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 Rep: 341 

Re: jarmos myspace page

bigbri wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

I would say their off topic sections are probably the best part of the site now. Although you could say that about most GNR sites at the moment.

No shit. I actually got into the Spin Room here debating 9/11. That's not good. That means there's absolutely nothing GNR to talk about. I usually stay out of politics threads, and I'm going back to that. If there's no GNR news around here, you won't see me much anymore.

 Rep: 633 

Re: jarmos myspace page

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 77 

Re: jarmos myspace page

TheMole wrote:
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:

htgth is a great board, jarmo is a good webmaster, and whether people like it or not, they are the only online community to get real recognition from Axl/GnR.    I post there everyday and there are plenty of people there.

You can repeat that mantra as much as you want, but it wont make it true.

Ok, Jarmo might be a good webmaster (as in, he used to pay for the hosting; site looks good, is plenty fast, not many technical problems), but he's the worst moderator ever.

A couple of reasons:
  1. A moderator is supposed to act impartial (not be impartial, he can have an opinion of his own, act impartial); Jarmo is not
  2. He does not live by his own forum rules
  3. He censors information, not based on it's validity, but based on how much he likes it. He has a section called "GNR News", which might just as well be called "The bits of GNR news that do not rub me the wrong way".
  4. His views on what and what not to censor change dramatically over time. He removed articles from his own site; articles that had been there for years.
  5. He resorts to personal attacks and mis-use of his powers when 'losing' a discussion. For instance: when cornered, he just removes those parts of your post he can't argue with and ignores them. Subsequent complains about this get removed as well.

Fact is, he effectively runs his site in a true Orwellian fashion. I'm starting to suspect he's doing this as some kind of social experiment, seeing how far he can push his more-than-willing flock of followers into this double-think paradigm.

I always thought this sort of thing was not possible in the real world, people couldn't be such push-overs, right? Freedom of speech and expression is everything (isn't that the American way?), that's what I always hear. But then again, dictatorship is the best rule to live under when you're in that select group that reaps all the benefits.

Re: jarmos myspace page

TheMole wrote:
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:

htgth is a great board, jarmo is a good webmaster, and whether people like it or not, they are the only online community to get real recognition from Axl/GnR.    I post there everyday and there are plenty of people there.

You can repeat that mantra as much as you want, but it wont make it true.

Its all true.  Just because you don't like the way it is run, doesn't mean its not a great board.  In my personal opinion, its a great board.  I can see why people who just want to worship slash and rag on axl constantly might not like it.   Yes here today is the only site that has gotten recognition from GnR.  read Merck's infamous "13 tuesdays statement".    And yes there is plenty of people there.   If you don't like it, don't go.   very simple.

 Rep: 77 

Re: jarmos myspace page

TheMole wrote:
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:

Its all true.  Just because you don't like the way it is run, doesn't mean its not a great board.  In my personal opinion, its a great board.  I can see why people who just want to worship slash and rag on axl constantly might not like it.   Yes here today is the only site that has gotten recognition from GnR.  read Merck's infamous "13 tuesdays statement".    And yes there is plenty of people there.   If you don't like it, don't go.   very simple.

So what about the other arguments in my post? Don't they disturb you? Are they not true?

Re: jarmos myspace page

TheMole wrote:

So what about the other arguments in my post? Don't they disturb you? Are they not true?

as far as editing posts?  I've never seen anything like that.    They delete  posts, but I think they are just trying to keep a little bit of order.    I've never been upset at the few topics Jarmo chooses to not have discussed on that board.

 Rep: 287 

Re: jarmos myspace page

Aussie wrote:
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:

[whether people like it or not, they are the only online community to get real recognition from Axl/GnR.

I wouldn't say they have had recognition as such from Axl/GNR - I would call it more a business decision by Axl.  From where I sit it appears that there is some business arrangement in place where GN'R probably fund some or all of the site.  I would imagine there are also other "back scratching" arrangements in place too.  In return the GN'R camp have got themselves a large propoganda tool for the band.

Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:

I can see why people who just want to worship slash and rag on axl constantly might not like it.

