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 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:
NY Giants82 wrote:

I actually agree with McNabb last night. I dont think bringing your QB (McNabb) in and out of the game, to bring in a gimick, is a good thing. Getting in a rhythm is much more important... And of course, if McNabb throws an INT, like last night, the crowd will chant "We Want Vick!". I was shocked to hear that last night.

It's his own fault. He's the one who wanted to bring in his 'little buddy', now it'll just turn into a mess. Serves him right, he's the dipshit who wanted to bring him here. The first press conference he was all about it, he even said 'Of course I'd be willing to take a few plays off per game to catch a breather". He said that. Well Einstein, what if Vick plays great??!

McNabb ALWAYS goes thru a mid-season slump, and it'll happen again this year. Then he'll cry when people call for Vick. Dumbass. I hope they're all gone. Andy & Kolb too. Start new. We had a good thing & now it's gonna be all fucked up.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

Yeah I had forgot about the press conference. I just never thought it was a good idea to bring him in. I would have been vehemtly opposed to the Giants doing it, for the reason that I dont want Eli coming off the field. If I was an Eagles fan, I would feel the same way.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

James wrote:

I watched the first half of that Eagles-Jets game, and I hate to rain on Philly parades, but that Vick offense isn't gonna work in the regular season. Its just way too predictable. You know EXACTLY what they are going to do when he walks on the field. If he's lined up as QB, its either a run or he pitches it to a RB a nanosecond before crossing the line of scrimmage. If he's lined up as a WR, he's a worthless decoy.

All you gotta do is line up in a 46 style defense and this scum bag isn't getting more than 2 yards a play. Will probably get negative yardage.

I'll never understand the hype this guy gets. He was only a weapon in his first couple years because he was really fast and the league hadn't seen a running QB of that caliber in awhile. Once people caught on to the one trick pony show, it was over.

If I were a coach/GM, I would pay Vick to NOT play for my team. All you accomplish by signing him is boxing yourself into predictability.

First down: 3 yard run by Westbrook
Second down: McNabb 4 yard completion
Third down: Vick sacked for a 2 yard loss
Fourth down: Punt

There's your season in a nutshell Philly.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Kinda. I do think (and wish) a team like Detroit or Oakland or someone who NEEDS a QB got to take him. Somewhere he had a chance to just cause havoc. Yeah, the offense did seem predictable. He still trows a tight, fast spiral though, jeez. Never saw McNabb throw a 10 yard pass that fast.

Also I thought Kevin Kolb handled the coming in & out very well, and the flow of the game didn't suffer. I can't say that will happen when McNabb's the starter.

I'll post my season preditions soon, but I see Philly as 9-7, miss the playoffs, myb 8-8. Ahh what the hell, here goes:

NFC Winners




SB - GB vs Tenn. Long shot I'm sure, but what the hell.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

James wrote:

I would keep Vick off the field and place him in a "break glass only in case of emergency" container, and have Kolb as my 2nd string QB.

Vick will pass 10-20% of the time he gets the ball, and he's never been a good enough passer  to even bother since they already have a QB. Everyone knows he's gonna run 8 out of 10 snaps, so there's not even an element of surprise.

The guy is only slightly interesting when pressured. Let's say McNabb goes down for a few weeks and Vick is the starter. Just don't blitz him. He isn't comfortable hanging out in the pocket because he isn't a talented QB. Just throw everybody in the box and put one on one coverage on those WRs(maybe throw a safety back there) and this team isn't going anywhere. He cant pass consistently, and when you've got 7 or 8 guys watching his every move, only direction he's running is backwards.

Westbrook(or another RB) is gonna have to carry the load in an offensive scheme which partially revolves around Vick.

Your predictions are pretty solid, but I'm taking a stand right now and saying the Bears win that division, not the Vikings.

Your SB prediction blows though. Tennessee is believable, but Green Bay is a stretch.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

NY Giants82 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

SB - GB vs Tenn. Long shot I'm sure, but what the hell.

If GB's defense can come together, and I think they will under Dom Capers, they are going to be very good. It's not hard to imagine GB in the Super Bowl at all.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:

I know it's lame since they're the Super Bowl champs, but I think the Steelers are the most balanced team in the league.  Really good defense, good offense.  I think they'd be MY favorites right now, though I hope I'm WAY off.  As for my New England Patriots.  I think their offense will be top notch again and they'll easily make the playoffs and make a run at the Super Bowl.  But their defense has been on the decline for the last 3 years.  This year they've gotten younger on defense, but there are going to be some growing pains there with their inexperience.  And I'm not sold they'll be good enough to win it all.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:

Patriots just traded DL Richard Seymour to the Raiders for a 1st round pick in 2011.  And their defense just got worse.  It's a good move for the future, as he's set to be a free agent after this season and it was highly unlikely they were gonna be able to re-sign him, and the Raiders could still be terrible in 2 years so the pick could be a high one.  But as for this season, not good.  Seymour is still a high level defensive lineman, not quite what he once was, but still very solid.  They do have depth on the D-line to absorb the loss, but obviously this move doesn't make them any better for THIS season.  Their offense better be ready to put up 40 a game.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

I think their defense will be fine. Belicheck has proven time and time again that he can take one player out and plug someone else in and not miss a beat. Now, I'm not saying there will be no negative effect, I just dont think it will be that great.

 Rep: 281 

Re: The 2009 NFL Season Thread

faldor wrote:

The thing is, I wasn't sold on their defense before today.  I had huge questions about it, they were getting lit up by the likes of Jason Campbell in the pre-season.  And I realize, you can't take too much out of pre-season play, but they certainly didn't answer any of those questions, just caused people to worry even more.  Their defense has been on the decline for the last 3 years.  In 2007 it was overshadowed by their record setting offense, but it was an average to slightly above average defense at best.  Last year they got even worse on defense and while they got younger in the off-season, I'm not convinced they're any better.  And now losing a guy like Seymour doesn't help.  It might not hurt that much in the scheme of things as they do have pretty good depth on the D-line, but it certainly doesn't help.

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