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 Rep: 768 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

The Bucs had 'em 13-3...

Redskins win 16-13.


 Rep: 664 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

James wrote:

Watch out for Chicago. That streak I predicted is in its early stage. 9 They didn't even play that well, yet racked up 48 points against Detroit. Now I know you'll say, "your grandma could score 48 against Detroit", and that may be true, but the Bears are not a high scoring team. Even against shitty teams they'll win 16-6 or something like that.

Bears can win their next 3 games(Atlanta,Cincinnati,Cleveland), and if they do, look out Minnesota and Green Bay. You don't want this team on your ass heading towards the home stretch. The other teams in this division thrive only when the Bears are bottom feeders.


They aren't bottom feeders this year.

Didn't pay much attention to the other games, but apparently Tampa and Oakland still suck. 14

Also looks like Tennessee is on a downward spiral.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

The Raiders are slightly worse than the Bucs... but not by much.

 Rep: 53 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

slashsfro wrote:

Also looks like Tennessee is on a downward spiral.

You're too kind.  They're already circling the drain and waiting to be flushed.  That will happen next week when they get embarrassed next week vs the Colts on SNF at home.  Yet, Baghdad Fisher still insists that Kerry Collins is fine and his starter next week.

The Bucs had 'em 13-3...

Redskins win 16-13.


I haven't seen the Bucs play this year so is it a case of the offense being so bad that the defense just runs out of gas at the end(4th quarter) and just breaks or do they just suck at all three phases of the game?  At least the Dolphins won today.

The Raiders are slightly worse than the Bucs... but not by much.

Worst Teams:

1 Rams
2 Bucs
3 Titans
4 Raiders

Watch out for Chicago. That streak I predicted is in its early stage. 9 They didn't even play that well, yet racked up 48 points against Detroit. Now I know you'll say, "your grandma could score 48 against Detroit", and that may be true, but the Bears are not a high scoring team. Even against shitty teams they'll win 16-6 or something like that.

Bears can win their next 3 games(Atlanta,Cincinnati,Cleveland), and if they do, look out Minnesota and Green Bay. You don't want this team on your ass heading towards the home stretch. The other teams in this division thrive only when the Bears are bottom feeders.

Cinci is the tough game here as they seem to be back on track.  They actually seem to be playing defense this year just in time too as Lewis was on the hot seat.  Has the NFC caught up to the AFC in terms of being a loaded conference?  I'm not sure but there seems to be a lot of good contending teams in the NFC and it doesn't look like 9-7 or 8-8 will cut it for a wild card berth.  Only division(NFC) that stinks is the NFC West the others have at least 2 good teams in them.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

James wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

Worst Teams:

1 Rams
2 Bucs
3 Titans
4 Raiders

That list isn't complete without Cleveland, and pretty soon you can add Buffalo to that list. Throw Detroit up there as well.

Fisher should be fired before the halfway point of the season.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Bills cannot win with that offensive line. Plain and simple. This team is worse than they were last year, when they finished the season 3-9. Have lost at least 8 division games in a row, and Jauron will be fired this off-season. The biggest problem is that offensive line so they should be throwing money at Mike Shanahan.

Bears may be on an upswing but it's Denver that is looking better for having that trade. They're 4-0 and San Diego is not who they used to be.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

misterID wrote:

Yeah, Charges defense is terrible.

And the Titans problem isn't Fisher its his awful defensive coordinator. Just like the Charges. No one wanted Rivera after that Bears/Colts superbowl... Accept Norv!

The Bucs...

The reason the Glazers fired Gruden is that they wanted control of the team. I thought that was just in managing personel and draft picks and shit, but from what I heard they've gone all Al Davis and are now involved in play calling, too. Have a nice day at the bottom boys, and the huge bust in the making Freeman is going to be. 

The Saints are making me believe they're not pretenders this year.

The Bills need a left Tackle in the draft. On the brightside it looks like they might get the best one next year. 16

They need to pick up (LT) Levi Jones from free agency and stop with the no huddle offense. The Bills have the talent, there's no doubt, and this season could be salvaged, but that would mean dumping their coach and offensive coach during the bye, but I don't see that happening.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

James wrote:
Communist China wrote:

Bears may be on an upswing but it's Denver that is looking better for having that trade. They're 4-0 and San Diego is not who they used to be.

That is a WEAK division. Goldie Hawn could take her Wildcats into the AFC West, kick some ass, and clinch that division by week 8.

The trade definitely benefited both teams. I still say if Orton starts that SB, Bears trounce the Colts. Actually, Orton could have taken them to the SB the year before that, but Lovie Smith's hard on for Grossman prevented it from happening.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

Neemo wrote:

should be a good game tonight....lots of emotion i bet

 Rep: 664 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

James wrote:
Neemo wrote:

should be a good game tonight....lots of emotion i bet

Definitely watching it. Its a win-win situation for Bears fans. Both those teams need to lose as often as possible. 16

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