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 Rep: 423 

Re: Slash album reviews

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

My apologies to Buzz and mikka, no need for me to call anyone a fanboy or a joke. I still think what I think, I agree with you on some stuff and think you're totally wrong on other shit, but I didn't have to go that route to do it.

No need to apologize.  Even though we often disagree, I respect the passion you have for what you believe.  As long as you're not calling anyone anything really personal, I don't care.  I don't mind being labeled a fanboy or whatever.  I am to some extent.  We all are.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Slash album reviews

James wrote:

Buzzsaw a fanboy of Slash? No way in hell is that even remotely possible....

Not really digging the album, but admittedly have only listened to it a couple times.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Slash album reviews

Smoking Guns wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Buzzsaw a fanboy of Slash? No way in hell is that even remotely possible....

Not really digging the album, but admittedly have only listened to it a couple times.

I like the order of the songs... The second half of the album I think is more vintage Slash, or at least better songs.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Slash album reviews

Olorin wrote:

Been listening to it online a fair bit and today actually borrowed my brothers copy to give it a proper whirl on my stereo while doing my exercise.

Nothings really changed - I think Ghost, Promise, By The Sword, Gotten and Dr Alibi are all decent. By The Sword is probably the strongest track on the album for me.
The rest are all pretty forgetable, to be honest I was getting a little bored by the halfway point and was considering changing the cd. I kept going incase I missed something I liked, then that Alice Cooper song came on and it was the last straw and I had to turn it off. I checked the disc and discovered it was the last track and presume a "bonus" track, but its not much of a bonus for me cause it fuckin sucks.
Worst song, aside from Baby Cant Drive (Urgh, even the title sucks), for me it has to be Beautiful Dangerous. It came on the radio yesterday and I was thinking this is horrible, today confirmed it, the song is bloody awful. And its the most dated sounding of them all, even Lemmy's age old growling on Dr Alibi sounds fresher. Its a turd with all the drippings.
Best songs, By The Sword and Gotten. BTS is killer, Slash sounds immense on it and Stockdale is outstanding also. Gotten could be a pretty successful crossover hit imo, its not my usual cup of tea but it really sticks in my head, I like it a lot.
The rest are are ok, if a bit bland. I'm not disapointed though, this album is already one step ahead than any VR album coz it does at least contain a few songs I think are pretty damn good. VR was a huge letdown.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Slash album reviews

Smoking Guns wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Been listening to it online a fair bit and today actually borrowed my brothers copy to give it a proper whirl on my stereo while doing my exercise.

Nothings really changed - I think Ghost, Promise, By The Sword, Gotten and Dr Alibi are all decent. By The Sword is probably the strongest track on the album for me.
The rest are all pretty forgetable, to be honest I was getting a little bored by the halfway point and was considering changing the cd. I kept going incase I missed something I liked, then that Alice Cooper song came on and it was the last straw and I had to turn it off. I checked the disc and discovered it was the last track and presume a "bonus" track, but its not much of a bonus for me cause it fuckin sucks.
Worst song, aside from Baby Cant Drive (Urgh, even the title sucks), for me it has to be Beautiful Dangerous. It came on the radio yesterday and I was thinking this is horrible, today confirmed it, the song is bloody awful. And its the most dated sounding of them all, even Lemmy's age old growling on Dr Alibi sounds fresher. Its a turd with all the drippings.
Best songs, By The Sword and Gotten. BTS is killer, Slash sounds immense on it and Stockdale is outstanding also. Gotten could be a pretty successful crossover hit imo, its not my usual cup of tea but it really sticks in my head, I like it a lot.
The rest are are ok, if a bit bland. I'm not disapointed though, this album is already one step ahead than any VR album coz it does at least contain a few songs I think are pretty damn good. VR was a huge letdown.

An album with 4 songs you really like isn't that bad.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Slash album reviews

Neemo wrote:

my wife is in love with

by the sword

she also likes
watch this
i hold on

its unusual cuz she normally will not listen to what i listen to (aside from stp, tool and aic)

she actually is goin to visit her freind right now and she goes "I'm takin the CD with me ya know 16

 Rep: 217 

Re: Slash album reviews

Mikkamakka wrote:

One of my co-workers didn't even know Slash's name till this week. (He doesn't know anyone in rock. He's into classical guitar music and rap. Strange combination.) Two days ago he came to me and apologized(!) for not knowing Slash. He said he had heard a 'new song' by Slash 'featuring some singer' and the song was so good that he had been headbanging in his car. He asked me to lend him an album.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Slash album reviews

TheMole wrote:

Got my copy yesterday and had a long car trip planned for today (well, long in Belgian terms... 4 hours back and forth), so I had plenty of time to let it sink in. I really, really dig it. Don't get what people find so terrible 'bout baby can't drive and certainly don't get what people love about Promise so much. Easily the worst song on the album for me. Dr. Alibi is really growing on my, which is strange 'cause it's a simple straight forward (aka predictable) song, but it has killer production values. The artificial harmonies on Lemmy's voice crack me up (in a good way).

Might write a full review when I've had some sleep...

 Rep: 231 

Re: Slash album reviews

-D- wrote:

I think its ridiculous for people to tell someone how they should live and what they should do.

Slash no longer had the GNR name brand to keep him in the public eye.. so to stay out there, he had to do some shit.

Slash, come make some money and get exposure and stay relevant in an industry that chews people up and spits them out

Slash: Nah thats ok... the 200 GNR message board fans will call me a sell out. id rather have integrity *Whatever the fuck this bullshit word means anyway*

Integrity, legacy are all bullshit words so fanboys can hold onto something from the past.

Axl didn't sell out with those big ass videos? going from Appetite to being hard rock Elton John?

Axl sold out the minute he bought those new teeth and starting fucking supermodels.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Slash album reviews

faldor wrote:

Let's ease up on the "selling out".  I don't think anyone could argue that just about everyone in the entertainment business are sellouts.  That's the name of the game.  Yet, some do it to a more extreme level.

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