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- elevendayempire
- Rep: 96
Re: Stinson Vents at Del James During Dublin Concert
is it pronounced reading a book? or reading like redding?
i was talking to my wife about it and was saying it like reading a book way and she called me an idiot and said it was redding not reading
anyway carryon
Yep you're right it's said like Red-ing.
You're right about the BS madagas, on the radio this morning the headline was how Axl Rose got bottled off stage for being an hour and a half late. When they told the story in detail it was down to an hour late but when they came on they played a shortened set to those few still in attendance.
In reality it appears GNR were 30 mins late and played a full set to what looks to be at least 3/4 of the crowd. GNR don't help themselves but lies and exaggerations in the media don't do anybody any favours either.
God I sound like Jarmo...
Like I said on the other thread, Axl needs to get himself a decent PR outfit. All the promoters, venues etc are running rings around him, sending out press releases making him out to be the villain. It pains me to watch, because it would be simplicity itself to turn the tide. I know plenty of PRs who could refashion his image easily - and he needs to do it. Spin may be the dark art, but if everyone else but you is doing it, you'll get taken to pieces.
Re: Stinson Vents at Del James During Dublin Concert
Throwing things at the stage is not excusable no matter what. End of story. I don't get why they go to a show and pay money. It's a behaviour not acceptable. I'm with Axl on it, seriously. I try imagine standing in front of people and speak about my book and I get bottles of piss/beer/water/coke thrown at me? I would leave in an instant.
Re: Stinson Vents at Del James During Dublin Concert
well its almost turned into like internet message forum trolls whose sole purpose in life is to get a rise and piss off people for attention.
U have these scumbag pathetic losers who go with the sole intention of trying to piss Axl off thus giving themselves satisfaction and a memory to brag about forever to other losers.
"I pissed off Axl Rose and caused him to walk offstage"
Re: Stinson Vents at Del James During Dublin Concert
well its almost turned into like internet message forum trolls whose sole purpose in life is to get a rise and piss off people for attention.
U have these scumbag pathetic losers who go with the sole intention of trying to piss Axl off thus giving themselves satisfaction and a memory to brag about forever to other losers.
"I pissed off Axl Rose and caused him to walk offstage"
Well, that and the fact that they want to "teach Axl a lesson because he's an asshole".
- elevendayempire
- Rep: 96
Re: Stinson Vents at Del James During Dublin Concert
Well, most people believe anything they are told by the press, regardless of the subject. Sadly.
Sadly, yes, that's the way of the world. And that's why more than anything else, Axl needs a good PR team to manage his image and communicate with the press. If you don't communicate, other people will control the message; they will vilify you if it suits them to do so, and the public's perception of you is shaped by someone else's agenda.
Re: Stinson Vents at Del James During Dublin Concert
I was talking to a friend last night on the phone, we got onto the topic of GNR cause he asked me how Belfast went. Anyway he was telling me that his girlfriends sister and friends were at Reading and they were bitterly disapointed with GNR, they werent diehards or even casual fans, just festival goers. The media might be having a field day but a much of the criticism is fair, well especially regarding Reading at any rate. They are certainly getting carried away with themselves, the positive and well recieved performance in Belfast hasnt even got a look in.
- elevendayempire
- Rep: 96
Re: Stinson Vents at Del James During Dublin Concert
The Independent's piece is pretty balanced:
Re: Stinson Vents at Del James During Dublin Concert
the bad thing is that the first 4 shows are now sellouts...Rome and Milan just sold out. For a band that everyone hates, tickets are sure selling well....couple that with two huge headlining spots at Reading and Leeds and the band has got to be doing financially well. If Axl could only get his shit a little more together.....:|