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 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Grunge Madness - Round 2, Battle 7

Neemo wrote:

Round 2, Battle 7....Vote!
The song with the most votes will move on to the next round. You have 1 day.

Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike


Alice in Chains - Man in the Box

Note: Please uses the discussion and results thread to talk about the battles, results and general discussion about this GnREvolution Grunge Madness Tourney, just use the voting threads to place your votes.
Disclaimer: Do not forget to actually place your vote using the poll system. If you do not vote in the the poll then your vote will not count.
Tie Breaker Rule: I do not typically vote in the battles, as such if there is a tie at the end of the prescribed 1 day voting period then my vote will count only then to serve as the tiebreaker.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Grunge Madness - Round 2, Battle 7

Neemo wrote:

I'm the Dog who gets beat
Shove my nose in SHit
won't you come and save me
save me

 Rep: 281 

Re: GnREvolution Grunge Madness - Round 2, Battle 7

faldor wrote:

Man In The Box probably deserves to win, but I'm going with Hunger Strike.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Grunge Madness - Round 2, Battle 7

Neemo wrote:


 Rep: 205 

Re: GnREvolution Grunge Madness - Round 2, Battle 7

PaSnow wrote:

2 great song.  As much as I love MITB I went with Hunger Strike.  Really good song itself.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Grunge Madness - Round 2, Battle 7

Neemo wrote:

In "GnREvolution Grunge Madness" fire represents death, when the fades out, it goes up in flames, when the name is read, the decision is final and it must leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll go tally the votes.

Man in the Box bring me your torch.


The Tribe has spoken

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