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 Rep: 768 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Now that I agree with. I'm definitely willing to seceed that GTA is a lower-tier of legend.

I'd even throw Tetris and Donkey Kong up on that top-tier.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Neemo wrote:

i cant believe sonic vs ocarina only got 7 votes? hmm and now my fav all-time game is out

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axl S wrote:

To reach the top tier a game would need to have universal appeal. Mario, can appeal to all ages, Zelda can and so on. GTA, Halo, MGS can't and for that reason they will never make it to the top. GTA's lack of a central character or protagonist also impairs it's chance of reaching "top tier".

 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Neemo wrote:

wow another shocker kinda...i expected at least one link game to crack the final 4

last battle of round 4

 Rep: 633 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

RussTCB wrote:


A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

russtcb wrote:

SMB as a series will be remembered for decades. Specifically regarding each and every installment will be also. The same cannot be said for the GTA series, people will remember the series for sure but not specifics of each installment.

Won't they? I think each city/game from GTA III onwards has enough of its own character for each game to be remembered specifically rather than just as one big series that all blend into one.

 Rep: 633 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

RussTCB wrote:


A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

See for me I'd say that was more likely for Mario (for me at least). As a series I remember Mario but I couldn't tell you which specific Mario games I played as a kid, whereas GTA each game is a lot clearer to me (although granted I've played all the GTA games a lot more recently).

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

I agree with APE, I think the Mario games are already completely lumped into one big Mario category. Meanwhile, I don't even hear the words GTA when people discuss that franchise - I only hear Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City, Chinatown Stories, etc.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Discussion and Results Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Each GTA game has it's own thing. Obviously the direct-sequel games like Liberty City Stories (GTAIII) and Vice City Stories will be roped into the same memory for some, if not most, but those sections are their own. Like San Andreas has it's own, and GTA IV has it's own, and the next installment will also.

Each brand also has it's own vast diehard fans too. GTA III fans are fading with advancing technology, but everything from Vice City onward is still hardcore.

If GTA IV is remembered for anything, it'll be the disappointment is was in terms of game development. The graphics and game physics were a major improvement up to HD, and it looked the best it's ever looked, BUT, the fun of San Andreas was gone. The vehicles, weapons and map just wasn't there.

Frankly I think San Andreas is a better game than Vice City. But Vice City was the coolest. Storyline was fantastic, gameplay was solid for the time, it felt cool... anyone that's an 80's baby/teen or even at the least a fan of Scarface or Miami Vice is going to remember that game fondly.

After that long-winded post, I think Vice City & San Andreas will become legends, but I think GTA III & IV will fade away. GTA V will probably be the "perfect" game imo. It'll take everything GTA IV got right, and bring back everything the previous games did too... it'll probably become another legend under that brand name.

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