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 Rep: 88 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Gunslinger wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

Bruce Smith ate Dan Marino for lunch.

Ekaterina Gordeeva  was a great pairs figure skater until her husband dropped dead. I still laugh at how Tara Lipinski took the gold from media darling Michelle Kwan in Nagano.

Game is tied 14-14. Gonna be an interesting second half. Jaguars are playing a good game, but they're playing a little too conservatively on defense. Need to start throwing different blitzes at Brady and keep him guessing. He's just a bit too comfortable out there.

Bruce Smith ate everybody for lunch...often! 

Kudos for the figure skating prop though! 16  (asshole...I mean that in a good way, that was clever).

Yeah, I gotta agree with you James they are playing far too conservative.  When Brady can sit with his back turned from the defense and do that "Statue of Liberty" fake that is sad.  I still think Brady is overrated however! tongue

***As soon as I posted this Brady through a sweet pass for a score 4, dammit...I have to give him credit he's having one helluva night.  Again it's NOT that I don't like him nor the Patriots I'm just SOOO sick of them right now.  My dream conference matchups next week would be the Pats losing to the Colts and the Cowboys losing to the Packers.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

No one can beat the Pats. Its insane. No coach is willing to take the risks needed to kick this team's ass. They're too worried about not giving up the "big play", so they let Brady kill them with 10 yard passes all night instead.

You have to take away the short and medium range passing game. Period. There's no other way to beat them. Let Brady try and throw to Moss and/or Stalworth deep all night. If you have any half decent defensive backs/safeties, it'll work.

The blueprint is there to beat this team, but no one has the balls to do it. They're too afraid of a 40 yd pass to Moss.

 Rep: 88 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Gunslinger wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

No coach is willing to take the risks needed to kick this team's ass. They're too worried about not giving up the "big play", so they let Brady kill them with 10 yard passes all night instead.

You have to take away the short and medium range passing game. Period. There's no other way to beat them. Let Brady try and throw to Moss and/or Stalworth deep all night. If you have any half decent defensive backs/safeties, it'll work.

The blueprint is there to beat this team, but no one has the balls to do it. They're too afraid of a 40 yd pass to Moss.

This is EXACTLY the problem James.  They are beatable but are just so dominant that they invoke fear to the teams who come in to challenge them.  Prior to this season the Patriots (imo) were a team that wasn't full of stars but didn't have many weaknesses making them a solid team.  They upped that this year where the stars they did have got better and then they added some key players to the mix.  Like them or hate them they are a team for the ages.  I do think if the Colts can survive San Diego they will beat the Pats.  It won't be an easy chore but the Colts are a defending Superbowl team with a definite future hall of fame QB who have survived great adversity and came away with a solid record for the season.  In spite of this all the buzz bypasses this team and goes straight to the Pats.  If Peyton Manning and the Colts are what I think they are then this lack of respect will fuel the fire for the game that will end the Patriots perfect season.  If the Colts cannot stop NE then you may as well hand the Patriots the trophy and ring now.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

I don't think the Colts can do it. I think the Colts can stay with them in any type of shootout situation, but thats not how you beat the Pats. It requires control of the clock(a bit of weakness for Indy) and a defense that will be in Brady's face all day. You need 8 guys within 5-10 yards of Brady at all times. In other words, run an extremely brutal 46 defense. By doing so means they cant run, and if they do it will be mostly of the 1 or 2 yard variety. Wont be getting those 5-10 yard passes either because those WRs will be getting knocked out the moment they touch the ball. A 46 creates a type of war zone within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage.

Its why that 85 Bears team was so intimidating. It wasn't just the talent of the players on the field, it was the defensive schemes being used, and it really intimidated the opposition.

The 46 does have its weaknesses, mainly the deep passing game. This is why it would force Belichick into  going deep on almost every down.

