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 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Inception = Incredible. I won't even try to explain it but it was damn awesome. GO SEE IT! Just be prepared to pay attention

The last hour of that film is the most incredible thing I've ever seen. Not even kidding either. The amount of ambiguity in this film is already causing a ton of interesting discussion around the Internet. And the ending had an incredible reaction in my theater. Bono, did your theater let out a gasp? Mine let out a gasp (including me) and then a lot of people began laughing, cheering, or clapping. I think I was doing all three. At the end of the day it has now planted a seed and will grow in people's minds. It's up to the viewer to decide for themselves what happened. Instant classic IMHO. 22

Absolutely it's an instant classic and it's watchable over and over again unlike some movies. Knowing how it ends will not ruin the appeal of this movie as the subject matter is so incredibly interesting and the story takes place on so many levels simultaneously. As for the ending I didn't notice any weird reaction but the buzz in the room was real good. You could tell everyone liked it alot. As for how it ends in my own opinion

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the top started to wobble so I think he's back to real life. The top will never fall or falter in his dreams but in real life it will and once it starts to wobble it's gonna fall. In my opinion it was a pretty clear happy ending in which he was experiencing his real life while wide awake.

My only minor complaint with this movie and with alot of movies to be honest is there was too much gun fire in my opinion.

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Seriously how bad is the aim of bad guys in movies to miss the main characters all the time and from point blank range numerous times


A bonus is Marion Cotillard is extremely hot in this movie and Ellen Page is turning out to be quite the hotty as well.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Finally saw Predators.

Good movie, not great. Probably on the same tier of Predator 2. A throwback action film, popcorn fun, feels like a true Predator film.

I think fanboys will love it, but casuals audiences might feel a tad left out. The film kind of expects you to know the previous films to know what's up.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

polluxlm wrote:

Inception. I didn't think it possible, but this movie managed to top Avatar in terms of disappointment.

Nolan exposes himself as the shallow director I suspected him to be, and DiCaprio confirms himself to be the good but not great actor I knew him to be. Script is weak, acting is nothing special and the substance is non exitant. Okay, you know how to enter dreams and create 4 levels of them. That's neither deep nor complicated, it's just inefficient. Like flying west when you're going from Chicago to New York.


 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:

The contrast of Inception reviews here is amusing. Reminds me of that Batman thread where I said it was a turd straight out the gates of hell and then like 10 people jumped in saying its the greatest flick ever made.

Definitely gonna download it. I'll watch it this weekend.

Last night I watched a movie called Surviving Crooked Lake. Why this was labeled as a horror film is beyond me. Its basically a G rated mish mash of Deliverance meets Mean Creek but starring 14 year old girls. I realized within five minutes it wasn't a horror movie but watched it anyways. Had a bit of potential but it dragged out way too long. The script was really weak. Instead of the older brother dying, it should have been one of the girls to add a bit of suspense to the flick. When the brother took a dirt nap(not really a spoiler as it happens minutes into the film and you see it coming a mile away) I knew it was gonna be predictable fluff from that point on....and I was right.

I got so sick of them taking forever to decide what to do with his body. Had I been there, I would have set it on fire just to shut them up.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Are you kidding? The Dark Knight is the greatest film that ever were.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

tejastech08 wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Inception. I didn't think it possible, but this movie managed to top Avatar in terms of disappointment.

Nolan exposes himself as the shallow director I suspected him to be, and DiCaprio confirms himself to be the good but not great actor I knew him to be. Script is weak, acting is nothing special and the substance is non exitant. Okay, you know how to enter dreams and create 4 levels of them. That's neither deep nor complicated, it's just inefficient. Like flying west when you're going from Chicago to New York.


The substance is there. The film is essentially a therapy session for DiCaprio's character.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Neemo wrote:

my Rocky marathon continues

saw rocky 2 on friday and 3 last night

 Rep: 281 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

faldor wrote:
Neemo wrote:

my Rocky marathon continues

saw rocky 2 on friday and 3 last night

Just make sure you don't watch Rocky 5.  The last one was actually pretty decent, Rocky Balboa.  Not GREAT, but it got back on the tracks.  A good way to end the series and erase the memory of Tommy The Gun Morrison.

 Rep: 27 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

evader wrote:
Neemo wrote:

right now they have high plains drifter on demand, i was told its pretty good, was gonna try to check out Fistful of Dollars and A few dollars more as well as outlaw Josey Wales

Have you seen Outlaw Josey Wales yet?  That has to be my favorite western of all time.  Something Eastwood does a few times in that movie is absolutely hilarious, imitating, and downright unforgettable.

Watched Wanted last night - bloody, mindless entertainment.  I've seen worse.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

slashsfro wrote:

On Inception--I found it to be great although not at the level of tejas or bono's level.  It actually flows pretty well for a 2hr and 30 minute film.  I found the acting fine.  Parts of the third act lagged a little.  It's probably the best summer film released this year.  To be fair, the movie crop this summer has been awful. 

Last films seen--The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo.  Really boring.  I normally don't advocate remakes at all but I'm definitely looking forward to the Fincher remake.  He also cast Daniel Craig in the lead role as Blomkvist today.  Anyway this Swedish version is just kinda bland and doesn't capture the interest that the novel creates.  It's a fair adaption, but it's just a boring film.

Sexy Beast--Insane performance by Ben Kingsley.  Interesting varation on a heist genre film.

Secret Things--only mentioning this here because someone on this site put it on one of their film lists.  It's a pretty good film.

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