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 Rep: 386 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

Bono wrote:

I disgaree. It's supposedly a  new band with a new album. Promote it as such. Own it, embrace it. Opening with CD is the way to go. I'll use U2 as an example cause it's what I do (and yuou love it)and they're the best example of it. Last tour they consitently opened shows with 3 or 4 songs right off the new album. In fact they have ALWAYS opened their shows with songs off thier latest album. Why? Cause they don't live in the past. They embrace their new material and hope their audience  will as well. 

Gn'R opting for the safe opening with Jungle and the extremely predictable closing with Paradise City reaks of a nostalgia act stuck in 1988.  They've done the right thing by using CD as the opening song. It' s a new era right? then act accordingly.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

Naltav wrote:

As long as you're "brave enough" to play new songs that are somewhat unfamiliar to the majority of the audience, the same effect is achieved.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

Axlin16 wrote:

Jungle shouldn't even be in the main set. That flow is totally off opening with CD. They should change over into It's So Easy or Better or something with alot of energy. Stopping the whole flow just to start up Jungle is a momentum killer.

Jungle should open the encore for a really kick ass moment. Like it was in some of the 1991 UYI shows.


Axl is so lazy with how he sings CD these days. He doesn't even sing it. He talks the low part, and just screams the high parts. His register is either too low or too high and he seems to not give a shit. Either way, it sounds fucking AWFUL. He sounds alot better on the other CD songs.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

metallex78 wrote:

Some more flattering reviews keep coming in... … mID=150359

Angry GUNS N' ROSES Fans Slam AXL ROSE's 'Imitation Band' (Video) - Dec. 3, 2010
According to New Zealand's 3 News, fans at GUNS N' ROSES's December 1, 2010 concert in Townsville, Australia say they were left disappointed and angry by the performance.

"I think it's an imitation band - it is absolutely terrible," one concertgoer said shortly after the concert began.

Audience members reportedly began leaving the event in droves as the sound problems continued.

"Tell Axl I said 'get stuffed!'" one concertgoer yelled at a TV camera as he left early. "He sucks, it sounds like shit," exclaimed another.

Watch the 3 News video report on the GUNS N' ROSES concert at this location. … fault.aspx

I for one, don't believe Axl was miming, his voice sounds too rough and short of breath for it to be miming. I thought the woman complaining about them playing songs she didn't know was fucking stupid as well.

 Rep: 84 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

jamester wrote:

^^^  some of the fans are harsh for shure. other reports say an hr late here they say 2.  I cant comment on the miming yet. there are not many videos from the show other than CD and PC. I hope not! i would loose all respect if it were true.

CD is an awesome opener IMO  they have it set up nice with the red screen. and the heavy guitar intro lets you know the concert has started.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

James wrote:
metallex78 wrote:

I thought the woman complaining about them playing songs she didn't know was fucking stupid as well.

He just cant win. He backed himself into a corner. Living in the past for so long while at the same time dangling the CD carrot in front of hardcores has put him in a strange position, even for casuals. An identity crisis of sorts as its a nostalgia act that pretends to push itself as a more current/relevant band. So you have people on both sides of the fence that have some issues with it.

Instead of straddling the fence, go balls deep in either angle. Either become 100% nostalgia or go the Audioslave route. U2 the perfect blueprint for how an aging band should tour but going that route is unlikely even though it was attempted to a degree on that Asia tour.

I'm not even that interested in a tour but I'd go to a show in my area. Like madagas said in a different thread, I just want to hear the second album from the CD sessions and then it's closure time.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

monkeychow wrote:

Ok...quote number 1:

"They were miming"

Quote number 2:

"Sounds like shit"

I ask the question...if it was mimed...why would it sound like shit?

This is just a bullshit article period. Lets face it:

1. Yes it's not the original band, but everyone knows that, and all press i've seen for this tour has mentioned it.

2. I've NEVER seen Axl mime, and I doubt any of the other long term fans on here could show me an instance where he has. There's stuff people can critizie about GNR, but miming is not one of them. It's just bullshit.

3. The late start is one thing. Although again, it would be very surprising for GNR to be onstage before 10, so i'm not sure why anyone would expect much else.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

Bono wrote:

Axl doesn't mime but its extremely obvious he does use a backing vocal track at certain points durring some of the new songs. Shakcler's Revenge being the most noteable.

I for one have no probem believing the complaints about sound issues. It's always been an issue with Gn'R. yes we have some great examples of great sounding shows(I just started a thread for one) but there are many, many examples of bad sounding shows and far too many instances where Axl's vocals are a major issue. the two shows I saw in Calgary and Edmonton in 2006 were fucking pathetic as far as Axl's mic volume goes. You could barely hear him at the best of times and for much of the shows he was competely inaudible. Having said that the show I saw in Calgary back in January was fucking great and the sound wasn't an issue.  It's pretty obvious Axl doesn't surround himself with the most compitent audio guys in the business. Couple that with his habit of not showing up for soundcheck and sound issues are forever going to be an issue with thsi band.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

monkeychow wrote:

Listen for yourself

It's articles like that one that make understand Axl's hate of the media, that article was justy looking to start trouble.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Townsville, Australia - Dec.1, 2010 (Reid Park)

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah, look if they'd said at times you couldn't hear Axl, or he went loud then soft and stuff like that I'd see the point..but that's not miming.

And yeah, I guess the scraped intro, and shacklers use backing layers, but you can still hear him sing live over them normally.

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