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 Rep: 633 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

faldor wrote:
russtcb wrote:

If GN'R appear on Jimmy Fallon, I'll be happy as a pig in shit.

I don't see it happening, because Axl just doesn't seem to like to do any interviews or anything media driven with this band.

BUT, Jimmy Fallon has gotten a few gems on his show in the past year.  He had the Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Bruce Springsteen.  He gave Bruce a full hour, and he's not one who's big on that sort of stuff either.  I think it'd be a smart and safe choice for GNR, IF they wanted to do something in that venue.

I still wouldn't count on it because we haven't seen or heard anything to make us believe they'd take things in that direction.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

The bad part is... I don't think or know ANYONE who watches Jimmy Fallon.

The dude is unfunny as shit. The whole nervous/ADD-dude shtick has been done over and over.

 Rep: 281 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

The bad part is... I don't think or know ANYONE who watches Jimmy Fallon.

The dude is unfunny as shit. The whole nervous/ADD-dude shtick has been done over and over.

I like his show, probably more than any of the other late night shows.  I don't watch any of them religiously, but I'll tune in to any one of them if they have guests on that I care about.  But Fallon's show does fun skits, contests, audience interaction stuff that I enjoy.  Kimmel is good too, and Conan.  Can't stand Leno, and Letterman is a good interviewer but I don't watch him much anymore.  I prefer the newer regime.

I agree with you though, I don't get the sense that many people watch Fallon.  I think they should though, it's good stuff.  Though I will say, he's a master of the social network sites.  He's got tons of followers on twitter and facebook and he uses it to his advantage.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

Which is something I just don't understand and freely admit I don't understand. I don't see at all where Twitter/FB followers equates to any kind of success, likability, or marketability of your show. I'd go so far to say alot of his followers don't even watch the show and probably just like Jimmy himself (SNL, his movies), and maybe watch clips of Late Night on the 'net, but don't actually tune in.

I personally think The Late Late Show w/ Craig Ferguson on after Letterman is far and away the funniest of the late night guys, at least on prime time.

I know alot of people that really think Jon Stewart is funny as hell... but i've never really got it.

Personally, I still desperately miss Howard Stern's E! Show on at 11pm weeknights.

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Dj changed twitter and facebook pix.
Just landed in Dubai, Crazy ass security here. However, The Security guy with the rubber glove was surprisingly gentle. Ha! jk. about 11 hours ago via web

been hangin in the hong kong airport now for 7 hours. had one great massage, a bowl of soup., several jd's on the rocks, now what? about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

Laying over ≠ over laid but it is HONG KONG - hehehe (@ Hong Kong International Airport (HKG) ✈ w/ 2 others) about 12 hours ago via foursquare

Me in Australia! Thank's once again for all the support!!!!
10 hours ago

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:
jamester062001 wrote:

S A T U R D A Y NIGHT! this is where we do it - ONE MORE TIME TONIGHT! about 1 hour ago via Facebook

@gunsnroses Pls RT Music Heals Charity has a GNR signed Guitar for Auction Ron had it signed for us & supports us! yikes) about 19 hours ago via web Retweeted by gunsnroses and 10 others … osmall.gif … 1043_n.jpg

Time to lunch. BIG Thanks for FollowFridays #FF & Good Show wishes. The BEST FANS & a killer show tonite #thingssomepeopledonthave #GNRPerth 6 minutes ago via web … ic=61328.0
We believe MUSIC can touch hearts,can bring HOPE back into lives,restore broken dreams.
All the articles you see featured on ourwebsite will be AUCTIONED during LIVE auctions in various venues across the UK/ and during LIVE Radio shows etc. Dates and details will be given RIGHT HERE and on our facebook page. If you have any questions relating to any items shown, we are pleased to answer, just email us at:
The GNR GUITAR IS AN IBANEZ GRG121EX 6 string signed by ALL members of Guns 'N' Roses including Axl Rose.
Its signed by
Axl Rose
Dj Ashba
Dizzy Reed
Chris Pitman
Tommy Stinson
Frank Ferrer
Richard Fortus

The whole band!
The auctions will be held in the first quarter of 2011, anyone who wants to bid will be be able to buy emailing us on

The FANTASTIC @Bumblefoot A HUGE thank you from all the ladies at Music Heals Children's Charity for all your kind help with the Guitar. The show was simply Awesome

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Abu Dhabi about 1 hour ago via Plixi

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

View from the balcony in Abu Dhabi...... 6 minutes ago via web

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 Rep: 207 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

DCK wrote:

tommy_stinson Tommy Stinson
being pushed to the end of ones rope for so long will make you a good climber,or road kill. i'm gonna find a new tree

tommy_stinson Tommy Stinson
maybe just a new rope will suffice

tommy_stinson Tommy Stinson
i'll shovel snow before i shovel anymore horseshit...

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