around a bit too often.

The UYI's were great.  That's what really got me into GNR back in the day.  I remember playing the hell out of those albums in middle school.  I loved it all, except for "My World".  And while I still rock out to some of my favorites from time to time, I haven't listened to either disc in full in over a decade. 

CD stacks right up with any GNR album for me.  Some have called me biased though, I'm not gonna lie.

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