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 Rep: 207 

Re: The Rant Thread

DCK wrote:

Honestly, I'm doing fine. Can't really find anything big to rant over. Never better. I love growing older. Wiser, educated and more confident. I hated being young, late teens, early 20's. Sounds weird eh? Didn't really know it at the time, but I see it now. It fucking sucked. I missed a lot of fun others had at that time. Didn't fucking touch a girl from 12 to 20 years old. Better forgotten all of it. Here's to growing older!

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:

So I find a wallet this week (coincidentally the guys name was Roy Jones Jr...  I thought I hit the jackpot at first), anyway, his address was pretty far away so I find his parents house # online & call.  His mother was older but didn't know his address or phone #, but knew his sisters.  It's half a block away so I stop up & tell her I found it & called her Mom.  She seemed suspicious saying "Oh you 'found' it?   And where did you 'find' it?"   I said the train station.  (Felt like saying "The big fucking train station right at the end of the road across from where I live where I'm always finding random shit from stupid drunk people losing shit behind after they get off the train".   So she says "OK, wait right here while I take down your name"   HA!  Good luck lady.  I find YOUR brothers wallet, go thru the steps to find a phone # online to track down it's rightful owner, and do them the favor of returning it, and you want MY information for him to reach me at???   (For the record there was no cash in it, if there was I would have kept it, as I believe that is fair game). 

I just said yeah right & walked away. I couldn't tell if she wanted my info to give me a reward, or to keep on file in case anythings missing or credit cards were used, but it really seemed more towards the latter. She doesn't need my info.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Finding someone's wallet, and keeping the cash in it is 'fair game'?

Theft is theft.

As for the situation, yeah I agree with you, that reeks of weirdness. If the sister can get in contact with him why not just take the wallet, and give it back to him when you see him.

That chick was totally setting you up. It amazes me how stupid people like her, and the big box stores are on stuff like that. WHY would a THIEF return the merch?

A thief does not return a stolen wallet - stupid.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Theft is theft.

And lost is lost.  They lost cash.  I found cash. ie mine.

(Didn't happen though, but those are my rules. They get their drivers license & credit cards etc back, just not the green money)

 Rep: 423 

Re: The Rant Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

One of many reasons I never carry cash.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The Rant Thread

faldor wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Theft is theft.

And lost is lost.  They lost cash.  I found cash. ie mine.

(Didn't happen though, but those are my rules. They get their drivers license & credit cards etc back, just not the green money)

So wait, IF there was money in the wallet you would've taken the money and returned the wallet to the person face to face?  What happens when they asked you where the money went?  "I took it, finders keepers."

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Nah, I would have likely mailed it back.  The address on the drivers license was about 4 or 5 hours away, so I figured they didn't live there. (Alot of people keep their parents or other addresses on record to save on car insurance)

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Rant Thread

James wrote:

There's nothing wrong with taking money from a wallet/purse you just found. If I drop my wallet, the random douche bag who finds it is definitely taking whatever is in it.

Back in 1989 while at Great America, my friends and I found some chick's purse near the Tidal Wave coaster. My friend opened it and there was a few hundred dollars. We split the cash and he threw the purse(including the ton of credit cards) in the trash. In hindsight, I wish we had taken that purse to lost and found because even without cash, the bitch could have charged the rest of that day's fun.

Think I mentioned this incident on the old board, but back in summer 2007 I was going to take my younger cousin to the fair. As you all know, county fairs aren't cheap anymore and with my drug use and the usual bills, was definitely gonna struggle with making this happen, or if we went, would have been on a budget. About five days before we went, I found a purse on the ground at the gas station. It had almost 300 bucks in it. I took this as a grant from God to go to the fair, and that's exactly what I did with it.

That purse is currently residing in some landfill...

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

It's not right. It's just not, on any level to me. You have your outlook, I have mine. I'd return it cash and all to the best of my ability.

And i'd hope - HOPE - that one day someone would do the same.

As for me and cash, I try to carry cash, but I always carry it in my side-pocket, not my wallet. It ain't like i'm gonna lose my pants.

 Rep: 423 

Re: The Rant Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

As for me and cash, I try to carry cash, but I always carry it in my side-pocket, not my wallet. It ain't like i'm gonna lose my pants.

If you do, losing the money will probably be worth it!

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