That's the other bit I don't understand when people objectively want to question something done by Axl or the new band, they are met with that response - Axl haters aren't welcome's not 1987 still etc type of attitude.

Personally I like both the new band and old.  I paid a lot of money this year to see 3 concerts of the current lineup, including flying my girlfried and I over to the east coast of Oz to catch 2 extra shows.  I also like the old band members too and I hope to do the same to see VR early next year.

I also recognise that both the old band members/VR and the way the current incarnation of GN'R is being run isn't perfect.  Therefore I like to be able to objectively discuss both sides - but the outward hostility towards people over there that dare question Axl pretty much prevents it.  I don't mean people that just repeatedly wanna whinge and bash him coz that's pointless, but the guy is not mother theresa either and the GN'R ship hasn't exactly been skippered all that well either, but it doesn't seem you can have an unbiased healthy discussion about it.

Re: jarmos myspace page

Aussie wrote:

I wouldn't say they have had recognition as such from Axl/GNR - I would call it more a business decision by Axl.

he was also mentioned at a show in 2002.

Aussie wrote:

I also recognise that both the old band members/VR and the way the current incarnation of GN'R is being run isn't perfect.  Therefore I like to be able to objectively discuss both sides - but the outward hostility towards people over there that dare question Axl pretty much prevents it.  I don't mean people that just repeatedly wanna whinge and bash him coz that's pointless, but the guy is not mother theresa either and the GN'R ship hasn't exactly been skippered all that well either, but it doesn't seem you can have an unbiased healthy discussion about it.

you just have to take it for what it is - a site to support Guns N' Roses.  Its not a Velvet Revolver fan site.   Jus like I wouldn't go to VelvetRevolverForum.Com everyday to tell them how bad I think Scott is with VR and how much those guys need Axl.    I really appreciate Jarmo's position on that whole thing over there.. because you have a huge site like MyGnR which is pretty much a Axl hatefest/Slash temple.

 Rep: 287 

Re: jarmos myspace page

Aussie wrote:
Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:
Aussie wrote:

I wouldn't say they have had recognition as such from Axl/GNR - I would call it more a business decision by Axl.

he was also mentioned at a show in 2002.

Aussie wrote:

I also recognise that both the old band members/VR and the way the current incarnation of GN'R is being run isn't perfect.  Therefore I like to be able to objectively discuss both sides - but the outward hostility towards people over there that dare question Axl pretty much prevents it.  I don't mean people that just repeatedly wanna whinge and bash him coz that's pointless, but the guy is not mother theresa either and the GN'R ship hasn't exactly been skippered all that well either, but it doesn't seem you can have an unbiased healthy discussion about it.

you just have to take it for what it is - a site to support Guns N' Roses.  Its not a Velvet Revolver fan site.   Jus like I wouldn't go to VelvetRevolverForum.Com everyday to tell them how bad I think Scott is with VR and how much those guys need Axl.    I really appreciate Jarmo's position on that whole thing over there.. because you have a huge site like MyGnR which is pretty much a Axl hatefest/Slash temple.

Yeah true - HTGTH and mygnr are the ying and yang of the GN'R world.

You know what you are going to get with each site and as you say - take it for what it is.

 Rep: 53 

Re: jarmos myspace page

elmir wrote:

if it wasn't for mygnr and htgth, there would be no board like this.....mygnr is far too childish, htgth is far too dictatorial, and this is the perfect middle. Well moderated, democratic, and fair. The way it should be.

If all boards were the same, it would be so boring. We need them both to be like they are, otherwise we'd post even less on these boards than we do already.

i like jarmo and his thing, the site is cool, a few things on there annoy me at times, in particular i don't like how they choose which updates to post, and which ones not to post....that's the only thing i find unfair of the whole a fan, i would like to make the decision by myself if i like/believe a certain piece of news is legit, and don't want to be censored.

at the same time, loads of people on there need to be censored, so one can't argue that point too much either.

i like the errors in slash's book thread, but what he should have done is made the same thread for errors in other books which were published about gnr, if his whole objective was to "correctly inform" and fix errors with that type of a topic.

his blatant despise for anything Slash/VR related is also understandable, just not my thing.

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