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 Rep: 661 

Re: The Rant Thread

monkeychow wrote:
Handsome B. Wonderful wrote:

I recently jerked off and it came to mind that I've had it with GN'R forums.

Or the Internet in general. Take your pick.

It's soon time for one long break...

You should never make a life choice immediately before or after jerking off, the chemical balances are all wrong!

Of course for me that means I can never make a life choice 16

 Rep: 227 

Re: The Rant Thread

Will wrote:

The webhost for my Izzy site just dipped into my account and took over £100 renewal fees. I wouldnt mind so much but its not even due for renewal for another 3 months hmm will be down for a week whilst I move it elsewhere and the domain is transferred. Sucks, but not having money taken outta my account whenever they fuckin feel like it.

 Rep: 11 

Re: The Rant Thread

maguire22 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

You should never make a life choice immediately before or after jerking off, the chemical balances are all wrong!

Of course for me that means I can never make a life choice 16


Too, too true! 22

Axlin08 wrote:

The funny thing is these people get more coverage in the destruction of their lives, then they ever got when things went well.

Also true, +1 there for the reminder as well... cool

 Rep: 31 

Re: The Rant Thread

Stacey wrote:

I would really like to be able to sleep.
/end rant

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Rant Thread

monkeychow wrote:

^ Too much caffiene?

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

my apologies to any telemarketers on the board....but i wish they would fuck off 16

jsut got one...

pakidude - "we are coming to your neighborhood to give free estimates for windows in the next week and were wondering if you are interested"
Me - "no thanks"
dude - "did you recently have your windows replaced?"
Me - "No i jut moved here last year though"
dude - " is it a new house or an older one?"
Me - "well if you plan on coming to my neighborhood dont you know the ages of the houses here?" *click*

 Rep: 149 

Re: The Rant Thread

slcpunk wrote:

I have a sign to the side of my front door that says "No soliciting." Yet I still get knocks on the door. I've opened and asked the guy (at the time) what the sign says. I had one guy say "I'm not soliciting anything, I'm just here to tell you about...." The other was a Mormon missionary who answered "I'm here to tell you about the message of Jesus Christ." To which I replied "Yes, you are trying to sell me on that message, which is soliciting!"

Some of these guys got some nerve...I'm not as nice about it as I used to be.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Rant Thread

Axlin16 wrote:


Oh God I hate that.

I even went so far to BUILD A FENCE, and put a locked gate on the front... I literally had a guy who climbed over to sell me magazines. I literally went Jack Bauer on the guy, I wanted to know his name, where he's from, who he's working for... the guy got scared and ran off.

I was upset at myself afterwards, because I shouldn't have gotten that angry, but it just pisses me off.

 Rep: 287 

Re: The Rant Thread

Aussie wrote:
Neemo wrote:

my apologies to any telemarketers on the board....but i wish they would fuck off 16

jsut got one...

pakidude - "we are coming to your neighborhood to give free estimates for windows in the next week and were wondering if you are interested"
Me - "no thanks"
dude - "did you recently have your windows replaced?"
Me - "No i jut moved here last year though"
dude - " is it a new house or an older one?"
Me - "well if you plan on coming to my neighborhood dont you know the ages of the houses here?" *click*

The bloody telemarketers!!!

I just have fun with them now if I have the time:

Telem: "Hi my name is Jessica and I'm calling from Telstra to tell you about our new broadband packages.  Which carrier is your current internet connection with?"
Me:  Mmmmm Jessica I like that name (said in a creepy voice)
Telem: "Umm thanks, who is your current broadband carrier?"
Me: "What colour panties are you wearing?"
Telem: "Pardon"
Me:  "What colour panties are you wearing or are you not wearing any at all?"

lol - I alway try and get them to hang up on me.  The Mrs is always sitting there pissing herself laughing.  The other day I kept asking this guy if he was a boy or a girl, it was so hard to keep a straight face and not laugh.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Rant Thread

Neemo wrote:

haha...yeah sometimes we put our 2year old on the phone 16

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