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 Rep: 664 

Re: Buckethead tour dates

James wrote:
bigbri wrote:

Probably not. He hasn't played Praxis stuff recently. Actually, Crash Victim maybe, but that's it. I'm expecting a whole new set list this time around.

Still, even if he brings a team like Pinchface and Dan Monti, you're in for a treat. The ONLY way to really see him is with a band. IPod is OK, but not really the same for me.

I expect Crash Victim. If he doesn't play it when the show is nearing its end, I may try to get a chant going for it. LOVE that song.

My uncle is a big Bootsy fan and if he was involved, he'd probably get to hear 'If 6 was 9' which is one of his favorite Bucket tracks.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Buckethead tour dates

James wrote:

Oh, and if The Interworld and the New Innocence isn't performed, turn on the news cause a riot may break out at the Music Hall. 16

I know I'm unlikely to get to hear Padmasana so he better bust out Interworld.

Bri, does he stick to identical setlists each night of a tour? If so, we'll know what he's gonna perform once someone reviews that first show.

What blows me away is how he performs each song differently. Even did that in GNR. I remember that one Brain/Bucket vid that was mind blowing and I didn't pick up on it being INterworld until you pointed it out. 14

 Rep: 341 

Re: Buckethead tour dates

bigbri wrote:

When  he does the iPod tour, the set lists are pretty regular. When he has a band, they vary quite a bit. I'm really hoping for a full band tour. The band is for festivals, for sure. I hope he uses them the whole tour.

He used to do an Interworld/Animal Behaviour outro solo combo, and that was awesome.

If not Interworld, would you settle for Scraps? That is my favorite Bucket track, i think.

Re: Buckethead tour dates

Sky Dog wrote:

With Pinchface and Monti, Bucket did Machine Gun by Hendrix.....HUGE.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Buckethead tour dates

bigbri wrote:

Tour started last night. Pinchface and Monti it looks like are the band.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Buckethead tour dates

bigbri wrote:

A vid from last night of Bucket jamming with Pinchface and Monti, then going into a medley including  Revenge of the Double Man, Want Some Slaw? then fucking around with his new laser effect, which I think I heard is called an FM4. Cool.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Buckethead tour dates

bigbri wrote:

That user has uploaded several from the show. Including part of Soothsayer, Star Wars and Turbine.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Buckethead tour dates

Olorin wrote:
bigbri wrote:

A vid from last night of Bucket jamming with Pinchface and Monti, then going into a medley including  Revenge of the Double Man, Want Some Slaw? then fucking around with his new laser effect, which I think I heard is called an FM4. Cool.

Thats badass!!

 Rep: 341 

Re: Buckethead tour dates

bigbri wrote:

Bucket doing Star Wars the other night then going into Gory Head Stump, the Crime Slunk Scene version.


 Rep: 664 

Re: Buckethead tour dates

James wrote:

Anyone got a full set list? Would like to burn a cd of the songs being played on this tour.

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