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 Rep: 633 

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

monkeychow wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Does he twist, shake and gurn like that on stage with NIN?

I saw him live with NIN in Feb and he moved around in his similar rag-doll style, expect with more head banging type thing as well.

Sounds like i'm mocking him with that decscription, but that's only because I don't have words to describe the way he moves. It was cool though, conveyed a sense of enjoyment in what he was playing.

As for fink overall. I enjoy his solos on the album, he came up with stuff that suits the tone of the songs well I think and it's quite individual. In terms of him playing the old songs and slash's parts, well, I think his interpertation of them was just too far off the studio versions for my particular taste. So I'll be interested to see how DJ plays them.

It's a little off topic but I like to sing along in my head to the guitar parts at shows. And with a band like Baz's cover band of Skid Row that's possible, as the guitarist will do his own thing, but faithfully replicate the catch mark melodies and squeels etc just when and where you are expecting them. The problem with fink to me was that he didn't do that - so you are singing along to say the sweet child solo in your mind - and then it's so different you loose continiuity with the song.

it's a real balance, as you want the players to be able to put them selves in. Like bumble to be able to add his crazy shred and stuff to some older songs, but you also want to respect the melody of the solos and stuff, as a lot of Slash's older solos drive the song in places, and it would be like if Axl came out and decided to sing a different tune/lyrics - it might actually be cool acedemically...but if you are watching singing along its easy to get lost.

 Rep: 423 

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:
war wrote:
Axl S wrote:

When he's got other writers with him like Bucket I think he can be good but when he's sent out on his own to solo it's terrbile to listen to. I really like his solos in SOD, CD, TWAT etc. His solos on the record as a whole I really enjoy but his "interpretations" of the live stuff and his solo spots are awful.

Finck is clearly a creative and talented musician


Yep. And I truly feel bad for people that don't get that.

(insert Finck Hater post saying they feel sorry for me that I do)

This is interesting.  I've always looked at it completely the opposite way.  I see him as a more technically skilled guitarist than I am (of course, most guitarists are because I rarely play), but he has no musical clue whatsoever.  The tone he plays with and the notes he hits just don't fit the music in any instance I've heard.  I can tolorate his TWAT solos, but even those are tough to listen to when they are isolated on the RB track.  Unless you consider playing out of tune to be a talent, I just don't see the musical talent.  If he had musical talent, somebody would have snatched him up to write something at some point in his career.  The fact that nobody did speaks volumes.

 Rep: 661 

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

monkeychow wrote:

But it's not really out of tune as such.

It's using intentional dischord and disonance to create tension in the notes. It's kind of hard to replicate I if his guitar was actually out of tune, or he was hitting too many notes totally in the wrong key it wouldn't sound like it does.

I think its a cool and interesting effect, but it my opinion it suits the new songs and not the back catalogue.

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

Sky Dog wrote:

agree...he fits the new material but for the most part, his style just does not fit AFD/Lies era Gnr.

It will be hard for ANY musician to do the AFD/Lies stuff due to the complete hard rock perfection that Slash/Izzy were in 87/88/89....just really perfect compliments for each other for those type of songs. That is why I don't really care for the new bands Nightrain, Rocket Queen or Brownstone etc...just very hard to replicate that feeling because it was a team of two guitar players playing off each other. I never liked Gilby because I thought he was a poor man's Slash and was too similar. Izzy did his own thing and Slash worked off him.

 Rep: 423 

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

buzzsaw wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

But it's not really out of tune as such.

It's using intentional dischord and disonance to create tension in the notes. It's kind of hard to replicate I if his guitar was actually out of tune, or he was hitting too many notes totally in the wrong key it wouldn't sound like it does.

I think its a cool and interesting effect, but it my opinion it suits the new songs and not the back catalogue.

It's disonance if it's minimally used.  It's out of tune if it's used extensively.

 Rep: 633 

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

buzzsaw wrote:

Russ, I think it's okay that you like him and his style.  I don't knock you for it.  I think for what he does (which admittedly I don't like) he is a fine guitar player and I can totally see liking him if you like that style.  My question is the talented musician part because I think the music is the part that he doesn't get. 

NIN isn't known for it's insane technical musical ingenuity - it's known for being very electronic, heavy, loud, and noisey (cluttered) and I think he fits in that arena fine.  I also think that's why some people tolorate his performance in the new band and can't stand what he did to the classics - the new stuff mostly qualfies as cluttered as well.  I think he has a complete lack of "feel" for the songs and just takes the same exact style to everything whether it's SR or a ballad.  He may be a talented guitarist for certain types of music and he may fit that style of music very well, but a talented musician would be able to adapt to different styles and that is where I see his biggest weakness.  I will admit that he is a good industrial style guitar player (I think I've always said that), but he's not a rock guitarist, I don't think he's a talented musician, and I definately don't think he musically fits what the band was or what people (in general) expect the band to be.

This isn't meant to be a shot at Finck at all - I'm really interested in having a serious discussion about this.  The post that said he was a talented musician really did interest me because I've always seen it the opposite way, so I want to understand where you guys are coming from.

 Rep: 108 

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

war wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:
war wrote:

Finck is clearly a creative and talented musician


Yep. And I truly feel bad for people that don't get that.

(insert Finck Hater post saying they feel sorry for me that I do)

This is interesting.  I've always looked at it completely the opposite way.  I see him as a more technically skilled guitarist than I am (of course, most guitarists are because I rarely play), but he has no musical clue whatsoever.  The tone he plays with and the notes he hits just don't fit the music in any instance I've heard.  I can tolorate his TWAT solos, but even those are tough to listen to when they are isolated on the RB track.  Unless you consider playing out of tune to be a talent, I just don't see the musical talent.  If he had musical talent, somebody would have snatched him up to write something at some point in his career.  The fact that nobody did speaks volumes.

I still agree with that. His clashing of notes can be the result of poor music theory as well. Because of his creative abilities he's able to figure that shit out when he's given time, like on the recordings.

I, also, remember there being a hold up with cd cause they had to go back and fix some of his tunings. certainly possible that that is relative.

 Rep: 633 

Re: DJ Ashba says GNR rehearses again!!

RussTCB wrote:


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