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 Rep: 768 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Axlin16 wrote:

He's probably tired. He doesn't tour much, and he's been out there for awhile now. He's also been getting buck wild.

He's nearing 50. When he starts slowing down, I think he starts phoning it in. I think the audience is more receptive to those AFD songs, and he also sings those the best.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

buzzsaw wrote:
madagas wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
madagas wrote:

It's funny how Buzz somehow knows Axl isn't happy.......these pics suggest otherwise...if you want to know why Axl has gained weight, I am quite certain all the alcohol isn't helping. … 58255.1120

Never said he wasn't happy, I'm just looking at his actions.  Started with long shows, now playing less.  Not mixing in CD songs other than the "standards" that he has seemingly selected.  Those don't indicate a guy that is having a blast performing.  He can have a lot of fun with the guys without being happy with the having to perform part.

I think it is more lazy than not having fun....he seems to be having a blast on and off the stage....seems like he parties a bit too much and just ends up doing what is easy by the time the show comes around. Just my two cents.

You may be right.  I don't claim to know, I just find it interesting that he did so much for a couple of shows, then dropped back down to "normal" for the new band. 

Perhaps there is a reason that those shows were so long...

 Rep: 664 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

James wrote:
faldor wrote:

BUT, I'm just going off of recent history.  Do you really believe Axl wants to tour and release album after album for the next 3-5 years?

Axl now has the universe's most precious commodity working against him...... time. He's almost fifty. He has no more lengthy Chinese Democracy waits in him. Another wait of the same duration means retirement.

Sure he can be Mick Jagger and go onstage and talk the songs at 70, but the crowd is going to be awfully small and those in attendance will be laughing at an old man trying to run across the stage singing Jungle.

He has about a five year window where he can actually do something and make his mark. Cornell is on the verge of going on another run with Soundgarden, and his timing was perfect because even he knows it is basically last chance saloon on that issue.

If hardcore fans think another ten year wait is "cool", you might as well make it a 20 or 30 year wait because it's pretty much the same thing.

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Sky Dog wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

He's probably tired. He doesn't tour much, and he's been out there for awhile now. He's also been getting buck wild.

He's nearing 50. When he starts slowing down, I think he starts phoning it in. I think the audience is more receptive to those AFD songs, and he also sings those the best.

again, lazy...the large majority of the crowd wants the hits and he can sing those in his sleep.:haha:

 Rep: 70 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Personal experience says you're wrong.  I will continue to base my opinions on facts that I have personally experienced.  Thanks for your concern.

Out of curiousity... What personal experience do you have on the subject that contradict major bands/artists and their profesional managers touring the world and playing to millions of people and selling millions of albums?

Go searching the concerts attended thread and some other pointless thread about CD setlists.  All I can go by is what I have experienced personally.  Maybe I'm the lucky one when it comes to concerts I've attended, but my experiences have been bands playing most and in some cases all of their new material when touring to support that album.  Admittedly none of those bands toured for the same album 4-5 times with 4-5 different lineups, so it is an apples to oranges comparison.

Really?! Concert attendence?! Jeez....  roll

 Rep: 58 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Stepvhen wrote:

Less of the off-topic. More speculation on impossible hopes

 Rep: 423 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:

Out of curiousity... What personal experience do you have on the subject that contradict major bands/artists and their profesional managers touring the world and playing to millions of people and selling millions of albums?

Go searching the concerts attended thread and some other pointless thread about CD setlists.  All I can go by is what I have experienced personally.  Maybe I'm the lucky one when it comes to concerts I've attended, but my experiences have been bands playing most and in some cases all of their new material when touring to support that album.  Admittedly none of those bands toured for the same album 4-5 times with 4-5 different lineups, so it is an apples to oranges comparison.

Really?! Concert attendence?! Jeez....  roll

I know.  How dare I use actual life experiences to make a point.  The nerve of some people...using real life to support a point of view on the internet.  I mean, 100 or so concerts is such a small sample size anyway...

