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 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

Bono wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

So you think Chinese Democracy was ahead of its time when it was being recorded? Wow. 18

There's nothing wrong with the drums on AFD. Its actually a crucial and very distinctive part of the album. I do find it funny how everyone loved everything about that record, Axl finally chimes in not loving the drums, now people have issues with Adler's contributions.

Maybe you're not one of those types. Maybe you always hated it. Either way you're entitled to your opinion.

AFD is practically a flawless record although I would have dropped You're Crazy. Nothing any of those guys ever say will ever sway my opinion on that album.

You think AFD is dated, then say UYI isn't? Pass the crack pipe my way.

absolutely James. Honestly what kind of fucked up parallel universe have I stepped into here. The drums on AFD have always been a key emelment and huge part of AFD's appeal and people on these message boards have always had the common sense ot recogniye and aknowledge that fact yet suddenly they are flawed and a weak point and blah blah blah. Also it blows my mind how suddenly in 2010 people are starting to say things to the effect that CD is as good as AFD and more progressive and ahead of it's time and and this crap. The drums on CD sound like cheap drum machines on half the songs so how anyone can say with a straight face they are better than Steven's AFD drusm is beyond me. The mix is terrible on CD and the overabundance of layers in Axl's vocals is annoying.  CD isn't even close to on par with AFD folks. Compare it all you want to the Illusion albums(I don't see how on earth it does) but this thread is starting to border on ridiculous with the talk of how CD is comparable and at times better than AFD.

I tried hard not to chime in cause I don't want to be that 'hater' all the time(but I'll be percieved as that it's ok) but like James said just cause Axl says it doesn't make it so. The guy obviously has bitter feelings towards the old guys so ignore him on his stupid hindsight AFD opinion which is obviously influenced by his bitterness towards the past.

I've read people argueing lately that it's not necessary to tear one thing down to express a love for another so how in the fuck when talking about how much they like CD do people suddenly have critical opinions of AFD when that has NEVER been the case?  Honestly it sounds fake and it doesn't hole much merrit cause these opinions and comments are coming so far outta left field it's not even funny.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 268 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

Olorin wrote:

I stopped listening to AFD cause I found it stale compared to live bootlegs, old and new. Anytime I want my AFD fix I'll listen to live versions, they have so much more energy. Havnt really listened to much GNR lately and thought I'd throw on AFD while I was working out the other day.
After becoming acclimated to the live versions I more often listen to, I found the album really did sound its age. And the drums stood out to me as what dates the album more than anything else, its not the technique, patterns, rhythm or whatever - its just the sound they make. Thats all it is, and its not because Axl mentioned timing flaws or whatever shit you want to convince yourself that you know peoples opinions better than them.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

faldor wrote:

My liking CD almost as much as AFD has nothing to do with what Axl has said about anything.  I'm sorry if some don't like CD all that much, but I do.  I can't really help that.  I know it's unfathomable for some to think that anybody could like CD so much.  In the same vein that it's amazing people like Ke$ha or Justin Bieber.  That shit makes no sense to me, but I'm not going to deny that people actually do like that crap.

Accept it people.  Some of us like "Chinese Democracy".  And that shouldn't change your life one bit, so back off!

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

Bono wrote:

I accept some of you really like CD but the cirticizms and flaws being pointed out on AFD in some effort to build up CD seems hilarious to me. Never before I have seen people so openly point out what's wrong with AFD cause let's face it there's never been anything wrong with it so I suppose the timing is a big coincidence.

For example Achtung Baby is considerd THE album by most U2 fans(Joshua Tree is definately the debate).  but imagine Bono going solo calling his band U2, puting out a new album and then suddenly pointing out the flaws of Achtung Baby saying how Larry's drumming wasn't up to par or The Edge's guitars were cheesy and suddenly fans start expressing the same opinion.

That's kinda why I'm floored by some of the comments being made and I think maybe James is in the same boat. Why was AFD never cirticized before hand. This to me isn't about people liking CD it's about people suddenly trying to express something that resembles an opinion trying to state AFD isn't  as good as it's made out to be when in fact it's every bit as good as it's made out to be.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

bigbri wrote:

I'm where James was about 2 years ago. I can't listen to Appetite anymore. Not because it's dated, but I'm bored with it, especially the "hits." I've heard these songs thousands of times if not tens od thousands for some of them. I'm just bored with it.

I listen to CD way more now just because it's still new, but even now i'm growing tired of IRS, SoD and some of the first leaks because I've heard them for 10-11 years.

Maybe some of you are confusing boredom with quality. Cause AFD still is astounding.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Renaissance

faldor wrote:

Understandable.  I still love AFD, so I don't fall into that boat.  I haven't listened to it since CD came out, though I've heard PLENTY of the songs from the concert footage.  I could understand how some people may prefer CD to AFD though because it sounds more fresh and new. 

As for the drumming, that's more like a Monday morning quarterback situation.  It's possible people felt that way BEFORE Axl said anything, but now that he has, it looks a little fishy.  Then again, it wouldn't be the first time that somebody said something that got people thinking and they ultimately ended up agreeing with.  But I see where you're coming from.

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