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 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

once i found some dudes wallet...about 4-5 years ago now

it had about $500 in it...layin on the ground at the gas station

i returned it all

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Rant Thread

monkeychow wrote:

I'm with Axlin08 on this one.

if it has details in it, then you know who's money it is, then it's theft to me same as if you stole it out of their pocket in the first place.

The act of stupidity in loosing the wallet doesn't justify taking something that belongs to someone. Does the stupid act of leaving your front door open mean it's ok for someone to come in and take stuff or rape your family or something. The issue is not stupidty, it's that of ownership, a person misplacing something does not negate their ownership of it, the only time it would, is when it's unidentifiable. If you find cash on the street, with no ID and so on...fine keep it, but if it belongs to someone else then it's not right to keep it.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Rant Thread

James wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

It's not right. It's just not, on any level to me. You have your outlook, I have mine. I'd return it cash and all to the best of my ability.

And i'd hope - HOPE - that one day someone would do the same.

As for me and cash, I try to carry cash, but I always carry it in my side-pocket, not my wallet. It ain't like i'm gonna lose my pants.

Put your wallet in your front pocket like I do. Problem solved. cool

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

crappy toilet paper in the workplace/public washrooms

there is nothing like giving yourself an accidental prostate exam! 4

 Rep: 118 

Re: The Rant Thread

mickronson wrote:

I lost my wallet few years back on a busy main road with lots of shops and people (happend to be where I lived sort of also so I knew a few of the shopkeeps).  I had a panic attack when I got back home realising I was minus 1 wallet.  I went back out looking around and in a few shops where I`d been, nothing, I was in a right mess..I panic at the thought of losing something even if there was fuck all in it but a few £s and some credit cards and ID etc.. I went to the post office where I know the woman there, I tell her what happend, she says, is this it.. some fucker handed it...I was gobsmacked.  Before that I had never found something like that so I dont know what I`d do tbh, but I think I`d maybe have took it and run but now my outlook has changed and I`d hand it in..

 Rep: 207 

Re: The Rant Thread

DCK wrote:

Once I was sleepy enough to forget the cash in the ATM. I just took off for work without grabbing it. Wasn't much though. I was called up by my dad 3 hours later. Some guy had found my money and connected with the local bank who called my last registrated number. The guy who found it came with the money the same night. So nice.

Just fucking deliver the purse or wallet if you find one. It could be a family on their trip to some fun-lands money, it could be a couples money for their nice dinner that week. It could be anything. You don't know.

If I loose my stuff, I hope for someone like Neemo here to find it, and not James Lofton who would use it all himself and obviously throw away the wallet, which I actually got as a present from my mother in law. Everything has a value, money wise or nostalgic. It all counts.

I've never found any purses etc. Once, I found a 200 Norwegian Krone bill on the side of a street in a fair. I took that, as tracking down the owner of a dirty 200 bill is as easy as finding a needle in a haystack.

The act of stupidity in loosing the wallet doesn't justify taking something that belongs to someone. Does the stupid act of leaving your front door open mean it's ok for someone to come in and take stuff or rape your family or something. The issue is not stupidty, it's that of ownership, a person misplacing something does not negate their ownership of it, the only time it would, is when it's unidentifiable. If you find cash on the street, with no ID and so on...fine keep it, but if it belongs to someone else then it's not right to keep it.

Good to see someone with their brain attached properly!

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

once i took cash out of an atm then threw the bill out ... i kept my receipt though 17

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

With incidents like that, i'm starting to believe "tired" means "loaded".

Kept the receipt, but threw the money away... 14

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Rant Thread

Olorin wrote:

Theres been a lot of "skimming"  devices found on atm machines round my way for the last few months, seems to becoming a more and more common type of theft. There was one weekend in june where every cash machine in a 5 mile radious was closed until they were given the ok.

 Rep: 207 

Re: The Rant Thread

DCK wrote:

I barely have cash on me. At every store in this country, we just swipe the card and type in the PIN code. Too many issues with ATM machines.

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