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 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:

My guess is there were a lot of people like me that downloaded it and weren't impressed enough to pay for it. Price hits 1.99 and suddenly it's worth picking up to have the complete gnr cd collection. I don't think it has anything to do with the suckiness of the album.

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Sky Dog wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
Naltav wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Oh really? They still haven't done that and it's been years. Simple my ass. Simple for other bands yes, but not GNR.

My point still stands.

Wasn't there something with MLB that has prevented the launch of a fully functioning website? Some will prolly cry "excuses, ecxuses!!". I tend to believe there's something to it.

When truly independent, setting things up like I described IS EASY!

When music is ready for release, Axl could just tell DJ or Jarmo (or both) "This and that are ready, set that shit up and pimp the fuck out of it!!

Axl's people made the decision about the outsourcing of their own website, so I don't see why they wouldn't make the same amount of stupid mistakes going 'independent'. They'd better with a major label, without it, their unprofessional behaviour would destroy the remaining pieces of the band and its success.

I agree with this. I don't think Axl's posse is capable of pulling off a successful indie/internet operation. Axl certainly won't do it so we are where we are. sad

 Rep: 12 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

huntermc wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

It ranked #48 on Nielsen Soundscan, i'm thinking particularly for rock albums, because they listed several other rock acts higher than it, like another Shinedown re-release, the new Poison hits set, and Sixx:AM's new album was #1.

So it was 48th among all rock albums, and it's sales are continuing to rise. Tbh, 48th among all rock albums - sucks.

Yeah, it's 48 on the Soundscan "Hard Music" chart, not the Billboard top 100.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

James wrote:

charting at #48 on a rock chart is not impressive. Better than not charting at all, but still. Fuck, Paper Planes was charting top 10 on a rock chart as the craze was dying down and she's not even rock.

That puts this "resurgence" in a bit of perspective.

It's time to move on to the next album for fucks sake.

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Sky Dog wrote:

It's pathetic if anyone thinks that selling 14 songs for 1.99 means anything. I was in my Best Buy the other day, looked at the price tag on it, and got depressed.It was cooked by January 2009. It still sold way more than SIXX AM ever will but that isn't impressive either. Axl and the Gnr brand should do Eminem type numbers but Axl fucked it all up. He could have done it better and didn't...too many mistakes on too many fronts. Eminem is a recluse too but he played his cards right. Axl did not and still isn't. Similar guys in talent and background. One did it right. One did it wrong.:headbang:

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Tbh, 48th among all rock albums - sucks.

Yep, especially at $2. 14

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:
madagas wrote:

It's pathetic if anyone thinks that selling 14 songs for 1.99 means anything. I was in my Best Buy the other day, looked at the price tag on it, and got depressed.It was cooked by January 2009. It still sold way more than SIXX AM ever will but that isn't impressive either. Axl and the Gnr brand should do Eminem type numbers but Axl fucked it all up. He could have done it better and didn't...too many mistakes on too many fronts. Eminem is a recluse too but he played his cards right. Axl did not and still isn't. Similar guys in talent and background. One did it right. One did it wrong.:headbang:

If Axl had dropped a first single like Sixx:AM's "Are You With Me" in Nov. 2008, and did promo - it would've exploded.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:

Maybe if he had a single like that.  He didn't.  He didn't have a single at all.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Maybe if he had a single like that.  He didn't.  He didn't have a single at all.

Not sure what you're getting at here.  I know you love "There Was A Time".  Do you think if they released that as a single and "pimped" it, it wouldn't have been successful?  A song/album can only do so much on its own.  They need help from the artist/label to make an impact.  Obviously none of that happened here.

Update, just got back from Best Buy and bought 2 MORE copies of CD.  I think that will probably be my last 2 purchases though.  I'm running out of people to give them to, until I just end up handing them out to strangers on the street.  Anyhow, they did have the $1.99 stickers on them this time.  Last time I was there (the first week it went on sale), they had 25 copies.  Today, they had 13.  Now, they're down to 11.  Get'em while they last.  The music section really is a ghost town in Best Buy.  It's so small now, and doesn't attract much foot traffic.  There was ONE other guy perusing the section while I was there.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Maybe if he had a single like that.  He didn't.  He didn't have a single at all.

I think "Better" would have been a better lead single than "Chinese Democracy." But regardless, you need legit promotion from the label and artist for it to succeed. Look at WTTJ. They released it as a single but it didn't receive proper promotion until Geffen finally called in a favor at MTV and got the video played late at night. The song itself didn't become a massive hit until it was re-released after SCOM's success. Without the extra promotion by Geffen with MTV and the re-released single, the song would have stayed in obscurity like so many other great songs by lesser known artists. Instead, it is arguably the most famous sports anthem on the planet today. Seems like the opening riff gets played multiple times at every sports event I see on TV.

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