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 Rep: 53 

Re: The Rant Thread

slashsfro wrote:
Neemo wrote:

my apologies to any telemarketers on the board....but i wish they would fuck off 16

jsut got one...

pakidude - "we are coming to your neighborhood to give free estimates for windows in the next week and were wondering if you are interested"
Me - "no thanks"
dude - "did you recently have your windows replaced?"
Me - "No i jut moved here last year though"
dude - " is it a new house or an older one?"
Me - "well if you plan on coming to my neighborhood dont you know the ages of the houses here?" *click*

I used to get a lot of those but since registering with the DNC thing they have reduced significantly.  What still stinks is that the credit card I have sometimes still calls and tries to offer their shitty overpriced products in deceptive fashion.

Regarding the solicitors, I usually get the religious types but what I noticed works really well is to just look like you just got out of bed.  That way they go away quickly since you look all tired and stuff.  Prentending you have some minor illness (a cold) works as well.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The Rant Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Just got into a pretty bad accident.  Fucking sucks.  I'm ok as is the other driver, but fuck an A!!  Stop at the stop sign would ya!  And look both ways before turning..

My cars damaged pretty bad, both drivers side doors are damaged pretty bad, and don't open.  So I will be crawling in & out the other side for a while.  Also I've got a busy week the next few days, really didn't need this right now.

 Rep: 31 

Re: The Rant Thread

Stacey wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Just got into a pretty bad accident.  Fucking sucks.  I'm ok as is the other driver, but fuck an A!!  Stop at the stop sign would ya!  And look both ways before turning..

My cars damaged pretty bad, both drivers side doors are damaged pretty bad, and don't open.  So I will be crawling in & out the other side for a while.  Also I've got a busy week the next few days, really didn't need this right now.

I was in a car accident on Friday! WTF man it must be in the water. I hate life right now.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The Rant Thread

faldor wrote:

I got my second speeding ticket in a couple months a few weeks back.  I'm not sure if it's still "the law", but I know a few years back if you got 3 tickets in a 2 year span or something you'd have to go to classes or something.  So just in case, I've been playing it safe lately and driving the speed limit.  I drive a lot for work, so it's tough.  People are all up on my ass and passing me and stuff.  I don't blame them, I "used" to get upset at people for actually driving the speed limit.  I can't mess around anymore though.

My last ticket was ROUGH to.  I was actually signaled by a car going the other way that there was a cop ahead.  So I slowed down a bit, but didn't really know what the speed limit was.  I went for a couple minutes and didn't see a cop.  I thought maybe he had left.  NOPE!  He got me going 40 in a 30.  He pulled me over and a guy behind me.  Of course, he let the OTHER guy go and just ticketed me.  Most likely because of my out of state plates. 

I really hate cops, unless they're helping you out.  Which is very rare in my case.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

yeah i have been slowing down of late as well...not in danger of losing my license or anything but i just have decided that i cant afford to pay them so why take a chance...i go about 5mph over the posted limit, but up here thats pretty much acceptable

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

here's a rant...i cant fucking hear worth a shit...i got water in my ear a couple weeks ago and since then i've had an inner ear infection fromt he water getting behind my ear drum and an outter ear top it off i have an excess of wax in both my ears so its like i permanently have ear plugs...its driving me fucking nuts! 4

i have a doc appt today so hopefully he can clean the shit out of my ears....literally 16

 Rep: 207 

Re: The Rant Thread

DCK wrote:

Ah, that's a lot of fun. They can use a machine and suck it all out. I have had ear problems for years. Too much wax and water making me get tinnitus at times. Once in hospital, they sucked it all out making my hearing once again be excellent.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Rant Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Got problems of my own right now. Anything that can go wrong is going wrong. The smallest technical issues become monumental efforts.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Rant Thread

RussTCB wrote:


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