Its a huge risk, but one worth taking in my opinion. No one has been able to beat this team yet, so go the unconventional route.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Neemo wrote:

how about that statue of liberty play last night

or that double hand-off to welker....and hey who threw that block....oh yeah it was Brady...don't see many QB's doing that these days let alone the permier ones

fuck all y'all Brady is the best in the game today

 Rep: 88 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Gunslinger wrote:
Neemo wrote:

how about that statue of liberty play last night

or that double hand-off to welker....and hey who threw that block....oh yeah it was Brady...don't see many QB's doing that these days let alone the permier ones

fuck all y'all Brady is the best in the game today

The block deserves props Neemo.  I always respect a QB who will do that.  THe "Statue" was the product of a great O-line and a QB show-boating needlessly.  Had he got sacked the coach would have chewed his ass.  I don't dislike Brady even though sometimes it may sound like it and you do have a legit argument in saying he's the best in the game.  I've got 20.00 that says if the Colts survive the Chargers today (who would have beat the Patriots, I think) then Peyton Manning will light up NE's ass in the title game.  In fact I'll say this...IF the Colts and Pats play AND NE wins you can put "Brady is the best QB who ever played the game" (or something pro-Brady of your choice, barring any homo-like stuff 16) as my title...BUT if Manning and the Colts win then I get to choose for you?  Are you game?

 Rep: 485 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Neemo wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

the game" (or something pro-Brady of your choice, barring any homo-like stuff 16) as my title...BUT if Manning and the Colts win then I get to choose for you?  Are you game?

so do i win by default

ahahahahahahah CHOKE *hack*hack* and by second stringers! holy fuck


 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

Wow. An injured Chargers team bitch slaps the Colts.

Dungy was a fucking moron. Down by 4, more than 2 minutes to play, and its 4th down. Do you take the easy field goal and only be down by 1, or go for it? He goes for it and it costs them the game.

Had they only been down by one, the Colts could have played more conservatively on their last drive.

Next week's game is huge. Chargers are gonna limp into that game with some key injuries.

 Rep: 88 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Gunslinger wrote:
Neemo wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

the game" (or something pro-Brady of your choice, barring any homo-like stuff 16) as my title...BUT if Manning and the Colts win then I get to choose for you?  Are you game?

so do i win by default

ahahahahahahah CHOKE *hack*hack* and by second stringers! holy fuck


tongue  I was afraid of the Chargers, I don't like them but they are good.  That's why I had to include "if" the Colts win.  Damn you Neemo!! 16   I really would like to have seen the rematch but that's the way it goes.  Manning was still good he threw 14/14 to open up with (Brady's record last night was only two more mind you) and threw for over 400 yards.  Yeah there was two interceptions but both were of the variety where the receiver tried to catch with his chest instead of his hands. 

The "injured" Chargers didn't bitchslap the Colts, it was Philip Rivers HUGE third down conversion that changed the game.  Besides, Addai and Sanders were both hurt at about the same point of the game Tomlinson and Rivers were...fairly even odds I would say even though the two did come back.  The other factors that led to the loss were key dropped balls, including two "pop-ups" that became interceptions as well as an early Harrison fumble that made the game become a 7-7 instead of a very possible 14-0.  I have to agree with you about Dungy's decision not to kick the field goal however James, that changed what had to be done and caused a great deal more pressure than was necessary.

The shit part is now NE once again gets a lucky break, Tomlinson and Rivers hurt.   When these guys got hurt against the Colts it was already a close game (late in the game, Rivers anyway, Tomlinson wasn't a huge factor regardless)...that's a HUGE difference than starting the game without these guys.  Hopefully they will be ok to play 100% against NE.  Whether they win or don't I want to see NE beat a GOOD team without injuries or a handicap going in.  I'm not saying they can't, (obviously noone can deny what the Pats have accomplished this year) but it would be nice to see rather than a "patched up" team trying to play a "loaded deck" team.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Neemo wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:

I was afraid of the Chargers.

I'm afraid of them too 18 next week will be a great game, we were destined for a great game no matter which 2 of the 4 teams advanced though wink

now we see who plays GB should be a good one if Eli can hold it together, hes been solid last few weeks though 22

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