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 Rep: 281 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

faldor wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

If someone talked to your mother or sister that way,  you really wouldnt take offense?

Honestly no.  If some random person says some nasty shit about my family members on a message board, I could care less.  It doesn't effect me in the least.  ESPECIALLY if it was done in response to me spreading false rumors about them.  Then, it'd all be fair game.

If it's done in person, that'd be a different story.  But in this case, no.  Fire away.

 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:
russtcb wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

And you are a joke to even claim I am wrong or beating a hater for calling out Ron over his tirade, I dont care who you are, what he said was wrong.

I'm just surprised you're still carrying on about it. 16

I dont carry on about it, its cry babies like you that keep bringing it up, because I dont like your poor hero Ron. Just get over it already.

 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:
faldor wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

If someone talked to your mother or sister that way,  you really wouldnt take offense?

Honestly no.  If some random person says some nasty shit about my family members on a message board, I could care less.  It doesn't effect me in the least.  ESPECIALLY if it was done in response to me spreading false rumors about them.  Then, it'd all be fair game.

If it's done in person, that'd be a different story.  But in this case, no.  Fire away.

Well its too bad the rumors are true, and that is why bumblebee got so upset because he did not want it getting out that he was crying about DJs salary being more than his.

 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:
ppp wrote:

The people still bitching about Ron are the ones who hated him to begin with. Nothing he said was any worse than what's been posted on mygnr a million times and Eric lets just about anyone get away it.

When I used to post on mygnr I never saw anyone wish rape or sodomy on anyone, yet Ron did that, and its laughable anyone would think anyone is cool who would make a post like that.  It just shows how warped some Gnr fans are.  It just shows how childish Ron is to come to a fan board and go off on fans like that. And it has nothing to do with it being Ron, I said Axl was wrong when he went off on madison and called her a cunt as well.  I dont care who you are, you dont wish rape on anyone and dont think you should ever call a female a cunt.  People like you just have no defense for Ron so you claim oh its because you dont like him.

There is truth to the so called "rumor" that Ron was bitching about DJ to Axl because if i was not true, he wouldnt have gotten so mad that it got out.

You really think DJ would believe some so called troll on an internet board over a band member or so called friend if it was not true???

So of course there is true to it, that is why Ron acted the way he did because it got out that he was.

 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:
Olorin wrote:

^^ Of course, its faux outrage and typical.

The notion that people cant dislike Ron or what he did because Ron is held in sacred regard is bollocks as well.
KillingVector has been very vocal about his distaste for Rons actions at mygnr and noone has had a problem with his point of view. But then, KV is capable of communicating at an adult level...

Well when I try to speak on an adult level with immature people like  yourself, it does not work.  So I have to try different tactics (which worked btw) to get my point across.  So maybe if you could make better points instead of, oh you are a ron hater, then I would not have to get on your lower level.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

faldor wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:
faldor wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

If someone talked to your mother or sister that way,  you really wouldnt take offense?

Honestly no.  If some random person says some nasty shit about my family members on a message board, I could care less.  It doesn't effect me in the least.  ESPECIALLY if it was done in response to me spreading false rumors about them.  Then, it'd all be fair game.

If it's done in person, that'd be a different story.  But in this case, no.  Fire away.

Well its too bad the rumors are true, and that is why bumblebee got so upset because he did not want it getting out that he was crying about DJs salary being more than his.

An MSL follower through and through.  Good to see they still exist.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

monkeychow wrote:

I don't think anyone here believes what Ron did was ideal, I think most of us just see it as understandable.

The guy is a human being, and, in recent times he's had a lot of stress, been insulted heavily first, then had people spreading rumours that had potential to damage his friendships and business reputation.

In a perfect world, perhaps Ron would have taken the moral high ground and not responded distastefully, and I'm sure he does that 99% of the time - even after he's apparently received death threats and the like - but it isn't a perfect world - and it turns out Ron has feelings and is a human being - and on this occasion he responded in a way that was less than textbook-jesuslevel-ideal.

I think the moral of this whole MSL saga should really be that we all need to remember that famous people are human too. It's wrong for fans to engage in the kind of behaviour that damages the personal lives and business lives of bandmembers I think. So yeah, perhaps Ron shouldn't have said what he did, but he's only human, and a lot of people snap when pushed too far.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

monkeychow wrote:

I guess what I mean is people over reacting is a part of life.

It would be wrong of you to wish my sister got raped or call her a cunt. But I'm realistic enough to know if I push you far enough you just might say something like that in the heat of the moment. Who has never got angry and said something that was less than a perfect response? It just means he's human.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

Aussie wrote:

Ron logged onto the internets and made a few posts abusing some people.  Oh No - he dun goofed up, better report him to the cyber police.

As for this statement:

I never saw anyone wish rape or sodomy on anyone, yet Ron did that

FFS it was a witty retort that he used to a cheeky question, do you take everything so seriously and literally, particularly on the internet?  If someone tells you to fuck off do you walk away attempting to hump the air?  Or do you recognise it as simply a more agitated/aggressive statement of "get lost".

 Rep: 2 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

salome wrote:
jamester wrote:

Welcome to GnR EVO salome! smile

Thank you ! That´s funny because, besides GnR in general, you were one of the reasons why I started to come by here regulary some weeks ago ( won´t mention the other one ...)

I will never get the point that it verifies a rumor when the person concerned responds angrily to it. Watching lies about you being told and discussed over and over makes you angry. Unless you are a saint.  I personally don´t like saints in rock bands.

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