 Rep: 661 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

monkeychow wrote:
bucketfan wrote:

quoting mygnrforum;

Recently while I was in LA on business, a little birdie mentioned to me that a self titled, GNR album is set to drop in early summer.

Can you imagine the internet controversy that will occur if the next GNR album is self-titled, especially if some of the previous comments pan out true, that the first of the Chinese Albums was the closest to the original sound of the band, and that latter tracks are more experemental, or push the sound in a more industrial way.

But even if it is exactly the same style, self titling the album will very much create drama with many fans of the old band.

Myself i'm not a big fan of self titled albums in any context, even if the line up is the same, as it seems too much like saying "this is the most important record in our body of work" to me, like it sort of elevates the self titled record to a different status as the other albums.

bucketfan wrote:

quoting mygnrforum;
"The "birdie" told me that Universal received something like 30 tracks back in April 2008 from the Guns camp. Due to all the leaks, it was a no-brainer which songs would actually make the first album. If this "birdie" is accurate, during the touring down-time, Axl has been working with Universal on a marketing campaign for the new album

While I'm not saying this is true, it is entirely possible, we know from a lot of sources, including Axl himself that there is at least a second record worth of material that exists, in some stage of development (finished or not) from the earlier sessions.

While I wouldn't say he promiced anything, in the original forum chats he hinted that it could be fun to drop another album about a year after CD1. And while it's been longer than that, to me the time frame we're currently in, is sort of like "a year in gnr time" - ie - around the earilest possible time it could happen factoring in the near year of down-time caused by whatever Axl said had happened that made the worst year of his life, the business bullshit, and generally how things in GNR land always seem to take quite a while and have a lot of complications.

Anyway I could be talking out my ass, I'm not saying anything is happening for certain, all i'm saying is to me it's quite plausable that something like this *might* be in development. However, of course, even if it was happening, there's nothing to guarentee it will actually happen, and not be derailed somewhere along the process if one of the deals goes wrong or soemthing.

I guess i'm 50/50 on it. On one hand I feel like even if the band wants to do something, there's always so much stuff that comes out of nowhere to fuck with the band it seems, and there's so much BS about GNR out there, that like, usually I only believe something will happen if the band says it officially, and even then we all take it with a grain of salt knowing that plans can change and the best intentions can't always be fullfilled. But on the other hand, I also think if I was Axl i'd be doing my next album on the sly, and not making public comments about it or a timeframe, as half of the problem with CD i think was that every time a dely occured people would drag out his previous timelines and comments and start up about broken promices and so on.

Know what I mean? What motivation does Axl have to release a date? All it would do is generate excitment from us, who will be exited anyway the day anything happens, and all it would do is set himself up for a fall, if for whatever business reason or whatever he was unable to deliver on that date. If i was him i'd work on the shit in secret until its like 99% ready to happen, then just pull it out of nowhere....easier than starting up when things could go wrong. But that's just one theory and might not at all have any relevance to whats happening, or not happening. Who knows.

bucketfan wrote:

quoting mygnrforum;
Many songs for the next record were finished a long time ago. New guitarists inputs will be added to it, Axl adds a few vocals here and there.

This sounds like the same approach that was taken to Chinese Democracy in about 2006-2007. Although some people didn't like the changes, I feel overall it was sucessful so I'd be happy with the process. I wonder if this means DJ though, as I think bumble already worked on stuff.

 Rep: 67 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Tommie wrote:

Come on guys, how did this thread get to 6 pages?  Do any of you honestly believe the "new album" is anything more than a whisper of thought in Axl's mind at this point?

 Rep: 423 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

buzzsaw wrote:
Tommie wrote:

Come on guys, how did this thread get to 6 pages?  Do any of you honestly believe the "new album" is anything more than a whisper of thought in Axl's mind at this point?

I don't believe it's even a thought for Axl.

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