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 Rep: 768 

Re: NA tour rumor

Axlin16 wrote:

And then the problem becomes, that if the artists aren't getting a certain face value on the ticket, then is it even lucrative for them to perform. They've been losing money on shows for years, and they've had to turn to companies like Monster and Red Bull to sponsor their tours to try and offset the overhead costs.

If fans turn around in the U.S., and finally say, "listen, with gas at $4 bucks a gallon, unemployment and taxes rising, pay raises being cut, food costs going up, and the fact i'm losing my ass here - i'm only going to shell out $20 bucks for front row seats for a Crue/Poison show"

I guarantee you those artists would just take their ball, go home, and live off their residuals.

And btw, the American kids loved HANNAH MONTANA. Not this slutted up, weed smokin', Charlie Sheen groupie wanna be Miley Cyrus. As soon as she started skankin' out like Britney, her American fan base vanished.

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