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 Rep: 12 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

rose22 wrote:

watched kick ass............twice. lotta fun

 Rep: 59 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse than Twilight,
my missus had me sit with her and watch, I am Number Four, dreadful movie.
Think Twilight but swap the vamps for aliens and thats pretty much it.

Avoid at all costs, of course her been a huge Twilight fan, I told her I liked it.  16

 Rep: 59 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Oh and rose22, Kick ass was awesome.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Lemme me know what you think, i'm curious.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

faldor wrote:

Yeah, I can't see how they can pull off another Hangover, but it does look funny.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

misterID wrote:

I watched The Town.

I stopped watching where he meets the chick in the laundry mat. The whole movie seemed like some dude from Boston's fantasy about making his own generic version of HEAT.

Good guy criminals in movies seriously make me sick. Hate 'em.

HEAT is a masterpiece. And even the "good guy" bank robber was a cold motherfucker, who'd kill anyone he had to, no matter who they were, to get away.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

faldor wrote:

I've heard good things about "The Town".  Haven't seen it myself though.  One of these days I'll get around to it.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

I've been meaning to see The Town too. I've got it queued on Netflix, I just haven't gotten around to it.

The previews, it came across as a cross between Heat and The Departed. Both great movies.

misterID wrote:

I watched The Town.

I stopped watching where he meets the chick in the laundry mat. The whole movie seemed like some dude from Boston's fantasy about making his own generic version of HEAT.

Good guy criminals in movies seriously make me sick. Hate 'em.

HEAT is a masterpiece. And even the "good guy" bank robber was a cold motherfucker, who'd kill anyone he had to, no matter who they were, to get away.

Heat is an absolute masterpiece, one of my Top-10 films of all time, and I personally think the greatest crime drama film ever made.

Alot of people remember Pacino's performance in the film because he was so over-the-top, but in reality it was DeNiro who stole the show, and steered the narrative. DeNiro's performance in that film was the stuff legends are made of.

The fact is, Neil McCauley stayed true to his word. Despite the fact that it was obvious he cared about Eady, he still put revenge and his own ego over her in the end. He still chose the showdown with Hanna, the lawman, just like an old western. It was more important, that was his destiny was to fulfill his role, and his role was not to run away with her and become a family man.

That's why Mann was so brilliant with Heat. He DIDN'T go for the Hollywood ending, and any film that does that in history will always be legendary.

Bad guys getting a heart and going good is typical cliche Hollywood cheese, no different than "Thief is the good guy, Cop is corrupt bad guy". Tired and predictable.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

The Hangover Part II

Good sequel. Not as good as the first, a bit darker, and not as light as the original. The original was brilliant as far as i'm concerned.

The new one kind of recycles the first film in a different locale. It's nice to see the Wolfpack back together, and the film as a whole basket full of fun moments.

But the plot devices used in the first act are virtually pointless, and the film REALLY drags. We already know what these guys are in for, we don't have to set up the premise all over again.

But after that it takes off breakneck, and just craziness.

Like I said it was nice to see the same pack in the same hijinks, but the inevitable              Part III is desperately going to need some re-visioning to stay fresh. If they play up for the same exact jokes for a third film, it'll be "Little Fockers" redux. Flat as hell.

*** 3 stars out of 4 - Good

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what the hell happened to Heather Graham's character? I thought Stu was gonna stick with her at the end of the first film. She's only briefly mentioned in Alan's little dinner speech, but the character is basically just erased, so they can set Stu up intentionally with a new woman so they can have another Hangover. HUGE plothole.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:
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Right on. I just did not get that AT ALL. Not only could you have done it, you still could've put them somewhere else for the bachelor's party. Because they got married in Vegas, and maybe didn't want to do Vegas, they could've done something like 'the Wolfpack goes to Hawaii', just to keep it on the western U.S. side of things, and did the same story, except with Heather Graham. And just saved the Bangkok story for maybe Phil or maybe a total new guy for Part III.

Honestly, looking back, that first act of the film was utter rubbish in the writing department. So choppy and so full of holes. Once the tranny thing happened, and finding out about last night started, the film was wonderful. But that choppy shit in the first act, really is what kept the film from being as good as Part I.

P.S. - I also want to say the best part of the whole movie is the tranny bit. To literally see and hear the revelation wash over the mostly male crowd was priceless. I'm a little older, and a little more seasoned so I kind of got it early on, but the college aged boys there were clueless. And when it hit them, they roared in "duuuuuuuddddddeeee seriously?" and they practically wanted to puke themselves.

Absolute best part of the film for the audience, lmfao. 16

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