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 Rep: 768 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

Axlin16 wrote:

You forget...

(G) The VMA rehearsal footage is supposed to feature an 'unmasked' Buckethead jamming with the band, which could send the Bucketheaders up in arms, because of their respect of no unmasked images or videos of Bucket, which could create another problem for the hoarders.

In fact if more Buckethead fans were to stand strong on that, it would severely cripple their leverage with the footage.

Axl S wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

In fact, one show that'd grab my attention, is if someone had a pro-shot of that HOB show in LATE 2001. Not much is known of that show, but it happened.

Is that the second Vegas show i.e. the one after the failed European tour.

Yes. Not even audio exists for it. Nothing.

 Rep: 4 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

gavgnr wrote:

The fella says he'll accept material of equal value from the CD era, not just the VMA rehearsals.

Is there really anything or anyone out there to trade?

The only thing I can think is the rest of checkmate, but how many people have this FFS?

 Rep: 768 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

Axlin16 wrote:

The problem is, the Mogg is not as valuable as it has been deemed the value of the VMA rehearsals.

The VMA rehearsal has been their ace in the hole for years, and if they blow it on the Mogg's, they won't have anything to play for future leaks.

There was one guy way back in the day, that claimed, and was confirmed to have virtually every show they ever did, including all new era performances on video, pro-shot, but refused to trade any of them, unless he was getting the 'entire' CD sessions in return. Can't remember his name tho. Used to be a MyGNR guy.

 Rep: 12 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

huntermc wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

You forget...

(G) The VMA rehearsal footage is supposed to feature an 'unmasked' Buckethead jamming with the band, which could send the Bucketheaders up in arms, because of their respect of no unmasked images or videos of Bucket, which could create another problem for the hoarders.

In fact if more Buckethead fans were to stand strong on that, it would severely cripple their leverage with the footage.

I saw some clips from the VMA rehearsals from one of the other boards a couple of years ago, and Buckethead does not have his trademark KFC bucket on. At first, it looked like his face was all fucked up like some burn victim, but in the close ups you can see that he's wearing a Frankenstein mask or something like that. Maybe there's more footage of him without the bucket, but I wouldn't think he'd let himself be filmed like that.

And before anyone ask, yes I did download it but at the moment I'm not sure where I saved it to.

edit: I see there's a clip on youtube of Madagascar and says it was from GNR Reincarnated, but I seem to recall it was a different clip that showed more Buckethead.

 Rep: 664 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

James wrote:

The Bucket unmasked footage is not at the actual rehearsals. Its the band at an airport either before or after the rehearsals.

I'm a 2001-02 line up nutswinger and even I don't give a shit about these rehearsals anymore.

 Rep: 0 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

You forget...

(G) The VMA rehearsal footage is supposed to feature an 'unmasked' Buckethead jamming with the band, which could send the Bucketheaders up in arms, because of their respect of no unmasked images or videos of Bucket, which could create another problem for the hoarders.

In fact if more Buckethead fans were to stand strong on that, it would severely cripple their leverage with the footage.

Axl S wrote:

Axlin08 wrote:

In fact, one show that'd grab my attention, is if someone had a pro-shot of that HOB show in LATE 2001. Not much is known of that show, but it happened.
Is that the second Vegas show i.e. the one after the failed European tour.
Yes. Not even audio exists for it. Nothing.

Yes it does my friend. Believe audio does exist. if u want proof messsage me.

 Rep: 633 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 207 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

DCK wrote:

The Vegas late 2001-2002 shows are indeed something to get your hands on. There's pictures..and reports..but nothing more. The 2001 boot is well known

 Rep: 341 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

bigbri wrote:
gnr2009buckethead wrote:

You forget...

(G) The VMA rehearsal footage is supposed to feature an 'unmasked' Buckethead jamming with the band, which could send the Bucketheaders up in arms, because of their respect of no unmasked images or videos of Bucket, which could create another problem for the hoarders.

Buckethead has a Frankenstein mask on, which is flesh-colored. Common misconception about that video.

The unmasked footage from the airport, I've never seen it, but there are many videos on YouTube of Bucket unmasked around the same time that famous newspaper picture appeared.

Frankly, I could care less about either video being hoarded.

 Rep: 0 

Re: RB2 cracked? mogg available?

smeagol2124 wrote:

I think there is some confusion re the vegas boots.  the HOB show is everywhere.  The following year, GNR played 2 shows  at the Joint (Hard Rock) in Vegas.  Same setlist both nights as I remember, but the band was a tad better sounding and "tighter" the 2nd show .  The 2 shows at the joint have never been circulated to my knowledge, I have heard some of November Rain someone recorded from the 1st night.  As a side note, then video montage played before both shows was awesome.  Remeber, this was after 9/11 and the pre show video bitched about arabs and oil and had scenes from 70's movies mingled in with some old news footage.  The HOB show was better, but it would be nice to have some audio/video from the Joint shows.  I went to all 3 of those shows, and I can tell you each one had a different vibe to them.

BTW, any luck on more moggs?  The guy with the airport footage is a decent cat, he's just after some new material like all of us.

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